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Z�15�5�3� <br /> �►SS�CN�I ENT �F E�EhITS <br /> ���F�$i I��U��} Page 2 <br /> E�ter th�Proper�y, Lend�r rnay enter upvn and�ak�passession af fhe Praper�y;demand,cvlfec�and r�cs��e�rom <br /> �he tenants o�fr�m any❑ther pe�sons fiable therefor, al! �of the R�n�s; �ns�i#ute and carry vn all fegal prviceedings <br /> r�ecessary �ar �he pr�t�ctivn of the P�aperfy, inGluding such proceedings as ma� he necessa�y to re�aver <br /> passessian af�he Property;col�ec�the Rents and rema�e any ter�ant or��nant�or Q�h�r pe�-s�ns�rom th� Prop�rty. <br /> Maintain�he Praperty. Lender may enter upon the Proper�y�o main�ain�he Property and keep the sarne in repair; <br /> to pay the cvsts there��and nf a�l Se�-vices❑f all employees, includ�ng the�r equipment,and af a�l cont�nuing cvsts <br /> and expenses of maintaining the Property in proper repair and�andition,and alsa to pay al�taxes, assessmen�s and <br /> wate�uti[ities,and the premiums�n fire and other insurance effected by Lender on the Praper�y_ <br /> Cornpliance wifh Laws. Lender may do any and a�l #hings fo execute and comply wifh the laws of the State of <br /> Nebraska and also all other laws, rules, nrders, ordinances and re�uirements of all other go�ernmenta� ag�ncies <br /> affiecting the Property. <br /> Lease the Prvperty. Lender may rent or�ease th�whole vr any par�of the Property for such term or�erms and on <br /> such canditions as Lender may de�m appropriate. <br /> Ernplay Agents. Lender may engage such agent or agen�s as L�nder may deem appr�priate, �ither in Lender's <br /> narr�e or in��-antor's name,to rent and manage the Pr�perty,rneluding�he colfectian and appli�ation of Ren�s. <br /> �ther AGts. Lender may da al! such ather �hings and acts with respect #o the Property as Lender may de�m <br /> apprapr�a�� and rnay a�t exclusi�ely and s�lely in the place and stead o�Grantor and t❑ have all of the pnwers of <br /> Grantar fior the purpos��stated aba�e. <br /> IVv Requirement ta Act. Lender shalf nvt he required to da any of the�oregoing a�ts �r things, and the fact�hat <br /> Lender shall have per�ormed ane ar mare �f the foregoin� a�ts or�h�ngs shal[ not require Lender to do any a�her <br /> spec�fi�act or thing. <br /> QPPLICATIaN �F RENTS. Af I casts and expenses incurred by Lender in cannection with the Praperky sha�l �e for <br /> G�antvr's accaunt and Lender may pay such�os�s and�xpenses frvm the F�ents. Lender, �n its sofe discre�ion, shaff <br /> deterrnine�he app�i�atinn of any and afl F�ents recei�ed by it; haweWer, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are <br /> not applied to such casts anci expenses shafl be appiied �o the Indebtedness, Afi expenditures made by Lender�nder <br /> this Assignr�ent and not reimbursed fram �he �2ents shall becorr�e a par� ❑� �he 9ndehtedn�ss se�ured b� �his <br /> Assignmen�,and shall b�payable an demand,wEth in�erest at�he No�e rat�fram da�e of expenditure un�il paid. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCEd �f Grantar pays a�l of the lnde�t�dness whera due and otherwis� perFarrns al��he obiigations <br /> €rnpos�d upan�rantor unde�-�his Assignmen�,�he h��te,and�he Refa�fed�cum�nts,Lend�r shal!exe�u�e and de�iuer to <br /> Granfor a suitabie satisfa�ti�n af�his Assignment and sui#a�fe s�a�ement$o�te�mination o�any�inan�ing�s�atemen�an <br /> f�e e�idencin� Lender's securi�y interes� in fh�: �ents and th� Property. Any te�-minafivn fee required by law shall be <br /> paid by Grantor, if p�rmi�ed hy appliGable faw. <br /> LENDER'S EXPENDETlJRES. If any actian ar praceeding is rommenced tha�would materially a�f�ct Lenders in�er�st in <br /> fhe Property vr ff��-arrto�-faiis to�amply�rvifih any prvvisian of this Assignment or any Re�ated Da�uments,�n�luding but <br /> na�limited tQ Granfor's failure to dischar�ge or pay when due any amounfs Grantar�s required to discharge�r pay under <br /> �his Assignment❑r any Related Documents, Lender vn Grantor's hehal�may (hut shal! not be obligated fo�take any <br /> a�ion tha� Lender d�ems appropriat�, inGluding but not firnited tv discharging or paying all taxesa �lEl��r security <br /> infi��-ests,en�umbrances and other�faims,�t�ny time levied�r p�aced on th�R�n�s or th�ProperEy�nd paying af!cost� <br /> fo� insuring, maintaining and pres�rving the Proper�y. All such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender �For such <br /> purposes will then bear interest a��he rate char�ed under th� [�ote frflm�he dat�inGurr�d�rr paid by Lender�o the date <br /> of repayment by�ranfiar. All such expenses wilf become a park of�he lnd�btedness and, at Lende�'s option, wilf (A) <br /> be payat�le on demand; [B) be added to the E��ianae of the N�te and be appartivned among and be Rayable with any <br /> i nstall ment payments �o beGor� due d uri ng ez#her (�} th e �e�-m o�f any appl icable i nsu�~ance pof i cy; or t�} the <br /> remaining term af�he Nate: or �C} be t�-ea#ed as a bal�oon payment whi�h wi�l be due and payab�e at the IVote's <br /> maturity. The Assignment a�sa wifl secure paymen�of these amounts. Suc�right shall be in addition to al���her righ#s <br /> an�remedies tv which Lend�r may be enti��ed upvn Default, <br /> DEFAULT. Each of�he fa�lvwing,at Lender's vption,shall cans#itute an E�ent of Defaul�under this Assignmen�: <br /> Paymen�De�au1�, Gran�or faiis to make any payment when due under the indebtedness_ <br /> Dther Defaults. Granfar fails to campfy with ar ta perforrn any ather term, obliga�ion, ca�enant or conditi�n <br /> Cvntained in this Ass�gnment or in any of#he Related DoGumenfs or- t❑ comp[y with or �o perfvr�'n any te�m, <br /> �bli�ation, covenan#❑r cor�ditian c�ntained in any ather agree�nent b�tween Lend�r and��-ant�r. <br /> Default�a� a�her Payments. Fa€�ure�f Grantor within the tim� requi�-ed by this Assigr�ment to make any paymen� <br /> �ar#axes or insuranc�,or any�other payrnent necessary�o prevent filing o�v��a e�fecf discharge of any�ien. <br /> Default in Fa�vr o�Third parties. Any guaran�vr�r Grantvr de�raults under any Paan, ex�ensian ❑f credit, security <br /> agreement, purchase ar sal�s agreement,ar any other ag�-eement, in favvr o€any ather creditor or persan that may <br /> materially a�fiect any nf any guarantor's or�ran#vr's prvperky ar ability to perf�rrn th�ir r�spec�iWe obfiga�ians unde�- <br /> this Assigr�ment❑�any of�he�efat�d Dv�urnen�s. <br /> Fa[�e 5tatements. Any warranty, represen�ation oa- statem�nt rnade vr furnished �� Lender by �Gran��r ❑r on <br /> Grantor's behalf under th�s Ass�gnment ar the Re[ated �3�cuments is fa�se a�mis�eading in any rnateria� respec�, <br /> ei�her nvw or at�he�ime made or�Furnished v�becomes�afse�r m�s�eading at any�irne thereaf�er. <br /> �efec#i��Cvllateralizat�nn, This Assignrn�n�ar any a�the Re�ated Documents�eases tv�e in ful�force and effec� <br /> tinc[uding failure❑f any coliater-a!dvcument ta create a�alid and perfected security in��res�or lien}a�any tirne and <br /> far any reasan. <br /> C3ea#h ar Insol�enc�. The dissolution of Grantar's �regard�ess Qf whether e�ectian to continue is rnade}, any <br /> member w��hdraws firom the limited l�ability cvmpany, or any ofher terminatian of Grantar's existence as a go�ng <br /> business ar the d�a�h of any member, the insa��en�y af Grantor, the appointrnent �f a receiver for any part of <br /> �rantor`s property, any assignment �or #he benefit of �redi�ars, any typ� af cr�editor warkout, vr the <br /> cammencemer�t of any prviceedin�unde�'any hankrupt�y❑r insal��ncy law�by or against Grantor, <br /> Creditor ar ForFeiture Proceedings. Cornmencement of foreclosure ar�orfe�tur� praceedings, whe�her by�udiciaf <br /> proceeding,self-he�p, repossessian or any❑�her methvd,by any creditor❑f��-antvr or by an�ga�ernmenta�agency <br /> a�ainst the Rents or any prap�rty secu�ing the ]ndebtedness. This includes a garni�hrnent of any ❑f Grantor's <br /> accounts, inc�udin� depasit a�coun�s, wi�h Lender. Hawe�er, fhis E�ent of De�aul# sha�� not apply if there is a <br /> gavd faith dispute by Grantor as to th�va�idity v�reasflnab[eness of�he cfaim which is th�basis of the cred�tor or <br /> forfeiture proceeding and if��antor gives Lender wrifiten nvtice af the creditor or forFeiture proceeding and depas�ts <br /> with Lender manies ar a sure�y bvnd fvr the cred�tvt'vr f�r�eit�are praceedin�, in an amount determined by L.ender, <br /> �n i#s svle discr�tion,as being an adequat�reserve❑r bortd�vr the dispute. <br /> f�r�pe�y�amage or Lass. �`he Prvperty is lvst,s�o[en,substa��fafly damaged,�old,or borrawed agains�. <br /> IE�en�� �4�Fecting Guaran�or. Any o�the precedin� e�e�ts accurs wi�h respec�to any Guarantor ❑f any ��the <br /> �ndebtedness ❑r any Gua�-antar dies or becames incarnpefent, �r revakes o�- dispu�es the vaiidity of, ar liability <br /> under,any�uaran�y��the indeb�edness. <br />