<br /> AS�IG�1�i ENT �E REIVT,S
<br /> �c��7t�nu�C�} p��e �
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial adverse change accurs in �rantar"s financia� canditianS �r Lender be�ie�es the
<br /> prospec�of payment ar performance vf the ln�ebtedness is impaired.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaad faith helie�es itsel�insecure_
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMED[ES aN DEFAULT. Upan tt�e o��urrence�fi any Ev�nt of❑efauft and a#any time thereafker, Lender
<br /> may exercise any ane or more of the fa��ov+r�ng righ�s and rernedies,in addi�ion ta any o�her rights o�remedies pro��ded
<br /> by law:
<br /> Accelera�e indeb�edness. Lender shall have the r�ght at its vption ta de�la�-e the entire Inde�tedness irnmediately
<br /> due and payabl�,including any prepayment penal�y that Grantor wauld be required to pay.
<br /> Coliecf Rents, Lender shal� have the right, wifhou� notice ta Grantor, �v take pnssession of the Property and
<br /> �olleet th� Rents, inc[uding amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net prviceeds, ove� and ahove Lender's
<br /> C05�5, agains�th� �ndebtedness. ln fur�herance of this righi�, Lender shall have a�l �he rights prv�ided for in the
<br /> Lender's Rig[��to Receive and Cofle�t Rents 5ect�on, above_ lf fh� Rents are colfected by Lender, �hen Grantor
<br /> irrevocab�y designates Lender�s ��antor's at�arney-�n��Fact to endo�se instrumen�s recei�ed in p�yment thereo�in
<br /> the nam� af Grantor and to negotiate the sarne and cal�ect the proc�eds. Paym�nts by tenants or athe�users ta
<br /> �ender in response ta Lender's demand shall sa��s�Fy the ob�i�ations far which �he payments are made,whether or
<br /> not any proper grounds for the dernand exist�d. Lender may e�erc�se its righ�s under this subparagraph eithe�in
<br /> persan,by agent,or thraugh a�e�eiver.
<br /> �ther Remedies. Lender shaff have all other rights and rernedies provided in this Assignmen� or the Note ar by
<br /> [aw.
<br /> Election af Remedies. Electian by Lender�o pursue any r�medy shall not ex��ude pursuit o�any vther remedy, and
<br /> an efectivn to rnake expenditures or to#afce a�tian ta perfarrn an abligation af Grantc�r under this Assignmen#,after
<br /> Grant�r's failure�o perf�rm,shall nvt a€fec�Lender's right to declare a default and exe�c�s�its remedies.
<br /> Att�rneys' Fees;Expenses. If Lender insti�utes any suit ar action�o�nforce a�y of the terms af this Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall be�n�i��e�f to reco�er such sum as�he cour� may adjud�e reasonabPe as attarneys'�ees at trial and
<br /> upon any appea�. VVf-tether or not any court action is in�oiWed, and #o the e�ent not prohibited by faw, a(1
<br /> reasvnable expenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'s opinion are neo�ssary at an�time �or the protectian o� its
<br /> interes�or the enfo�cemen�af its rights sha��became a par��f the lndebtedness payah�e an demand and shail bear
<br /> interest at the IUo�e rate fr�om th�da��of fihe expenditure until repaid. �cpenses�overed by this paragraph include,
<br /> withou��imi�ation, however subjec�to any limi�s under app[icable law, L.ender's a�orneys'�ees and Lender°s legal
<br /> expenses, wh�ther or not there is a lawsui�, in�lu�iin� at�orneys" �ees and expenses for bankrupfcy prviceedings
<br /> �in�luding efForts to modify❑r�a�ate any autarnatic s#a}�or injunG�ian},app�als,and an}�an�i�ipat�d pos��ud�rnent
<br /> colle�ian services,the cQst of searching records,abtaining title repor�s{including fareGlasure r�epnr�s}, sutveyo�'s'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees� t���0 1C15lJl�r C1C�r and fees for the T�-ustee, ta the extent permitted by app�icab�� law.
<br /> Gran�ar alsa vvill pay any�ourk cos�s, in addition�a all other surns pro�ided by law.
<br /> ELE�TR�NI� C�p�ES. Lender may copy, e�e�tronically ❑r otherwise, and therea�t�r d�stroy, the vrigEna�s of this
<br /> Agreemen� andl4r Rela�ed Da�urnents in the r�gular cvurse ❑f Lender's business. AI� such copi�s produc�d fram ar�
<br /> elec�ronic farm or by any�the�ref�abl�means �i.e., photographic image or�acsimif�}sha�! in all resp�cts be considered
<br /> equivalent to an arigina€,and Borrowe�hereby waives any rights ar objectFans�o#he use af such copies.
<br /> 1V[ISGELLANE�US PR�VlS1�NS. The fa!lowing misceflan�ous provisions are a part of#his Assignment:
<br /> Amendments. This Assignmen�, tagether with any Related Documents, cvnstitu�es the entire understanding and
<br /> agr�ernent v��he parties as ta �he rnatters s�t�vrth in this Assignmen#. No alterat�on af ar amendrnent t❑ th�s
<br /> Assignmer�t shall be eff�cti�e unfess gi�en in wri�ing and signed by the party ❑r part€es saugh�#a be charged ar
<br /> baund f�y the alteratian or amendment.
<br /> Cap�ion Hea�ingss �apti�n headings in�his Assignment are for�on�enienGe pu�-pases o�ly and are na�ta b�used
<br /> tv in�erpret❑r def ne th�pr��isions of this Rssignrn�nt.
<br /> Go�ern�ng Law. This Assignrnent will be governed by federal law applicable t❑ Lender and, ta the exten� not
<br /> preempfed by federal law,the laws�f th�5tat�af Nebraska wi#hou�regard�o its con�lic�s of[aw provisions, This
<br /> Assignment has b�en acGepted by L�nder in th�State v�Ne�raska.
<br /> Chvi�e of V�nue. ��there is a lav�suit, Grantor agrees up�n Lende�'s �`equ�st to subrnit�a the jurisdic�ivn �f the
<br /> Gaurts of�-1a11 Gounty,State af Nebraska.
<br /> M��rg�r. Th�re sha11 �e n❑ m�rg�r o�the interest or estate created by this assignment with any other interest�r
<br /> estate in the Property a�any time held by or f�r the hen�fik a�Lender in any capacity,without�he written consent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> Interp�retativn. ��i} In al� cas�s where th��e is more than ane Barr�wer or Gran�nr, then all words used in this
<br /> Assignment in�he singular shalf be deemed tv ha�e been used in the plural where the can#ext and�onstrucfiivn sn
<br /> require. {�} if mare�han vne person signs�his�ss�gnm�nt as"Grantor,"th�ab[Ega�ions of ea�h Gr-an�vr are jaint
<br /> and se�erai. �his means tha� if Lender brings a [awsuit, Ls�der may �ue any ane vr mvre af the Grantors. d�
<br /> Bo�rvwer and Grant�r a�-e nvt the same person, Lender need nv#su�Borrovv�r�irs#, and that Borrower need nat be
<br /> . jnined in �ny�awsui�. (3} The narnes given tv paragraph� vr sec�ions in this Assignrnen�are for cvnven�ence
<br /> purposss only.They are not t�be used ta inte�pret or�efine�he provisians�f this Assignment.
<br /> No VtilaiWer by Lend�r. L�nder shaff not be d�emed to ha�e waived any rights under this Assignment unless s�ch
<br /> waiver is given in wr€ting and sign�d by Lender. Na d�lay or vmission an the part o�Lender in exercising ar�y righ�
<br /> shal[ vp�ra�e as a waiver af su�h righf❑r any ath�r righ�. A vsraiver by Lender of a p�-ovisivn of this Ass�gnment
<br /> shall not prejudice ar constitute a waiver of Lende�-'s right otherr�vis� fo demand strict �omp�iance with that
<br /> pravisi�n or ar�y❑ther pr�vision of this Assignrnent. Nv pri�r waiaer by Lend�r, nor any course of dealing between
<br /> Lender and Gran�nr,shal�cvnsti�u�e a wai�er vf any of�ender's r�ghts ar of any v�Grantor's obligations as to any
<br /> �u�ure transa�t�ons. V1lh�ne�er the cansent ❑� Lender is required under this Assignment, the gran��ng o� su�h
<br /> eonsent by Lender in any instance shaf[ nat �onsti�u�e cantinuing cvnsent �a subsequent instances wher� such
<br /> c�nsent is required and in afl cases such conssnt may b�granted or withh�ld in the�vle disc�e�ion of Lend�r.
<br /> NQt1G�5. Rny nvtice required to be gi�en under this Assignment shall be gi�en in wrifing, and shaf� be e�F�c�i�e
<br /> when actua�ly deli�ered, when a�#u2�lfy �`e�eived by te�e�acsirni[e t�nless a�herwise required by 9aw}, when
<br /> dep�sited wi�h a nationaffy recvgni�ed v�ernight�ourier,ar, if mai�ed,when deposited in�he L1ni��d 5tates mail,as
<br /> firs�c[ass, certifed vr r�gistered mail pos�age prepaid,d�rected ta the addresses shown near�he b��inning of this
<br /> Assignment. ►�ny pa�ty may change its address fvr natices under this Assignment by gi�ing fvr-rnal w�itten notic�
<br /> to the vther parties, speci�ying tha� the purpa�e �f �he noti�e is �o change the �arty's address. For natic�
<br /> purp�ses, �rantvr agrees fa keep L�nder inforrned a� all times of �rantor's current address. �Jnfess o�herwise
<br /> provided �r requirec� �y faw, if there is more �han vn� �ran�v�, any �r�tice gi�en by L�nde�'�o any �rantvr �s
<br /> d�emed�a h�noti��giWen�a all Grantors.
<br /> R�wers��At�orneyd The�ariaus agencies and powers o�att�rney can�eyed vn Lencier under this Assignrnent ar�
<br /> g�anted for pu�pose�of seGurity and may nat be�evaked by Grantor unti[such time as�he same are renounGed by
<br /> Lender.
<br />