<br /> '�Z. A551GNlVIENT�F LEASES AND RENTS.Trustor irre�vcably grants,�on�ey�and se�ls ta Trustee.in
<br /> trust for the benefit of Benefi�iary,a5 additivna!se�urity all the righ�,title and interest in and ta any and akl
<br /> existing❑r future leases,subleases,and any ather written or�erba!agreements fo�the use and occupan�y of
<br /> any partian vf the Property,including any exten�ions,renewals,modi�cations or substitutions of suth
<br /> agreem�nts{all referred to as"Leases"}and rents,issues and profits�al�ref�rred to as"Rents"].Trustor wil�
<br /> pramptly p�o�ide Benefi�iary with true and eorrect copie�of aC!ex�sting and future Leases.Trustor may
<br /> �ollet�,recei��,enjay and use the Rents so lang as Trustor is not in defau�t under the terrns vf thi5 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> Trustor aeknowledges that this assignment is perfected upon the rec�rding of this Deed of Trust and that
<br /> Bene�iciary is entitled tv notify any of Trustar's tenant5 to make payment of Rents due�r to becvme due to
<br /> Beneficiary,Hvwe�e�,Beneficiary agrees that anly on d�fault will Beneficiary notify Trustor and Trustar's
<br /> tenants and rnake demand that all future Rents be paid dirQ�tly to B�neficiary.Qn recei�ing natiee of defau�t,
<br /> Trustor wii�endorse and�eli�er to Benefi�iary any payment❑f Rents in Trustvr's possessian and wi!!receive
<br /> any Rents in trust far Beneficiary and will nvt commingle the Rents with any other funds.Any amount�
<br /> collerted wiil be applied a�pro�ided in this Security Instrument.Trustar warrants that nv default exists under
<br /> the Lease�vr any app�icable fand�ard�tenant law.Trustar alsv agrees tv maintain and require any tenant to
<br /> cvmply with the terms of the Leases and appii�a�le law.
<br /> with thp pro�isions of any lease if this Security Instrument is vn a leasehold.If the Property in�ludes a unit in
<br /> a condominium�r a planned unit de�elopment,Trustor wili perform all af Trustar`s duties under the
<br /> co�enants,by-laws,❑r regulati�ns�f the��ndorninium or planned unit
<br /> de�elo pment.
<br /> 14. DEFAULT. Trustor w�il be in default if any party�bligated❑n the Secured Debt fa�is to make payment when
<br /> due.Trustor will be in default if a brea�h�ccurs under the terms of this 5ecurity Instrument or any other
<br /> document executed for the purpase�f creating,securing or guarantying the Se�ured Debt.A good faith belief
<br /> by Beneficiary that Benefi�iary at any time is inse�ure with respect to any person vr en�ity obligated on the
<br /> Secured Debt ar that the praspe�t af any payment�r the value of the Praperty is irnpaired shall alsfl�vnstitute
<br /> an e�ent af default.
<br /> 15. REMEQIES aN�EFAULT.In some instan�es,federal and state law wifl require genefi�iary to pr��ide
<br /> Trust�r with notice o�th�right to cur��r ather notiees and may e�tablish time s�hedules for forecla�ure
<br /> action�.Subject to these limitations,if any,Benefic�ary rnay accelerate the Se�ured Debt and foreclose this
<br /> Seeurity tnstrument in a manner pro�ided by law if Trustor is in default.
<br /> At the optian of BenefiCiary,all o�any part vf the agreed fees and charges,accrued intere5t and principal
<br /> shaii become immediately due and payable,after gi�ing no#i�e if required by law,upon the o��urren�e of a
<br /> default ar anytime thereafter.In addition,Benefi�iary shall be entitled ta al!the remedies pro�id�d by law,
<br /> the terms of the Se�ured Debt,this 5ecurity Instrurnent and any related dacument�,including without
<br /> limitativn,the power to sell the Property.
<br /> If there is a defau�t,Trustee shaf�,in addition to any other permitted remedy,at the request of the
<br /> Benefi�iary,a��ertise and sell the Property as a whale or in separate parcels at pub�ic auction to the highest
<br /> �idder for�ash and eon�ey absofute title free and��ear o�all right,titie and interest of Trus#�r at�u�h time
<br /> and plaee as Trustee de5ignates.Trustee shall gi�e nati�e af sale in�luding the time,terms and place of sale
<br /> and a de5cription of the property to be svld as required by the applicable�aw in effe�t at the time ofthe
<br /> proposed sale.
<br /> Upon sale af the Property and to�he extent not prv�ibited by law,Trustee shail make and de���er a d�ed to
<br /> the Prvperty sold which can�eys abso[ute title to the pur�haser,and after first paying a!I f�es,�harges and
<br /> costs,shall pay to Beneficiary all mvneys ad�anced far repairs,taxes,insurance,liens,assessmen�s and prEor
<br /> encumbrances and intere5t therean,and the principal and interest�n the Secured Debt,paying�he surplus,if
<br /> any,to Trustvr.Beneficiary rnay pur�hase the Property.The recitals in any deed of con�eyance shall b�
<br /> prima fa�ie e�idence o�the facts set forth therein.
<br /> All remediQs are d�stinct,�umulative an�not ex�lusive,and the Beneficiary Es entitled ta all remedies
<br /> pra�ided at 1aw or equity,whether or not expressly set farth.The a��eptan�e by Beneti�iary�f any sum in
<br /> paym�nt ar partial payment on the S��ured De�t after the�alan�e is due ar is accelerated❑r afte�fvreclosure
<br /> proceedings are filed�hall n�t constitute a waiver of Beneficiary's right to require�amplete cure of any
<br /> existing default.By nat exerci�ing any rem�dy on Trustar's defau�t,Beneficiary does nat waive Benefi�iary's
<br /> ri ht to later cansiderthe e�ent a default if it continues ar happens
<br /> 9
<br /> aga+n.
<br /> � � {pa e f T}
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<br /> _1994 Wolters i(luwer Financiai 5ervices-Bankers 5ystems * Farm L1SB-RF[]T-hIE 9'f 1161201� � �
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