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��15�5335 <br /> �an�inue to pa�ta L�nder the amaun�of the sepau ate��designa�ed payments that were due�vh�n the <br /> �nsurance coverage ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept, use and retain these payments as a <br /> non-refunda�l�l�ss reserve in lieu of Mortgage Insura.nce, Such lass reser�e shail�e non-refundabie, <br /> notwiths�anding the fact�hat the Loan is ult�mately paid�n full, and Lender sha�l not be required��pay <br /> B�rrov�r�r any interest ar earnings on such IQss reserve. Lender can no langer require loss reserve payments <br /> �f Mor�gage Insurance co�erage�in the amaun�and far the p�riad�hat Lender requires}pravided by an <br /> insurer sele�ted�y Lend�r aga�n�e�om��a�ailable, �s obtained, and Lender requ�res separately designated <br /> pa�ments�award the prern.i.ums for Mor�gag��nsurance, If Lender requ�red M�rtgage Insurance as a <br /> �ondition of mak�ng th�I,oan and Borrower v�as required to make separa�el�r desxgnated paym�n�s�o�ard the <br /> premiums for Mnr�gag�Insurance, B�rrower sha�l pay the premiurns required to mait�tain Mor�gage <br /> ��suranc�in effe��, ar ta pro�ide a non-refundab�e�as� reser�e, until Lender'�requ�rement for Mor�gage <br /> �nsurarice ends in accardance with any vvr�t�.en agre�r�en�be�ween Borrower and L�nder pro�iding f�r su�h <br /> termination or until t�rm�nation is required by Applica�le Lav�. Nothing in this Se�tian ��affe��s <br /> B�rr�wer's��1�gat�on to pay in�eres�at the ra�e pr�vided in�he Nvte. <br /> M�rtgage Insurance reimburses Lender�or any enti�.y�hat purchases t�ie Note} for cer�ain�osses it may incur <br /> if Borrower does na�repa�the Loan as agreed, Borrower�s na�a par�y to�he M�rtgage Insuran�e. <br /> M�rtgage�nsurer�e�aluate�heir tota� r�s�on aIl such�nsuranee in force from time to time, and may en�er <br /> xntQ agreements with flther par�i�s tha�shar�ar modify�he�r ri�k, or reduce losses. These agreements ar�on <br /> �erms and cand�ti�ns tha�are satisfactary�o�he mort�age insurer and�.he o�her party�or part�es}to these <br /> agreemen�s. These agreemen�s rna�require the m�rtgage insurer to make payments using any source of funds <br /> that�he rnor�gage insurer may ha�e a�ai�able�vvhich ma� inc�ude funds ob�a�ned from Mar�gage Insurazace <br /> prenuums). <br /> As a result of these agr�emen�s, Lender, any purchaser of�he�iflte, another in�urer, any re�nsurer, any other <br /> en�xty, ❑r any affilia�e nf any of�he foregoirig, may receive�dxrec��y or indirectly} amounts�hat derive from <br /> �or m�ght be chara�t�riz�d as}a porti�n of Barrov�er'�payments for Mart�age Insurance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modifyxng�h��rnor��age insurer's risk, �r reducing l�sses. If such a�reem�nt pr��ides that an <br /> aff��iate of Lender�ak�s a�hare�f the insurer's r�sk in ex�hange f�r a share af the pren�ums paid to�he <br /> insurer, the arra.ngement xs often�errned "capt�ve reinsurance." Fur�her: <br /> ta} Any such agreements w���nv�affect the amounts tha�B�rrower has agreed to pay far Martgage <br /> InSurance, ar any other terms of the Lvan. Such agreements wil�no�increase the amflun� <br /> Borrawer wi�l�we for Mnrtgage InsuranCe, and they wil�.not enti�le Barrawer ta any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agre�men�s wxll no�affect the righ�s Borrower has-if any-wi�h respe��to�he <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homcowncrs Pratection A�t of 1�95 or any o�her�aw. These rights <br /> may include the right to re�e��e�er�a�n disclasure�,t�reque5�and�h�ain cancellatian of the <br /> Mor�gage Insurance, to ha�e�he Martgage Insurance term�nated automat�ca��y, andl�r ta receive <br /> a r�fund af any M�rtgage Insuran�e prem�urns that were unearned a�the time of�uch <br /> cancella�ion or term�na�ion. <br /> 'I'[. Assignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; F�rfeiture. AI�Miscellaneaus Praceeds are hereby assign�d to <br /> and shall be pai.d�o Lend�r. <br /> If the Prapert�is damagcd, such Miscel�an�ous Proceeds sha11 be applied to res�orat�an or repa�r of the <br /> Proper�y, if the r�storatian or repaxr zs e��nomically f�as�b��and Lender's s��uri�.y�s nat less�ned. During <br /> such repair and res�ora�ion p�riad, Lender sha��have�he right to hald such Mis�ellaneous Proceeds unti� <br /> Lender ha�had an opportun�t�t�inspect such Property�a�nsu re the work has been compl eted�.o Lender's <br /> NEBRAS�CA-5ingle Fars3ily-Fanni�Maelf=reddie Mac uNI�QRM lNSTRUMENT �orm 3fl28 11a1 <br /> VMP C] VMP��IV�]{13D�y <br /> Woiters fCluwer Finan�ial 5ervices Page 9 of 17' <br />