<br /> aEED �F TRUS`T
<br /> �Conti n ued� Pag� �
<br /> �a} L1pon receipt of such natice from Lender,Trustee shall cause to be recarded, published and deii�ered
<br /> t❑Trustor su�h Not�c� o�Default and Notice of Safe as then requ�red by law and by this aeed af Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, withou� demand on Trustor, after su�h t�rne as may then be required by law and after
<br /> recordation of such Notice o� ❑efault and after No��ce of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Prop�rty a� the time and piace ❑f sale �€xed by it in such Notic� af 5aie, e��her as a whale, ar in
<br /> separate lo#s or parce[s or iterns as Trustee shall deem expedient,and in such order as it may de�ermine,
<br /> a�public auction t❑ �he highest�idder far cash in iawful rnoney❑f the lJni�ed 5tates payable at the t�me
<br /> of sale. Trustee shall de�i�er to such purchaser ar purchasers therevf its goad and suf�i�ient deed ar
<br /> de�ds con�eying the property s❑ sold, but with�ut any cQ�enan� or warranty, �xpress ❑r impfied. The
<br /> recita�s in such deed af any matters or fa�ts sha�l be conclusive proof❑f the truthfulness thereof. Any
<br /> persan,includ�ng without limitatian Trustor,Trus#ee,❑r Lender,may purchase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be perm it'�ed by law, a��er dedu�ting a11 costs, �ees and expenses of Tr-ustee and O�$h f5
<br /> Trust, includ�ng casts a�eWidence vf ti#le in connectian with sale,Trus�ee shall app�y the proceeds of saEe
<br /> �a payment of �i}all sums exp�nded under the terms�f this Deed of Trust�r under the terms af the Note
<br /> not�hen repaid, including but not limited to accrued interest and �ate �harg�s, �ii� all ather surns then
<br /> se�ured her�by,and (iiiy fhe remaind�r,if any,t❑the person❑r p�rsons legafly ent���ed theretv.
<br /> �c} Trust�e rnay in the manner prv�ided by law pos#pone sale of all ar any por�ion of the Property.
<br /> Remed�es N�t Ex�[usi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be entit�ed tv enfvr�e payment and
<br /> perFvrman�e of any indebtedness or obf igatians se�ured by th�s Deed vf Trust and to exercise all rights and powers
<br /> under�his ❑eed of Trus�, under the Nate, under any of�he Refated Dvcuments,or under any ather agreemen�❑r
<br /> any laws navv ar hereafter in force; notwithstanding,same o�al�a�such indebt�dn�ss and❑b�i�atians secured hy
<br /> fhis Deed o�Trust may n�w or herea��er be otherwise secur�d, whether by rnortgage, deed vf�rust, p��dge, �ien,
<br /> assignment or o�herwise. Neither the acceptan�e a�this Deed of Trust nar i�s enfflrGernen�, whe�her by court
<br /> acti�n ar pu�suant t� the pav,rer af sa�e ar o�her powers �antained in �his �eed �f T�ust, shal! pr�judice or in any
<br /> rnanner affect Trust��'s ar Lender`s�ight ta reali�e upon or enfarce any other security now ar hereafter heid by
<br /> Trus�ee ar Lender,i�being agreed that Trustee and Lender,and�ach❑f them, shall be entitled to enfar�e this Deed
<br /> ofi Trust and any a�her secur��y now �r her�after held by L�nder�r Trustee in suCn arder and manner as they ar
<br /> either ❑�them may in their absaiute discretivn deterrnine. No remedy canferred upon ❑r reserved to Trustee �r
<br /> Lender, is�ntended to be�xclusi�e of any a�her rernedy�n�his ��ed af Trusf or by law pro�ided❑r perrnitted, �ut
<br /> each sha�[ be �umu[a�i�e and shall be in additivn tv e�ery other remedy gi�en in �his Deed a� Trust or now ar
<br /> h�reafter existing a�law or in equity or by statute. E�ery power ar rernedy gi�en by the N�te vr any afi the Related
<br /> Dvcuments tv Trustee ar Lender �r to which either of them may be o�herwise enti�led, may be exercised,
<br /> Goncurrently or indep�ndentiy,from time ta tirn�and as often as may be deem�d�xp�di�nt by Trustee or Lender>
<br /> and either a� them may pursue in�ansisten� rernedies. No�hing in this De�d nf Trust shall be ��nstrued as
<br /> prohibifiing Lender fram seeking a deficiency;udgmen�against the Trustar to�he ex�ent such a�tivn is permitted by
<br /> law. EleGtion �y Lender tv pursue any remedy shall no�exclude pursui�vf any ather remedy, and an ele���an ta
<br /> rnake expenditures or to �ake action tv perform an obligativn of Trus#or under th is Deed vf Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> fa�lure to perf�rm,shall nat affect Lender's right t❑declare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Reques�for Notice. Trus�vr,on beha(�of Trus�vr and Lender, hereby requests that a copy af any Nv�ice❑f Defau�t
<br /> and a copy�f any Notice vf 5ale under�his Deed o�Trust be mai�ed t❑�hem a#the addresses se�f�rth in the firs�
<br /> paragraph af th is Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. 1� Lender institutes any �uit or action �❑ enforce any of the terms af this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lend�r sha�i be entitIed tv reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys'fiees at trial
<br /> and upan any appeal. 1M�ether or n�t any�vu�t ac�ion is invoi�ed, and to the ext�nt no� prohik��ted by law, aEl
<br /> reasanable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinfon are necessary at any time far the protection of its
<br /> int�res�❑r th�enfarcement of�ts�ights shail becnme a part of the lndebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br /> interest at the No�e rate Trom�he date of the expenditure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph in�lude,
<br /> with�ut lim�ta�ian, howe�er subje�t ta any limits under applicabl�law, Lende�'s at�orneys'fees and Lender's legaf
<br /> expenses, whether or not there is a�awsui�, inc�uding attarneys'�ees and expense�far bankruptcy proceedings
<br /> tincluding efforfs ta modify vr Wacate any au�oma#i�stay vr injunG�ian}, appeals,and any ant�cipated pas��udgmenf
<br /> coflecfion services, �h�cost of searching reco�ds,obtain�ng t�tie�-eports�including forecloSur�repvrts}, surveyo�-s'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� fees, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, to the extent perm�tted by applicabie iaw.
<br /> Trustor also will pay any�aurt casls,in additian�o aIl ather sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights❑f Trustee. T�ustee sha�i have all af the rights and du�ies af Lender as set forth in this secfion.
<br /> P�WERS AND �BLIGATIaNS�F TRUSTEE. The following pro�isions relating ta the p�wers and abl�ga�ior�s af Trustee
<br /> are part of this❑eed af Trust:
<br /> Pawers v�'Trusfee. In addi�i�n ta all powers of Trustee arising as a matter❑f law,Trustee shall have the pativ�r to
<br /> take the fa�iowing actions with respect to�he Prop�r�y upon the wri��en request ofi Lender and Trustor: �a}�ain in
<br /> preparing and fiiing a map or pla� o�the Reaf Property, including the dedication of streets ❑r other rights t❑ the
<br /> publi�; �b}jvin in granting any easement or creating any restricti�n an the Real Property; and �c} join in any
<br /> subot'dination vr ather agreement a��ecting�his❑eed o�Trust ar th�interest of Lendet�under this ❑eed af Trus�.
<br /> Trusfee. Trusf�e shall rneet all qualifcatians requir�d fQr Trustee under app�i�a�le �aw. ln additian to the rights
<br /> and remedies ss�farth ab��e, with respect t❑ all ar any part af the Prape�y,the Trus��e shall have the right�o
<br /> far�ciase by natice and sa�e, and Lender shall have the right t❑ fore�lose by judicial �o�ecl�sure, in �ither cas� in
<br /> a�cardance with and to the fu II�xtent pr���ded by applicabie law.
<br /> 5uccess�r Trustee. Lender, at Lende�'s aption, may frarn tirne tv tim�appaint a suc�essar Trustee to any Trus�ee
<br /> appointed under this Deed �f Trust by an instrumen��x��uted and acknowledged by Lender and re�arded in the
<br /> office af the recorder af Hall Coun�y, State af [Vebraska. The instrument shall can�ain, in additian ta ali other
<br /> rnat�ers required by stat� �aw, the names of the ariginal Lender, Truste�, and Trustor, fihe boak and page �or
<br /> �amputer system ref�ren�e}where this ❑eed of Trust is re�orded, and the name and address o€ the suc�essor
<br /> trustee,and�he instrument shall be execu�ed and acknowledged by all th�beneficiaries under this Deed of Trust ar
<br /> their suGcessars in int�r�st. Th�success�r trus�ee, wi�haut cvn��yance of the Property, shall su�ceed t❑ all �he
<br /> t�tle, pvw�r,and du�ies canferred upon the Trustee in th�s�eed af Trust and by applicabl�law. This procedure far
<br /> substitutian of Trust�e shall govern t❑the exclusivn af all other pravisions fvr substi�utian.
<br /> N�TlCES, Any no�ice required to be given under this Deed of Trust, including without lirnita�ian any no��ce ❑f d��ault
<br /> and any nvtice af sale shall be g�ven in writing, and shall be eff��tive when actually deli�ered,when actually r�cei�ed
<br /> by telefacsirnile�unless a�herwise required by Iaw},when depasi�ed wi�h a nationally�ecagnized o�ernight caurier,or, ifi
<br /> mailed,when d�posi�ed in the United 5tates mail, as first class, certified ar register'ed ma�l pvstage prepaid,dire�ted to
<br /> the addresses shvwn near the beginning of this D�ed vf Trusf. All copies of notices vf farec�osure fram the holder v�
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er�his Deed of Trust shall be sent�o Lender's address, as shown near�he beginning ❑�
<br /> this Deed af Trust. Any pa�ky may �hange i�s address far natices under#his Deed o�Trus# by gi�ing farma� vvri�ten
<br /> notice to the o�h�r par�res, specifying �ha� �he purpvse Qf the n��ice is �o change the party's address. For no�ice
<br /> purposes,Trustor agrees t❑keep Lender infarmed a�all tirnes vf Trustar's curren�address. Unless atherwise pro�id�d
<br /> ❑r required by law, if there Es more than one Trus�or,any natice gi�en by Lender tv any Trustor is deemed�v l�e nati�e
<br /> gi�en�❑all Trustars.
<br />