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� ��15�5�9U <br /> . r <br /> 2. App�icativn af Payments �r Prv�eeds. Excep�as other��se described in th�s Section 2, a��payments <br /> accept�d a��d applied i��Lend�r shall be app�ied in the fallowing�rder of priori�y: (a� interest due under the <br /> N��e; �b�principal due under the Note; (c} amaun�s due under 5ection 3, Such payments�hall be applied�o <br /> each P�rxo�i�c Payrnent in the order in wh�ch i��eGaine due. Any re�nainii�g amoun�s shali be applied first to <br /> �a�e charges, second��any o�:her amoun�s due under�h�s 5�curity�ns�rument, and then�a r�du�e�he <br /> principal�alanc�of the No�e. <br /> If Lend�r receives a paymen�fram I3orrower far a de�in�uent Periodic PaymenC which�ncludes a sufficien� <br /> amount to pay any 1a�e charge due, the pa�me�►t may be applied to�he delinquent�a�ment and the xatie <br /> charge. If more�han one Periodi�Paym�nt is ou�standing, Lender ma�app�y any paymerit received from <br /> Borrow�r�a the repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to�he�xten�tha�, each payment can be paid in <br /> full. To the�x�ent that any excess exis�s after the paym�n�is applied�o�he fu�l payment�f ane ar mor� <br /> Periodic Pa�ments, such excess may be appl�ed�o any la�e charg�s due. �o�untary pr�payments shall be <br /> app��ed first to any prepayment charges and�hen as descrilaed in�he Nflte. <br /> Any appli�at�on�f paymen�s, insurance proce�ds, or Misce��aneous Proceeds tio principal due under�he No�e <br /> shall nat�xt�nd or postpan�the due dat�, or change�he amount, �f the Periodic Paym�n��. <br /> 3. Funds �or Escrow Items. Borr�v�rer sha1l pay�o Lender on the day Period�c Paymen�s ar�due under�he <br /> Nate, unti�the No�e is pa�d in fuii, a sum��he "Funds"}�o pro�ide f�r payment of amounts due far: �a}taxes <br /> and assess�nents and o�her�tems�vhich can a��ain priority o�er th�s Securit�Instrument as a l�en�r <br /> encumbrance an the Praperty; �b}�ea�ehold payments or ground ren�s an�he Froper�y, if any; �c}premiums <br /> for any a��d all insurance require,d b�Lender under Sec�ion 5; and�d}M�rtgage Insurance premiums, �f any, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrower�a Lender in lieu of the payment of M�r�gag��n�urance premiums in <br /> � <br /> accarda��ce vvith the pr�v�s�ans of 5ec�ion 1 D. These iterns are called "Escrav�r��ems." At origina��on or a� <br /> any time durin�the term�f the Loan, Lender may require�hat Cammuni�y Asso�ia�ion Dues, Fees, and <br /> x Assessmen�s, if any, be escrflwed l�y Borrawer, ar�d such dues, fees and assessments shall�e an Escrow <br /> . Item. Borrower shall prornp��y furnish to Lender all nt��ices nf amaunts�a be paid under�his Section. <br /> Ba�-row�r sha�l pay Lender the Funds f�r Escrow It�ms unless Lend�r wa��es B�rrower's obl�ga��on�a pay <br /> � tihe Funds far any�r al�Es�row Item�. Lender may v�a��e Borrov�er's obligation to pay tio L�nder Funds for <br /> any or all Escrow Items at any�i�ne. An�such wai�er ma�on�y be�n vvrixing. In�he even�of such vva�Wer, <br /> Borrower shall pay dir���ly, wh�n and where payable, �he amounts due for an�r Escrov�I�ems for which <br /> pa�ment of Funds has i�een wai�ed by Lender and, �f Lender xequ�res, shall furnish to Lender receip�s <br /> e�idencin�such payrnent within such time period as Lender may require. Borr�wer's obliga�ion to rnake <br /> such paymen�s and�o provide receipt� shall f�r a��p�rposes be deemed to be a cavenant and agreement <br /> ��ntained in this Se�uri�y Insfrument, as the phrase"co�enanti and agreemen�" is used in Section 9, If <br /> Bfl�r��ve�•is obligated to pay Escrow Itiems directl�, pursuant�o a wa�i�er, and B�rrower fails�a pa�the <br /> amoun�due for an Escrow Item, Lender ma�exercxse i�s r�ghrs under Secti�on 9 and pa� such amount and <br /> BoY ra�ver sha�l tlaen Ue ob�igated und�r Se�ti�n 9 to repay tio Lender an�r such arnount. Lender may revake <br /> the waiver as�o any ar all Escr�w�tems at ar�y�ime by a no�ic�given in accardance with Se.�tian �5 and, <br /> upan such r�v��atiion, Barrower shall pay�o Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, that are�hen required <br /> under this Secti�n 3. <br /> Lend�r may, a�any time, co��ect and hold Funds in an arnount�a} sufficient ta permit Lender�o appl�the <br /> Funds a��he�ime specif ed under RESPA, and�b}nat to exce�d�he maximum amount a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estima�e the amount of Funds due on�he basis af current data and reasonab�e <br /> est�mates of expe�jditures�f future Escrow�tems or othervvise in accardance with Applicable Law. <br /> 7�34�58747 <br /> NEBHASKA-5ingle�am iEy•Fannie M aeJFreddie M ac UNlFC7RM INSTRUM ENT W�TH M ER5 �orm 30�8 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6A�NE]��3�2y <br /> Wof#ers Kluw er Financial Services Page 5 of 17 <br />