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<br /> H�me F�deral Sav�ngs&Laan Ass�ciatian of �Hom�Federal Sa�fngs�Laan Assoc�a��nn of
<br /> �rand Is�and Grand�sland
<br /> 221 South Lacust Street 2�2� �outh Locust S�ree�
<br /> GRAND�SLAND,NE�$$��. GRA�Fl3�SLAND,NE 585�1
<br /> tSpac�Abo�e This Line For Rec�rding Data}
<br /> L�AN�R�G��AT�R C�MPANY NAME:Hame Federa�Sa��ngs&Lvan Assoc�ation of Gra�d Is�and
<br /> NMLS C:�MPA�TY�DE�TIF�ER:44�443
<br /> L�.A�QR�GINAT�R NAMF: Lisa Ma�er
<br /> �
<br /> NMLS�RI��NA��,UR IDENT�F�ER:494559
<br /> I�EED ��" TRITST
<br /> �Y TIIIS D��D �� TRUST}
<br /> `��H�S DEED QF TRCJ�T ("Seeurity Instrument`{} �s ma�e on Ju�y 3�, 2015. The gran�ors are JAS�]N J DERAS
<br /> and AMY S DERAS, husband and wife, whose address Ys ��l S CH�RR� �T, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska
<br /> 588U1�-813�. �"B�rrower"}. $flrrawer is not necessar��y the same as �he Person �r Persons who sign �he Hame
<br /> Equity L�ne❑f�redi�Agreemen�, dated:�u�y 3�,2U15 ("��n�rac�"}. The�b�iga��ons af Borrawer�who d�d no�
<br /> s��n the �ontrac� are explained fur�her in the se�tian����ed Successvr� and Ass�gns I3�ur�d; Jo�n� and Severa�
<br /> L�abi���y; Accommnda��an S�gners. Th�trustee is Arend R. Eaack, A�torn�y:�hose addr�ss xs P.C]. �3ox 7��,
<br /> C rand Island, Neb�aska 688U2 �"Trustee"�. The benef c�ary�s Home Federa� Sa��ngs & Loan Ass���a�ian of
<br /> �rand Is�and,vvhich�s argani�ed and exis���Ig u�d�r the�avv� of the Unz�ed S�a�es af Amer�ca and�vhose address
<br /> is 221 Sou�h Locust S�r�et, Grand �sland, Nebrasi�a GSSD� �"Lender"�. JASC�N J DERAS and AMY S
<br /> DERAS have entered �r��o a�ontract v�ri�h Lender as of Ju�y 3Q,2Q 15, under the terms�f�rh ich Borrovvex may,
<br /> from ��me to t�me, �bta�n advances n�t to exceed, a� an�� t�me, a x�x MA��M UM PR�N�IPAL AMt]U�T
<br /> �E�.�LUDIN� PR�TECTIVE ADVAN�ES�YY''� of Th�r�y Thflusand and DDII.�4 Dfl�lars�U.S. $3�,U�U.���
<br /> �"�r�d�t Limit"). Any pa�ty in�eres�ed in�he detaals re�ated�o Lendex's continuing ob.i�gation to make advances�o
<br /> Borro��er is ad�ised ta cansult directly w��h Lender. If na�pa�d earl�er,the sums av���ng u�de��3orro��er's�on�:ract
<br /> vvith Lender wi1�be due on Augus� �5,ZQ�O. Th�s Se�uri�y Instrumen��ecures��Lender:�a�the repaymen�af the
<br /> debt under�he�on�ract,�wi�h in�erest, includ�ng future ad�ances,and aIl renev�als,ex�ensions and modif cat�ons of
<br /> �he Cantra�t; �b) the paym�nt af a1� ��her sums, w��h �n�ere�t, ad�anc�d �o prote�t,�he security of�h�s ��curity
<br /> Ins�rum�n�under�he provis�vns af�he sec�ion�itled Pr��ec��on of Lender's Righ�s xn �he Praperty; and�c}�he
<br /> performance flf�3arrawe�r's co�enan�s and agreements under this Secur�ty Instrument and �he C�n�rac�. For �h�s
<br /> purpase, Borrov�er, in cansiderat�on of the deb� and the �rust here�n created, irrevocab�y gran�� and conve�rs �a
<br /> Trustee, �n trust,wi�h power of�ale,�he fo�lo`ving described proper�y laca�ed�n�he��UNT��f H�LL, Sta�e�f
<br /> Neb�-as�a:
<br /> Address:9�1 S CHERRY ST,GRAND ISLAND,Ne�raska 6SSU�-8132
<br /> Lega� Descrip�ion: L[�T TWELVE (12� BL��K F�VE (5) �N VALLE� �IEW Si�BD�V�S��N, IN
<br /> Tf�GETHER '�V�TH a�X �he impravemen�s nov�� or hereafter erected �n �he prapeY-ty, and all easernents,
<br /> appur�enances, and fix�ures now ar hereafter a par�of�he property. A�� replacernen�s and addi�ions shal� also be
<br /> covered by �h�s Secur��y Ir�s�rurnent. A�� of �he f.ore�az�� is referred to in tla�s Secur�ty �n��rument as �he
<br /> "Property." �
<br /> B4RR��ER��VENANTS �ha�Barravver is lav�fu��y seised of the e��ate hereby conveyed and has the r�gh�f�
<br /> gran� and can�ev �he Proper��r and �ha� �he Praper�y is unencumbered, except for �ncumbrances of recard.
<br /> Borrower warrants apd wi�I defend genera��y �he ti��e to �he Proper�y agains� alI c�a�ms and demands, subje�t��
<br /> any encumbran��s of rec�rd.
<br /> �3 orra�ve�r and Lender covena.nt and agree�s f��.l aws:
<br /> �2404-2Q 14 Corr3�r�iance Systerns,Inc_�D6�-A927-20I3L2.10.t.895
<br /> Cvnsurner Real Estate-Sec�rity I�strt�menE DL2036 Pa�e I o�5 www.cQrnpIian�esysterns.cnm
<br />