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<br /> Re�urn To:
<br /> Home Federal Savin�s&Loa.n
<br /> P�_Box�409
<br /> �rand�s�and,NE 68$�2
<br /> PARTIES: Thxs Deed of Trust is made an July �7, 2�I5 among the G�rantox, M�chaex A �a��oda a�'kla M�chael Alan
<br /> Kalvada AND Stacey L K.a��oda al�kla Sta�ey Lynn �a�vada, HUSBAND AhI�D V�'�FE �"Borra�ver"}, ARENI� R
<br /> B.A.AG�, ATT�RNEY,vvhase�res�dence add�ess is P. D.Bax 79�,�rand Island,Ha�x�oun�y,Nebraska�"Trustee"},and
<br /> �he Bene�cia�-y, HaME FEDERAL SA�TINGS A�D L�AN ASS�C�ATIaI� 4F �RAND ISLAND, a c�rparation
<br /> organ�z�d and exist�ng under �he Ia�vs af NEBRASK.A w�hase address �s 2�� S�UTH L��UST STREET, GRAND
<br /> ISLAND,NEBRASKA�88a 1 �"Lende�"}.
<br /> ��i�VEYAN�E: Fo�r�alue received, Barrawer i�rrevocab�y gran�s and conveys t� Trus�ee, in�rust, w��h powez�af sale,
<br /> �he real proper�y,of which Borrawer is Iawfu��y sei�ed,described b�low and alI bu��d�ngs,fixtures,and exis�ing and future
<br /> improvements�herean and aIl ri�h�s-af way,easernen�s,rents,issues,p�r�f�s,incame,tenements,hereditarnen�s,p�r����eges
<br /> and any appurtenances�hereunto be�onging�all�ali�d�he"proper�y"}.
<br /> PR�PERTY ADDRESS: 17�4 Hudson��r,Gr�nd Island,NE G$841
<br /> Lot Seventeen��7�,Marnings�de Ac�res Third Subdi�zs�on,in�h�C�ty af Grand Zs�and,Hall Coun�y,I�ebxas�Ca.
<br /> Located in Hal�Goun�y,�e�raska.
<br /> TITLE:Borrower convenants and v��arrant��itle ta the propex-�y,except for
<br /> SECURE� DEBT: This deed af t�us� secures ta Lender repayrnen� of the secured debt and the perftirmance of�he
<br /> �Qnvenan�s azad agreements�ontained in this deed af trust and in any oth�r document�ncflrporated herein. S�cu�ed deb�,
<br /> as used �n �hi� deed of trus#. includes any amoun�s Bor�rourer owes to Lend�r under this deed af t�us� �r under any
<br /> instz-umen�secu�ed byr this deed of trusty an.d all rnadifications,ex�ensi�ns and�renewals ther�af.
<br /> The secured debt is e�idenced by�List all instrurnents and a�reements secured by#h�s deed af�rust and the dates thereaf.}:
<br /> ❑ Fu�ur� ad�ances: The abo�e amount is secured e�en thaugh all or part af�� may no� yet be advanced.
<br /> Future advances are con�emp�ated and will be secured�o the same ex�ent as �f made on�h�da�e of this d�ed of
<br /> ��us�is execu�ed.
<br /> Al�am�unts owed under this agreemen�are secu�red��en�hough a��amoun�s may no�yet be ad�ranced. Future advances
<br /> u�.der�he agreement are contempla��d and wzll be secured�a�he same ex�en�as if made vn the da�e this d�ed of trust zs
<br /> executed.
<br /> The above abligation is due and payab�e an April�l,24I6,if no�paid earlier.
<br /> The�ota� unpaid balance secured by th�s deed af t�rus�a�any one time shail not exceed a maxirnum pr�zxcipal amflunt of
<br /> $4�,���.DD, plus in�e�rest, p�us any amoun�s disbursed und�r the terms of this deed of txus��o protect�he secu�rity of�his
<br /> deed of�rust or to perfo�rm any of the co�enan�s con�a�ned in this deed af�zust,with in�erest an such disbursemen�s.
<br /> ❑ Variable R.a��: The interest rate on the obligation secured by this deed of trus�may�ary acc�rd�n���rhe
<br /> �enms af that obl�gat�on. �Ride�r con�aining�he�erms under which the in�eres�xate may vary is attached ta�his deed of
<br /> �rust and made a par�hereof.
<br /> Rxders:
<br /> ❑ PL D ❑C�ndominium ❑ARM ❑�ther
<br />