<br /> satisfa�t�on, pro�zded�ha�such inspection sha���e under�aken promptl�, Lender may pay f�r the r�pairs
<br /> a�d restorat��n�n a s�ngle dis�bursemen�ar in a series af progres�p�.�ments as�he work x�c�mpie�ed.
<br /> Un�ess an agreemen�is made in v�rit�ng or App��cable Law requires in�erest to be paid�n such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha11 no�be requ�red to pay Borrov��r any in�erest or earnings ari such
<br /> Miscellaneous Pr���eds. If th�restaratian or repaxr is not e�onorn�caliy feasihle or Lender's security would
<br /> be��ssened, �he Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be app���d to the sums secured by this S�curity Ins�rum�r��,
<br /> whether or not�hen due, vvi�h the excess, if at��r, pa�d�fl Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds sha11 be
<br /> applied in the order prov�ded far in 5ec�ion 2�.
<br /> In the event�f a tota� tak�ng, des�ru�tion, or 1�5s in�alue of the Froper�.�, the Mi�cellane�us Prace�ds sha�l
<br /> be applied to the sums s�cured by th�s Security Ins�rument, �vvh�ther�r not�hen due, with�h�excess, if any,
<br /> paxd�o Barrower,
<br /> �n�he event of a par�ial taking, destructian, or�oss xn va�ue af the Pr�per���n v�hich the fair marke�va1u�of
<br /> the Prflp�r�y irnmediately before the partial taking, destru�t�on, or I�ss in value is equa�to�r greater than�he
<br /> amou��of the sums secured b�this Se�uri�y�nstrument irnmed�ate�y befar�the par�ia�takin�, destruc�ion, ar
<br /> Iass in value, unless Borr�wer and Lender atherwise agree in urr�ting, �he surns secured by th�� 5e�uri�y
<br /> Ir�strument sha11 be redu�ed b�the amount of thc Miscel�aneous Proceeds mu�tiplied h�r the fo�l�wing
<br /> fraction: (a}the total amoun�Qf�he sum�secured immedia�ely befor�the partial taking, destruc�iQn, ar�oss
<br /> �n�a�ue d�vid�d by�b�the fa�r market�a�ue of the Proper�y immediate�y before th�pa�ial tak�rig,
<br /> ��etrt7r�finn nr lnee it� t�al�yr� D�r�xr h�l�r�r�+a�h�ll hP n�air� tn Rnrm�x��r
<br /> ti�.11l-�I.L+Vt1i1aJ�� V■ J�ti1�.]�'3 tt, ■4i�1Lit•• A kiX� 11Lt1«A.1.►JL+4511..11-L,�1 tJ� iJLi1�.L LLJ 1J�VYt V Y►'tirl•
<br /> A
<br /> �n the event of a par�ial tal�iilg, destruction, ar�flss�n vaiue flf the Proper��in which�.h�fair market value of
<br /> �he Praperty imm�diat�ly b�fare the par�ia��a.��ng, destruction, �r l�ss in�alue is�ess�han the amoun�of the
<br /> �urns s�cured immediately before tl�e par�ia�ta.��ng, d�struc�i�n, ar lass in value, un�e�s Borro�uer and
<br /> Lender atherwise a�ree in wr��ing, th�Misc�llane�us Proce�ds shall be appl�ed ta the sums secured by�his
<br /> Securi�y Instrume��t vvhether�r�xflt the sums are�hen du�.
<br /> If the Fropert�is abar�doried by Borrovver, �r if, aftcr no�ice by Lender t�Borr�v��r�ha�the�p�osing Part�
<br /> �as defined in th�next se�.�ence}affers ta make an av�ard�o settle a clazm for damag�s, Borrower fails to
<br /> respond�o Lender vvi�h�n 3�days after�he date�h�nflt�c�is�xven, Lender is au�horized�o colle��and apply
<br /> the�is�el�ane�u�Pr�ceed�either to re�tara�i�n or repair af the Praperty or to�he surns secured by this
<br /> Securit��nstrument, whether or not then due, "�pposing P�r�y" means the third par�y that owes Barrower
<br /> Misce�laneous Proceeds or the par��r against vvhom Borr�v�er has a right of action in regard t�Mis�el�aneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrovver sha�X be�n default�f any a��ian ar pr�ceeding, whether ci�il or criminaX, is begun tha�, ir�Lender'�
<br /> judgme��t, cauld resul�iz�farfeitur��f�he Praper��or other rnat�rial impairm�nt of Lend�r's�nter�st in�he
<br /> Property ar r�gh�s under�his�ecuri�y �nstrument. Borrawer�an cure su�h a defau��and, if ac�eleration has
<br /> occurred, rexnstate as provided in S�ction �9,by�ausing the a�tion or proceeding�a�e dismiss�d vvith a
<br /> rulin�that, xn Lender's judgment, prec�udes forf�itur�nf the Prop�rty ar oth�r rna�eria�xmpairrnent of
<br /> L�nder's interest in�he Property�r righ�s under�his Se�uri���nstrument. Th�proceeds Uf any av�ard or
<br /> claim for dama�e�tha�are a��ribu�able�a the impa�rm�r�t af Lender's interest�n�he Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigned a��d s1�a11 be pazd ta Lender.
<br /> A11 Miscellaneous Proceeds�hat are not appli�d�a restora�ion�r repair of the Praperty sha��be applied in the
<br /> arder pro�ided far�n Se�tz�r��.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle FamiIy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN1��RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11q1
<br /> VMP n VMPS(NE}{]30�y
<br /> Wa�ters K�uwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1�a��T
<br />