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Z�15�535� <br /> a�E�a �F T�u�� <br /> 4Conti n u�d� Pag� � <br /> ELECTRDNIC GOP[ES. Lender may capy, electron�ca�ly ar otherwise, and thereaf�er destray, th� orig�nals of this <br /> Agreement andlor Related Documenfs in �he regular c�urse of Lender's business. All such �vpies p�-oduced from an <br /> electronic form vr�y any ather reliable rneans �i.e., phatographic image vr facsimile}shall in all respe�fs be considered <br /> equi�alen�to an original,and 6orrower hereby waiWes any rights or obje�tions ta the use a�such copies. <br /> 1111[SGELLANEDUS PRaVf51aNS. The following miscellan�ous prav[sians are a part of�his fleed❑f Trust: <br /> Amendments. This❑eed of Trust,�agether with any Reiated❑oeumen�s, constitutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreernent of�h� parties as to the matters s�#�ar�h in this Deed of Trust. IVo alt�ratian �f��-arnendrnent�a th�s <br /> Deed af Trus#shall b��ffecti�� unless given in writ�ng and signed by#he party❑r parkies sought ta b�charged ar <br /> bound by the alteration❑r amendm�nt. <br /> Annual Reports. lf the Property is used for purposes other than Trustor's residence, Trustar shall furnish to <br /> Lender, upon request, a r.erfified stafemen� of net operating inc�me recei�ed frvm �he Proper�jr during Trus�or's <br /> pre�iaus fscal year in such �orm and de�ail as Lender shail require. "IVet operating incame" shal� mean all cash <br /> rece�pts from the Properky less a�l rash expenditures made in�onnec�ion with the aperation❑f the Property_ <br /> �aptivn Headings. Caption headings in this Deed ❑f Trust a�e for �on�enience purpvses only and are not#a be <br /> used to interpret vr define the pro�isians o��his Deed af Trus�. <br /> Merger�. There shall be no rnerger a�the in��rest or es�a�e crea�ed by�his Deed of Trust with any o�her interest or <br /> estate in th� Praperty at any time he�d hy❑r�ar the benefi�vf L�nder in any capacity,withaut the writ�en cansent <br /> �f Lender. <br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed af Trus# w"rll be governed by�edera! !aw applicabEe to Lender and, ta fihe ex�ent nv� <br /> prQernp�ed by f�deraf iaw,the Iaws vf the 5tate of Nebraska wi�hou�re�ard�o i�s conflicts of law pro�isions. This <br /> D�ed vf Trust has been ac�ep�ed hy Lender'rn the Sfa�e of Nebraska, <br /> Chnice Qf Venue. !f�here is a lawsuit, Trustvr agrees upon Lender's request to submit ta �he jurisd�ction o�fhe <br /> �ou�ts of Hail Coun�y, State of Nebraska. <br /> Jvin# and Severa[ Liahility. A�� Qbligations o�F Borrower and Trustor under this �eed of Trust shall be}oin� and <br /> se�eral, and all re�erences�o Trustor shall mean each and e�er�Trusfor, and all references ta Borrower shall mean <br /> each and e�ery Barrower. This means that each Trus�or signing�e[aw is�esponsible for al�obligations in this Deed <br /> of Trust. Where any one a� more �f the par�ies is a carp�ratian, parknership, limited I�ability company�r simi�ar <br /> ent�ty, it is not neoessary for Lender tQ inqu�re Ento�he powers of any Qf�he ofFicers,d�rec�ors, partners, members, <br /> or other agents acting ar purporting ta a��❑n the en�i�y's behalf, and any abligatians made ar�reated in reliance <br /> upon fihe prvfessed exercise of such powers shall be guaranteed under�his Deed of Trus�. <br /> No Waiver hy Lender, Lend�r shall not be deemed to have waived any rights under this ❑eed o�Trust unless such <br /> waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omissian on the pa�#of Len�er in exerc�sing any right <br /> shail vpera�e as a wa��er of such right or any oth�r r�ght. A vrraiver hy Lender of a provision vf this Deed of Trust <br /> shall na� prejudice or constitute a waE�er of Lender's right otherw�se to dernand strict campl�ance with that <br /> pro�ision or any o'�her pra�isian o� this ❑eed ❑f Trust. No pri�r wai�er by Lender, nor any caurs� of dealing <br /> hetween Lender and Trustvr, sha�� consti�ute a waiver�f any of Lender's righ�s or of any vf Trust�r's o�l�gatians <br /> as to any future �ransaGtinns. VIlhenev�r ihe cans�nt of Lender is required under�his ❑eed of Trust,the granting <br /> of such cons�nt by Lend�r in any instance sha�l nat constitu�e continuing consent to subs�quent instances where <br /> such consent is requ�red and in alf�ases such c�nsent may be granted or withheld in the sole discre�ion of Lender. <br /> 5e�erability. !f a court a�f carnpetent juri�diction finds any prav�sian af this �eed of Trust to he illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforc�able as to any cir�umstance, that finding sha1� not make the affending pra�ision il�ega�, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any o�her circurnstance. �f feasible, the o�Fending prv�is�on shall be cansidered modifed so <br /> that it beoames �egal, valid and en�orceable. I� fhe offendin� provision cannot be so madified, it shal� be <br /> considered deleted from �his �Jeed vf Trust. Unl��s otherwise required by [aw, the il[egality, in�alidify, ar <br /> unenforceabil�ty of any pra��sEon of this Deed❑f Trust shall n�t affect the legali�y, �alid�ty❑r enfarceabtli�y of any <br /> ofiher pro�ision of thi�Deed af Trus#. <br /> Suc�essvrs and Assigns. 5ubject t❑ any limitatians stated in this Deed vf Trust on trans�er❑f Trus�or's in�erest, <br /> this Deed �f Trus�shall be binding upon and inur�tv the �enefif af�he parties, their successors and assigns. I� <br /> ❑wne�ship ❑f the Property bec�mes vested in a pers�n�ther than Trustar, Lender,withaut natice to Trustar, rnay <br /> dea�with Trustar''s suc�essars with reference to this❑eed of Trust and�he lndebtedness by way o�f�rbea�ance❑� <br /> e�tensian w�thou�releasing Trust�r frorn the❑bliga�ions�f this D�ed af T�ust❑r[iabiiity under the [ndeb#edness. <br /> Time is a��he EssenGe. Time is af the�ssence in the perfarmance of this Deed of Trust. <br /> 1Nai�e Jury. Ail parties�o this Deed af Trust hereby waive the right�a any jury�rial in any a�tian, prviceedEng, �r <br /> cvunterclaim brvught by any party agains�any other party. <br /> VYai�er vf Homes�ead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and v,rai�es aIC rights and benefits of the homestead <br /> exemption laws❑�the 5�a�e v�Nebraska as t�all Indebtedness se�ured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> �EF1N[T1DN5. The followin� capitalized wo�ds and terms shall ha�e�he foflow�ng meanings when used �n this ❑eed�f <br /> Trust. L1nless specifically stated to the contrary, al� references ta d�llar amounts shall mean amounts in iawful money <br /> af the lJnited States ❑f America. VIlords and terms used in the singular shai( include the plurai, and the plural shall <br /> include the singular, as the context may require. V1lords and te�'ms not otherwise defined in this ❑eed of Trust shall <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in the Ll nifarm Camrnercial Code: <br /> 6eneficiary. The word "Beneficiary"means Firs�Na�ional 6ank of�maha,and it�successars and assigns. <br /> 6arrower. The word "Borrower"rneans J & B R�ntals, L.L.G.;William P.�iller;and Julann I�.Ziiler and includes all <br /> co-signers and co-makers signing th�N�te and all their successors and assigns. <br /> ❑eed of Trus�. The words "�eed o� Trust" mean th�s ❑eed of Trust among Trusta�, Lender, and T�ustee, and <br /> in�ludes without [imi�ation ail assignment and se�urity interest prfl�isions relating t❑ the Persanal Praperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> De�ault. The word "Default"means#he Defau��set�orth in this Deed of Trust in the sectian tit�ed "De�auft". <br /> En�irvnmental Laws. The words "En�ir�nmental Laws" mean any and al1 state, federa[ and local statutes, <br /> reguIatians and vrdinances relating to the protecfion of human health or �he en�ironment, ir�cluding withou� <br /> limitation the�ampreh�nsi�e Enviranmental Response, Compensa��vn, and Liabili�y Acf ❑f 'i 980, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.G. Sectian 960�, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, �he 5uperfund amendments and Reauthori�ation Act of 198�, F'ub. L. <br /> N�.99-499 �"SARA"},fhe Ha�ardous Mat�rials Transpor�ation Act,49 U.S.C.S�ctian 18�1, �t seq.,the R�saurce <br /> C�nservation and Reco�ery Act, 4� L1.S.C. Section 590�, et seq., or ather applicable state ar fed�ral laws, rules, <br /> or regulations adopted pursuar�t ther�to, <br /> IEr►en�of❑efauit. The words"E�enf af Default"mean any af the e�ents of default s�t forth �n this Deed of Trus�in <br /> the e�ents vf defaul�section of�his Deed af Trust. <br /> lEx�sting lndebt�dness. The words "Existing [ndeb��dness" mean th� indeh�edness d�scrib�d in ��e Existing Liens <br /> provisian vf this Deed af Trust. <br />