<br /> cavered by �his Securi�y Instrument. A�1 of �he foregaing is referred t� in �his Security �nstrurnent as the
<br /> "Prtiper�."
<br /> B�RR�WER CQ�ENANTS that Barrower is lavvf�Ily se�sed of the estate hereby ��n�eyed and has the right�o
<br /> gran� and convey the Pro�er� and that the Pr�p�r�y is unencumbered, exc�p� far �ncumbrance� of re�ord.
<br /> Bflrrow�r�varrants and vv�I1 defend gen�ra�ly �he ti��e ���he Proper� agains� aIl claims and demands, subject t�
<br /> any encu.mbrances of rec�rd.
<br /> Borr�v�r�r and Lender co�enant and agree as fallo�vs:
<br /> Pa mer�t of PrincipaZ and �nterest; ��h�r Charg�s.Borrov�er sha�i pramp�ly pay when due the p�incipal�f and
<br /> Y
<br /> in�erest an the d�bt owed under the C�ntrac�and la�e charges❑r any o�her fees and charges due under�h�Con�rac�.
<br /> App��cable Law. As used in this Securi�y �ns�ru��en�, the tenr� "Appli�able La�v" shall m�an a11 �flntroll�ng
<br /> appl�cab�e federa�, ��ate and local statu�es, r�gula�i�ns, ord�nances and administra��We ru�es and arders �tha�have
<br /> �he effect of law�as�ell as a�l appl�cable fina�,l�an--�ppeaiable�udi�ta�apin�ons.
<br /> �harg�s; Liens. Barrawer shal� pay aI1 �a�es, assessments, char�es, fines and imposi�ions a�tri�utable t� the
<br /> Property�h�ch may at�a�n priori��v�r this Securi�y�nstrumen�, and leas�hold payrnents or ground rents, if any.
<br /> At the reques�of Lender,Borrov�rer shal�pramp��y furn�sh�a Lender receipts e�idencing the paymen�s.
<br /> Barrow�r shall promptiy discharg� any l�en which has pri��ity aver this Securi�ty�ns�rument unless Borrower: �a�
<br /> agrees in ��ri�ing t� the pay�nen� of the obligation secured by the �ien in a manner acc�ptab�e �o Lender; �b�
<br /> �an�es�s �n gtiod fait� �he Iien by, or defends agai��st enforcemen� of the �ien �n, legal proceedings which �n�he
<br /> L�nder's op�nion operate ta prevent the enforcement �f the lien; or �c) s�cur�s from �he h��der �f�he �ien an
<br /> a�reemen�sa�isfact�ry to Lender subordina�ing the �ien ta�his Se�ur��y�nstrurnent. If L�nder deterrnines tha�any
<br /> par��f�he Proper� is sub�ec��o a lien v�hich may at�ain priority over this Secur��y Instrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrow�e�a n�tice iden��fying�he ��en. Borrovver shall sat�sfy�he lien�r take one or more Qf�he ac�ions se�f�r�h
<br /> ab��e���thin ��days of�he gi��ng�f n�t���.
<br /> Hazard or�r�perty��gsur�nce.Borrovcrer shall keep the irnpra�em�nts n�vv ex�s�ing ar hereafter erec�ec�an the
<br /> Pr�per�y�nsured against�oss by f�re,hazar�is in��ud�d�ith�n�he term"extend�d coverage"and any other ha�ards,
<br /> in�iud�n� flaods ar flo�diY�g, for �vh�ch �,ender requ�res �nsurance. Thzs insurance �ha�l be ma�n�ained in th�
<br /> amaunts and for�he periads t�a�Lender requires.The insuran�e�ar�r�er pro��ding�he ir�suran�e shal�be ch�s�n by
<br /> Borrvvver sub�ect to Lenc�er's appr�val which shal� no� �� unreasonably w��:hhe�d. �f B�rrov�er fails t� maintain
<br /> couerage described above, Lender ma�, at Lender's op��an, obtain co�erage to �ro�ect Lenc�er's righ�s �n �he
<br /> Praperty in accorda�ce wi�h sec�ion ti�Ied Protecti�n Qf�ender's RightS�n the Prnperty.
<br /> A�I insurance p�l��ies and renewa�� shall be.ac�eptable t� Lender and sha�� include a s�andard m�r�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shall ha�e the righ��a hald�he polici�s and renewals. If Lender requires,Borrower sha�1 promp��y give t�
<br /> Lender all receipts�f paid prem�u.ms and renevval�o�ic�s. In th�event of loss, ��rrQwer shall give prompt notice
<br /> �o the�nsurance�arrier and Lender.Lender may ma�e proof af Iass if not made p�r�mptly by B�rrawer.
<br /> Unless L�r�der and Borrower �therwise agree in writing, insurance praceed� sha11 b� appl�ed ta restaratx�n ar
<br /> repair �f�he Prope�y damaged, �f, in Lender's sol� dis�re�ion, the restara�i�n or r�pair is e��n�mical�}� feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is ��t 1es�ened. If, in Lender4s sole discret�on, �he restorat�on ar repair 1s n�t ecanornzca�ly
<br /> feas�b�e or L�nder's securi�y�vou�d be lessened,th�insuranc�proceeds shall he applied ta�he sums se�ured b�this
<br /> Security ��.strumen�, whe�her or nat then due, with any excess paid to B�rr�w�r. If Borrower abandons t�e
<br /> P�operfiy,or does n�t ans�v�r wi�h�n the number of days prescribed by Appl�cab�e Law as se�farth��a na��ce from
<br /> Lender�a B�rrower that the insurance carrier has �ffered�o sett�e a claim,then Lender may col�ec�the insUrance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds�a �repa�t�ar res��re the Prapert� a�ta pay sums secured by this Security
<br /> �nstrument,vvhether�r nat then du�.The period of time for Borrower to answer as set f�rth�n the noti�e w�ll beg�n
<br /> when the��atice is g��en. .
<br /> Un�ess L�nder and Borrower o�herwise agr�e in wri�:ing, any appi�ca��on of proc�eds�a principal shal�no�extend
<br /> or postpone�he due da�e�f�he paym�nts due under the Contrac��r change the amaunt of�he payrnents. �f under
<br /> �he secti�n ti�led Accele�-ation; Remedies,�he PraperCy�s acquired by Lender,Barr��nrer's ri�h�to any insuran�e
<br /> pol�cies and proceeds resulting from damage ta �h� Proper�y pri�r�a the acyuisi�i�n sha��pass tia Lender to the
<br /> e�tent of�he surns se�ured by�his 5ecurity�ns�rum�nt�mmediate�y pri�r to�he a�c�uis�tinn.
<br /> Preservativn� Maintenance and Protecti�r� �f the Prop�rty; Borrower's Laan Application; Lea�eholds.
<br /> B�rro�er shali not destroy, damage�r impa�r th�P�-operty, a�Iow�he Proper���t�deter�orate, �r cammi�waste �n
<br /> �he Pr�per�y. Bflrrower shall be in default if any f�rfe��ure ac�ion�r pr�c�eding,whether ci�il or cr�mina�,�s begun
<br /> that in Lender's ga�d faith j ud�men�could resut� in furfeitu.x-e �f tihe Proper�y�r �thervvise materialiy impa�r the
<br /> lien created by �hxs Secur��y Instrum.ent or Lender's secur•ity �nt�r�s�. Borrawer may cure such a default and.
<br /> rei�ls�a�e, as pro�ided in sectian titled Borrower's Righ� ��la.einstate, by causing the ac��an�r pr�ceeding to be
<br /> dism�ssed�vith a ruling that,�n Lender's�oad�fai�h determinatian,pre�ludes forfei�ure�f the Borr��ver's interest�n
<br /> the Property �r ather ma�erial impairmen� �f the lien created by this S�cur�ty �nstrument flr Lender's se�uri�y
<br /> �n�erest.Borrawer shall alsa be in defaul�if Borrov�r�r,dur�ng the laan appl�cat�on pr�c�ss,gave mater�al�y false or
<br /> inaccur�.te informa�ion or s�a���nen�s to Lender ��r failed ta �rov��de Lender w�th an� materia� �nforrna�ion} i.n
<br /> connec���n wii.h t�e laan eviden�ed by the Co��trac�. �f this Security Instru�nent is on a�easeho�d,B�rrav�er sha�1
<br /> c�mply w��h al�the pr�v�si�ns�f the leas�.�f�arr�wer acquires fee t�t�e t��he Property,the Ieasehald and�he fee
<br /> titl�sha�I n��rn�r��unless L,ender agrees ta the merber�n wr��ing.
<br /> Pratec�ion of Lender's Rights in the 1'ropert�. �f Barra�er fails �o perform �he covenants and agreem�n�ts
<br /> conta�ned in�his S�cu���y Instrument,or�here is a legal proceeding that rn�.y significantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> Cc�2Q�4-?�14�ampliar��e Syste�ns,Tnc.�'DG�7-CBCti-20i 3i.2.��.1.895
<br /> Ca�su�tier Real Estate-5ecurity InsErunief�t DL2�3G Page 2 af S �www.corz�pliancesystems.cam
<br />