<br /> �'�VENANTS
<br /> 1. Payments. �3orrower a�rees to make aII payments on�he secured deb�when due. Un[ess Borrower and Lender agree a�her�vise, any
<br /> �ayments Lender receives from Borrower or for Borrower's benefit witl �he applied frst�o any amoun�s Bo�-r��u�er av��es an�h�s�cured debt
<br /> �xclusive o�interest ar pr�ncipal,s�cond�o interest,and then�o principal. If paxtial pr�payment of the secured de�t accurs far any reas�n,it�uill
<br /> n�t reduce ar ex�use any scheduled payment until the s�cured debt is paid in fi.ili.
<br /> �. �lairns Against Title. Borrower will pay aIl taxes,assessmen�s,and�ther charges a�t�ibutable to th�property when due and will defend
<br /> �i�Ie�o the prap�riy against any claims whi�h wauld impair the l�en of this deed af t�ust. Lender may require Borrower t❑assign any rights,
<br /> �laims�r defenses�hich Barrower may have against parties v��ha supply labor or materiais to�mpro�e ar maintain the pr�perty.
<br /> 3. Znsuranc�. Barrawer��ill l�eep the pr�pe�ty insured under tierms acceptabte to Lender at B�nower's expense and for Lender's benefit. A�l
<br /> �nsuranc�pfllicies shall include a standaz�d mortgage clause in favor of L�nder. Lender v���ll be named as loss payee or as the�nsured on any such
<br /> �nsurance pa�icy. Any insurance praceeds may�e applied,w�fh�n Lend�r's discr�tian,�a�i�her the restoration or repair of the damaged property
<br /> flr�o fhe secu�ed debt. If Lender r�quires mart�age insuran�e,Botra��er a�rees to maintain su�h insurance for as�ong as Lende�requ�res.
<br /> �. Property. Bo�-�-o�er wi[1 keep the property in gaod conditian and make all repairs reasonably necessary.
<br /> �. Ex��nses. S�rrower agrees t�pay ail Lender's expenses,in�Xudin.g z-easonable attorneys'fees, if Borr�wer breaks any covenants in this
<br /> deed o�trust ar in any obl�ga�ion secured by this deed af trust. Sorrower wil�pay thes�amounts�o L�nder as prnvided in Cavenant 9 of t�is deed
<br /> of t�rust.
<br /> fi. Priar Seeuri�y�nter�sts. �[.Inless Borrow�r first ob�ains Lender's written contest,Banaw�r witl nat mEake or permit any changes ta any
<br /> prior security inte�-ests.Bo�€-ower will perFo�-m a�l of Bor�€-�w�r's�hligations under any prior mortgage,deed af trust or oth�r security agreement,
<br /> including Banow�r's co�enants to make payments when due.
<br /> 7. Ass�gnmcnt�f R�nts and Profits. Borrower ass�gns t❑Lendez the rents and profts af the pz-operty. tTnIess Barrower and Lender have '
<br /> ag�reed otherwise in wri�ing,Borrower may calle�t and retain the r�n�s as Iang as Bor�-o�vex is not in default. If B�zrow�r defaults, Lender,
<br /> Lender's agent,�r a court appoin��d rec�iv�r may�ake possession and manage the prop�riy and col�ect the ren�s. Any rents Lender colIects shall
<br /> b�applied first to the costs af mana.ging the property, includin�Gflurt casts and at�orneys' fees, cammissians to renta[agents,and any other
<br /> necessary rela�ed expenses, The remaining amaun�of rents will then appl��to payments on the�ecured debt as provid�d in Co�renant 1.
<br /> �. Leaseholds; C�andnminiums;Planned Unit De�elvpmen�s. �3arrawer a�ees ta comply with the pravisions af any lease if#his deed af
<br /> trust is an leasehald. rf this deed of t�vs�is on a un��in a condominium or a ptanned unit de��eIopment,Bonower will perform atl of Bonov��er's
<br /> duti�s under the�ovenants,by Iaws,or regulations af the condominium or planned uni�deve�oprnent.
<br /> 9. Authorxty o�'Lend�r to Perform f�r B�rrower. If Borrower faiIs to perfonm,any of Ba�r�ro�ver's duties under#his deed of trust,Lender
<br /> may perform the duties ar cause them ta be perfarmed. Lender may sign Borrawer's��ame a�pay any amount if necessary far perfar�nan�e. If
<br /> any canstruction on�h�property is disc�ntinued or no�ca�-€-ied an in a r�asanable manner, Lender may do whatever is n��essary to pratect
<br /> Lender's security interest�n the property�. This may�nclude completing the constru�tion.
<br /> Lender's fai�ure ta perfo�-m vvill not preclude Lender from exercising any of�ts t�ther rights under the law or this deed o�trus�.
<br /> ;4n�amaunts paid by Lender to prate�t Lender's security interest will�e se�ured by�his deed of trust. 5uch arnaunts wi�l be due�n demand and
<br /> ��ill b�ar interest from the dat�of the payment until paid in full at the interest rate in�ffect on the secu�red deb�.
<br /> ID. Defau�#and Acceleratian. If Barrower fails�a make any payment when due❑r breaks any co�enant�under this deed of trust or any
<br /> �bl�ga�i�n secured by this d�ed of tn.�st or arty prinr mor�gage or de�d af trust,Lender may acGelera�e the ma�urity of the secured de�t and demand
<br /> immediat�payment and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable Iaw.
<br /> �.�.. Request for Notice of De�au[t. �t��here�y requested that copies of the natices af default and sale�e sent ta each pers�n who is a party
<br /> h�reto,at the address�f ea�h such person,as set farth herein.
<br /> I2. Ptiwez a�'Sale. If the Lender�nvokes the po��ver of sale,thc Trustee shall first record in#he offic�of the register o�'deeds o�'ea�h cauniy
<br /> ��herein�he trust praperty ar same pazt ar parcel#hereof is s�tuated a natice of default containing the infarmatitin required hy�av��. The Tn.istee
<br /> shall alsa mai� copies of the notice of default to�h�Borrower,#o each person�vho is a party here�o, and to o�her persans as prescribed by
<br /> �.pplicable 1aw. '�Tat Iess than �ne month after#he T�rustee records �he notic�af default, or two months if�he trust prvperty is not in any
<br /> incorporated ci�v or�illa�e and is us�d in farming ap�rations carried on by the trustor,�he Trustee shatl g��e publxc notice of sale�o the persons
<br /> and in the manner prescx�bed by app�i�ab�e Iaw. T�-ustee,��ithout demand on Borrawer,shai�sell the praperty at pubiic auc�ian to the high�st
<br /> bidder. If required by the Farm Homestead Pza#ection�ct,Trust�e shaIl affer the property in tv��o separate sale�as r�quired�y applica�le law.
<br /> T�rustee ma�pas�pane sale o�all ar any parce��f the prop�rty by�ublic annauncement at�he time and place of any pre�iausly scheduled sale.
<br /> Lende�-a�r its designe�may purchase the property at any sa�e.
<br /> L�pon receipt af payment of the price bid,Trust�e shall de�iver ta the purchaser Trustee's deed Gonveying the properiy. The recitials contained in
<br /> T€�ustee's deed shal�b�prima facie evidienc�of the truth af th�statements�ontained therein. Tnzs��e shalt apply�he proceeds of the sale in the
<br /> fa�lawing a�der: �a� ta all expenses of the saI�, �ncluding, but nat lzmi�ed to, reasonable Trustee's fees, reasona�le attarney's fees and
<br /> reinsta�emenf fees;�b}ta alI sums secured by this deed o�trust,and�c}the balance,if any,to the pers�ns Iegaily entitled t�recei�e it.
<br /> �3. Fareclasure. .4� Lender's op�ian, th�s deed of trust may be fareclosed �n the manner pro��ded by� applicah�e law for foreclosure af
<br /> rnortgages an rea�pr�perry.
<br /> �4. Ynspectivn. Lender may enter the proper�y to inspect it if Lend�r gives Borrower nat�ce beforehand. The na�ice must stat�the reasanable
<br /> cause for L�nder's inspec�ion,
<br /> 15. Condernnation. Boz7rower assigns ta Lender the praceeds ❑f any a�vard�r claim far damages canneGted with a condemnation ar other
<br /> �aking a�all or any part of the praperty. Suc�proceeds wi�l be applied as provided in Co�enant�, This assigr�ment is subj�ct ta the terrn�of any
<br /> prior security a�reement. �
<br /> 16. Wai�et�. By exercising any remedy availa�le�o Lender, Lender does xaot give up any rights to Iater use any o�her r�mcdy. By not
<br /> �xercising any rem�dy upon Borrawer's defauIt,Lender does not v�raive any z-ighf ta tater cons�der the e�ent a defauif if it happ�ns again.
<br /> 17. Jaint and SeveraZ Liability;Co-signers;Successars and Assigns Bvund. All dut�es under this deed af trust are joint and se�eral. An�
<br /> Bor�awer wha co-signs this deed af�rust but does not �a-sign the underlying debt �nstruments�s} does so anly to gran� and convey that
<br /> Borrow�cr'�interest in�he praperty�a the Trustee undez-the terms of this deed of�rus�. In addition,such a Barrovver agrees that the Lender and
<br /> any other Barrower under this deed❑f trust may extend,modify ar make any�ther�hanges in the tez-ms of fhis deed of trust or�he secured debt
<br /> without that Borro�ver's consent and w�thout releasing that Bo�ravv�r from the terms of this deed af tn�st.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this deed oftrust shal�bind and ben�fit the successors and as5igns�f Lender and Borro��er.
<br /> IS. Nntice. Unl�ss atherwise required by �aw, any notice t� B�rrower shall be gi��n b� deli�ering it �r by maiifng it by certified mai�
<br /> addressed�o Borrower at the praperty address or any vther addr��s that Sflrrower has given to Lender. Ba�rower�vilI g��e any t3atice ta Lender
<br /> hy certif ed mail to Lender's addzess on page�of th�s deed��'trust,or to any��her address,whi�h Lende�-has des�gnated. Any flther not�ce t�
<br /> Lend�r shall be sent ta Lender's address as stated on page 1 of th�s deed of trust.
<br />