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Z�15�533� <br /> the Prop�r� �such as a proceeding ii� ba��kruptcy, �roba�e, for condemna�ion ar f�rfei�ure ar ta enforce laws or <br /> regula��ons}, t��en Lender may do and pay for urha�ever �s necessary to protec� �he �alue af�he Pro er and <br /> Lender's rights �n�he Property. Lend�r's actions rr�ay inc�ude a i�� an surns se � � <br /> � y g y cured by a l�en w��ich has pr�or�ty <br /> ❑�er�h�s Security ins�rum�nt,appearing�n court.payipg reasonable a��orneys'fees and enterzng on the Pr� e to <br /> make repa�rs.Al�h�ugh Lender may take ac��on under���is sect�on Lender does not ha� p � <br /> , e�odasa. <br /> An�r amaunts d�sbursed by Lender under �his sec��on sha�l be�flrne�addit�ona� debt af Borrnv�er secured b T �h�s <br /> Se�urity Instrument. Un]ess B�rro�uer and Le��der ag��ee �o �ther t�r�ns �f a �r�e��� �hese � <br /> p y , amoun�s sha�1 bear <br /> �nterest f�-om the da�e of d�sbursemen� a� �he same ra�e assessed �n ad�ances under �he �an�ract and sha11 be <br /> payabXe,�ir�th�p�eres�,up�n notice fro�r�_Lender to Bar�-ower re�u�sting payrne��f. <br /> Inspec��on. Lender or its agent may ma�e reasonab�e en�ries up�n and inspec��ops af���e Pro e •. Lender shaI� <br /> � � <br /> g�ve B�rrav�er notice at�he�ime af a�priar�o an inspection�pecifying reasanable far the in�pec�io��. <br /> �nndemnat�fln. The proceeds of any award�r c�aim for darna�es,d�rec�ar cons��uen�ia�, in cQnnect�an�vith any <br /> condernnatxon or ather taking af an�par�af�he Pra�er�y, �r for �on�eyan�e in ]�eu af�ondemna�ion, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and sha�1 be paid ta Lender. <br /> �n the e�ent of a�ota] �aki��g of�h� Property, �he proceed� shall be appI�ed �o the sums secured hy �his Security <br /> �nstrurnert�, whe�her or no� �hen due, wi�h any excess pa�d to Barr���er. �n ���e event of a pa�-�ia� �aking of the <br /> Property ir� wh�ch the fa�r mar��t walue �f�he Pra�er�y immediate�y befare�he ��kin� is equal �a ar greate��han <br /> the amou.nt of�he sums secured by �has S��ur��y �ns�rum�n� �mmcdia�eiy bef�re tl�e�aking, unless Barrovver and <br /> Lender a�herwise ag�ee in writing,the surns secured by�:hi� Se�urity 1ns�rument shal�.be redu�ed b��the arnount of <br /> the pracee�ds mult�p�ied by�#�e f�liov�ing fract�on: �a��he to�a� amount of�he sums secured im�nedia�ely before�he <br /> �ak�ng, ditiTided by ��� the fazr market �a�ue of the Property imrn�diately before �he �ak�ng. An� baiance sha�l be <br /> paid�a B�rravcrer. �n �he e�en�of a partia� tak�ng af the �r�perty in which �he fair market �alue of���e Property <br /> immediatet�before th�tak�ng �s �ess than� the amaunt of�h� sums secured immediately before the �aki��, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender o�l�erw�se agree �n �vriting or unless Applicable Law a�herwise prov�des, the proceeds shall <br /> be appl�ed ta the sums secur�d by th�s Security Ins�rument��v}�e�her or n�t�he su���s a�e�hen due. <br /> �f�he P�ra�er�is abandaned by B�r��vver, or�f', aft�r notice by Len���-�a B�rxow�r�hat the candem�or offers�a <br /> make an award ar se�tle a claim for damages, gorrower fa�is to r�spond to Lender w�tla�n the�ninimu�x�number of <br /> days estabIished by Appl�cabie Law ar�er t��e da�e�he notice�s gi�en,Lender is authori2ed to calle�t and app�y�he <br /> proceed�, at ��s �p��an, e��her �� restorat��n �r repa�r af���e P�-�per�� Qr �o �he surns se�ured b�� this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�,whe�hex or nat then due. <br /> LTnl�ss Lender and Borrower atherv��se agree �n wri�ing, any application af p�o�eeds fio pr�ncipa.l s�ai� no�exter�d <br /> ar pas�pone�he due da�e�f���e payments due under�he Contract ar change�)�e a�nount of suc��payme���s. <br /> Borrvwer Na� R.el�as�d; Forbearance By Lender• Nvt a L�Vai�er. E��ension of the ��rne far �. ment ar <br /> pY <br /> mod�f catian af amartization of the sum� s�cured by th�s Secur�ty �nsfi-umen� gran�ed by Lerader�o Borrower or <br /> any succe�sor �n �n�eres� af Barrower sha11 na� operate �a release ���e 1 iabi Ii�y� of �he or�g�nal Bar�o�uer ar <br /> Bflrravver's success�rs i� �n�erest. Lende�-s��all nat�be rec�uired ta camrnence pr��eedings aga�nst any su�cessor�n <br /> �nteres�or refuse ta extend t�me far payment ar�tl�erwise madify amorti�a�ifln af the sums se�ured by this Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason af any dernand made by t��e ari�ii�ai Barra�re�- ar Bo�-t-o�ver's successars in in�erest. Any <br /> for�earance by Lender�n e�erc�sing any righ�or remedy sha�I not be a wa���r�f�r pre��ude the exe�-cise of an� <br /> rig��ar rernedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Baund; Jaint and Se�erai Liabi��ty; Acc�mrnoda�ion Sign�rs. The cawenan�s and <br /> agreements of this S��ur�� �nstrumen�shail b���d and benef t the su�cessors and assigns of Lender and Borrflwe�-, <br /> subjec� �o the p�r�vis�ons af sect�on titled TranSf�r of �he PrQper�y or a Benef���al �nterest �n Borr�wer. <br /> �3orr�wer's Gavenants and agreemen�� sha�l be�oi���a��d se�er�l. Any person�ho�a--signs th�s Secu�rity Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� has r�o �er�ona� liab�l��y under the CQntrac� �"A�comm.nda�ion S�gner"): �a� is ca-signing th�s Security <br /> Ins�rument oniy ta rnor�gage, gran� and c�n�ey tha� Accamr�noda�ion Signer's �nterest �n t��e P�ope�-ty unde� the <br /> terms of �he Security �nstxumen�; (b} is no� persana��y �bl�ga�ed �o pay �he sums s�cur�d by this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument;and ���a�rees that Lender and an�o�her Sorro��er rna�agree�o ex�end,.madi,fy, forbear flr mak�any <br /> a�commoda�ions�v�th regard��the ter-ms�f t�is Se�uri�y Instrum�r���r the�ontract v�i�l�out�hat Accommnda�ian <br /> S�gner's c�ns�nt. <br /> Loan �harges. �f th� laan �ecu�ed hy �his Security Instrumen� is subjec� to a law vcrhi�h sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat law is finall� interprex�d sa�hat the �n�e�r�s�t or a�l�er loan�l�arges c�l�ected or ta be co�lected in <br /> connec��an ����h �he ��an ex�ee� �he per�nitted lim��s, ���en: (a} any such 1Qan charge sha�� be reduced by �he <br /> amaun�neces�ary to reduc��he charge to�he perma�t�d l im��s and�b� any sums �.�r�ady co�lec�ed frorn Br�rr�wer <br /> vvh�ch e�ceeded permi�ted Iir�.�ts vvi�X be refunded �n �3flrrower. Lend�r may �ho.ose �o �x�ake �h�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng th� principa� owed under�he C�n�ract ar by mak�nb a direG�pa�men��o Sarrower. If a refund redu�es <br /> princ�pal,t�e redu�ti�n�vill be�rea�ed as a par��al prepayrnen�und�r�he�on�ract. <br /> Notices. Any not�ce �� Borr�wer provided for in �his Secur��y Instrument slaal� be�g��en by deI�ve�-�ng it ar byr <br /> rnail�ng��b�firs��lass mail un�ess Applicable La�requ�res use Qf anot��er me�hod. '��he na�ice shall b�di�-ec�ed�a <br /> �he Prope�-tv Address or any �ther ad�ress Barrower des�gnates by n��i�e t� Lender. Bo�r�vver agrees ta pr�v�de <br /> Lender wi�� Borr��er's rnos�curren�rnail�ng address, a� it �nay change from �ime-�o-�irtne. Any no�ice tQ Lender <br /> shal��e g�ven by frst class ma���o Lender's address stated hez•�in or any ather address Lepder deszgna�es h�natice <br /> to Barrawer. Any no�ice provided for��x�his Security Ins�rument s�ial� be dee��ned�a ha�e been g��en to Borrower <br /> or Lender when g�ven as pro�ide�l�n th�s parag�raph. � <br /> ��ZUU4-2q t4 C�m�liance Systems,Ir�c.FDGfi-CSCD-�[313L2.1�.i.895 <br /> Car�sumer ReaI Estate-Sec�rity Inst�-ur��e�it DL2�35 1'age 3�f5 w�w�.�c�rn�sliancesystems,com <br />