<br /> Payment�f Princ�pal and In�eres�; �ther C�arges.Ba�rrower shal�prornptly pa�when due�he pr�n.cipal of and
<br /> �nter�st��the debt owed under the�ontrac�and la��charges or any�ther fe�s and charges due under the Cantra��.
<br /> Applicab�� Law. As used �n this Secur�t� �ns�rumen�, �he term "Applicabl� Law" sha11 r�zean a1I contro�l�nb
<br /> appl�Gable federa�, state and �oca� s�:atutes, regu�ations, ard�nances and admin�s�ra�ive rules and orders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect�f Iaw�as wel�a�all app�icable f�nal,nan-appea�able j udic�a��p�nions.
<br /> Chargesg Liens. Barrower sha�l pay ali �axes, as�essments, charges, fines and impositions attributa�le t� the
<br /> Praperty whi�h naay at�ain przority�ver�his Secur��y Instrumen�, and leasehold payrnen�s or graund ren�s, �f any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,B�rr�wer shal�promptly f�.rnish ta Lender receip�s ev�der�cing the pa�ments.
<br /> Borr��rer sha11 prflmptly discharge any Xi�n whi�h has priority over�his Securi�y�nst�urnent unless Borrower: �a}
<br /> agrees in �rzting �o the pa�men� of th� oh�igation secured �y the lien in a rnanner acceptable to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests in good faith the lien by, �r defends agains� enforc�men�t of the �ien �n, �egal pro�eedings �vhich in�he
<br /> Lender's opinion opera�e ta prevent the enfar��ment of�he �ien; �r �c} secur�s fram the halder �f the lien an
<br /> ag�reernen�satzsfactflry�o Lender�ub�rdinating the�ien�o�his Secur�t�Instrumen�. I�Lender d��er�nines tha�any
<br /> part af the�'r�perty �s subje�t t� a lien wh��h may�.ttain pr��rity�ver this Secur�ty Ins�rument, Lender may give
<br /> Barrower a no�ice identifying the l�en:Barro�vver sh�11 sa�isfy�h� lien�r take one or more�f the actians se�f�rth
<br /> ab�ve within 1�days of the giving af nat�ce.
<br /> Hazard or Propert�Tnsurance. B�rrower shall k�ep the impravemen�s novv exis�ing or hereaf�er erec�ed on�he
<br /> Properry insured against lass b�f re,hazards included��thin the term"extended coverage"and an�ather ha2ards,
<br /> inc�uding fl�ods ar flooding, for wh�ch Lender requires lnsurance. Th�s lnsurance shall be maintained in the
<br /> arnnunts and f�r the periods t�a�Lender r��uires.The�nsuran�e carrier pra��ding�he insurance shal�be ch�sen by
<br /> Borrov�rer subject �o L�ender's appraval v�hich sha�1 �ot be unreasonably withheld. �f Borro�ver fai�s �o rn.aintain
<br /> coWerag� de�cribed abov�, Lender may, at Lender's ❑p�i�n, obtain coverage to pr���ct Lender's r�ghts in �he
<br /> Praperty in ac�ordance W�th se�t�on titled Pr�t��tion af Lender's Rights in�he Pr��erty.
<br /> All insuran�e po�icies and renewals sha11 be accep�able ta L�nder and shal� �nclude a s�andard mortgage clause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have the righti��hald the p�I�c�es an�renewa�s. If Lender reyuires,Borra�ver shall pranlptly g�ve to
<br /> Lender all reGe�pts�f paid premiums and renewal no�ices. In the even�of�oss, Borro��r shall bz��pramp�not�ce
<br /> ta�h�ir�suran�e�arrier and L�nder.Lender may make proof of l�ss�f not made promp��y by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and B�rrovver o�her�vise agre� in wr�ting, insurance proceeds sha�1 b� applied to resfarati�n or
<br /> repair of�he Praper�y damaged, if, in Lender's so�� discretion, the restora���n or re�air is econamica��y feas�b�e
<br /> and Lender`s seCurifiy is n��lessened. �f, in Lender's s�le discre�i�n, the rest�ration or repair is n�t e�onom�cal�y
<br /> feasibl��r Lender's secur�ty vv�u�d be�essened,�he insurance proc�eds sha�l be applied t��h.e sums se�ured b�this
<br /> Securit� Ins�rumen�, whether or not ther� due, v���h an� e��ess pa�d to �3�r�'ower. If B�nrower abandons the
<br /> Prapert�,ar d��s nat answer within the number�f days pr�scr�b�d by.�pplicable Law as se���rth��.a not�ce firorn
<br /> Lender�o Borrov�rer�'hat the insurance carr�er has�ffered to settle a clairn,�hen Lender may c�llec��he insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use�he proceed�ta repair ar res�ore�he Praper�y ��-t� pay sums secured by�his �ecurity
<br /> Ins�rum�n�,�nrhe�her or not�hen due.The peric�d af time for Borrower to answer as set forth�n the not��e v�i�l begin
<br /> �v�en�he noti�e is�iWen.
<br /> Uniess Lender and�orrower otherwis� agr�e in wr�ting, a�y appiication�f proceeds to principaX shall no�ex�end
<br /> or p�st�one the due date of the payments due under�he �antra�t or change the amaunt of�he payrnen�s. If under
<br /> the section ti�led A�celerati�n; Rernedies,the Praperry is acqu�red by Lender,Borro�ver's righ�to any �nsuran��
<br /> policies and proceeds resul�ing fram damage �o �th� Proper�y pr�ar to th� acquis�ti�n shall pass to Lender �o�he
<br /> e�tent of�he su��.�.s secured by this Securi�y Instrurn�n�i�nmedia�ely priQr�a�he acqui�iti.an. �
<br /> Pres�rvation, Main�enance and Pratectian af fhe Prapert�; Borrower's Laan Applica�ian; Leasel�olds.
<br /> Borrower sha�l not des�:roy, damag�or impair�he Pr�perty, al�ow the Prop�rt��o deteriora�e, or�ammi�was�e on
<br /> the Proper�y.Borro�ver shal�be�n default�f any f�rf�iture ac�ian or pro��eding,�vhether ci�il ar cri�minal,�s begun
<br /> tha� �n Lender's go�d fa��h judgment cauid resul� in f4rfexture of the Prop�rty�r o�herwise ma�erially impa�r the
<br /> ��en created by th�s Se�urity �nstrurn�n� or Lender's security inter�st. Barro�ver ma� cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pro�ided�n sec��dn�it�ed Borrawer's Right ta laeinstate, by�ausing the action flr praceeding to be
<br /> d�smissed vvi�h a ruling that,in Lender's gaad�'a�th det�rminat�on,prec�udes forfe��ure��f the B�rr��vver's interest in
<br /> the Prflp�r�y �r o�her materia� impairment of th� lien cr�a�ed b� this Security Instrurnent or Lender's s�curity
<br /> interest.�3orrov�er sha�l a�so be in default�f Borrovver,during�he Ioan appliGatian pr�c�ss,gave rnaterial��false ar
<br /> inaccur�.te informa�ion or s�atements ta Lender ��r failed ta �ra��de I.�ender �nr��h any material �nfo�rn�,�tion} in
<br /> connec��on�ith�he l�an e�idenced by the Cantract. If this Security�nstru�n�n��s on a�easeho�d, Borrovver shall
<br /> �omply�nri�h aI��h�pr��isions of the�ease. If�arrovver acquire�fee ti�le ta the Praperty,the��asehold and�he fee
<br /> title sha�1 not merge un�ess Lender agrees to�he merger in writing.
<br /> Pro�ect�on of Lend�r's R�ghts in the Prop�rty. �f B�rro�ver fails �� �erform �he c�venan�s and agreemen�s
<br /> �on�ained in�h�s Se�urity Instrument,or there is a legai proceeding tha�may signif�cantly affect Lender's righ�s�n
<br /> the Praper�y �such as a praceeding in�ankruptcy, proba�e, for c�ndemnation �r forfeiture or�o enfarce laws or
<br /> regula�i�ns�, �hen Lender rnay da and pay for vvha�e�rer �s necessary �o proteGt �he va�ue of the Pr�perty and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in�11e Prflperty.Lender's act�ons may include paying any su�ns se�ured by a���n vvhich has priority
<br /> o�er�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�, app�ar�ng�n courr,p�ying reasanable attorneys'fe�s and entering on the Property to
<br /> mak�repa�rs.A�though Lender rnay take act�an under��a�s section,Lender daes na�ha�e t�da so.
<br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender und�r this section shal� be�ame addit��nax deb� af Borrov�rer secured by�h�s
<br /> Securi�y �nstrument. Unless Borr�wer and Lender agree fia other �erms of�ayment, these am�unts s�ial� bear
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