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Z�15�5�3� <br /> ��Sa��IMENT �F �E�IY� <br /> ���nti�u�d� �ag� �. <br /> deaf with Grantar's successors w'tth ref�rence�� this Assignment and the lndeb��dness �y way of fa�b�arance or <br /> extension wi�hvut re�easing�rantor from the o�liga�ions af this Assignment❑r�iability under th�Ind�btedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essence. T�me is of the essenGe in the perFarman�e❑��his Rssignment. <br /> Wai�e Jury. A�l parties�v this Assignrr�ent hereby waiv�the r�ght fo any jur�tria� in any ac�ion, prviceeding, �r <br /> counferclaim brough�by any party against any o�her par-ty. <br /> VV'ai�er �f Homestead Exemp�ion. �rantor hereby releas�s and waives all rights and ben��its o€ the hamestea� <br /> exemption�aws a�the Staf�❑f Nebraska a�to all Indebt�dness secured by this Assignmenf. <br /> 1JVa�ver vf Right of Redemption. NDTV111TH�TANQING ANY aF THE PR�VISI{�NS TQ THE C�NTRARY <br /> CONTAINED�N THfS ASS[GIVMENT, GRANT�R HEREBY 1NA1VE5 ANY AND RLL R��HTS�F RE�EMPTIQN FR�M <br /> SALE UNDER ANY QRDER QR JUDGMENT �F FaRECL�SURE QN �RANTQR'S BEHALF AND QN BEHALF �F <br /> EACH AN� EVERY PERS�N, EXCEPT JIJ�GMEIUT�RED�T�RS QF GRANT�R, ACC�UIRING I�INY INTEREST!N DR - <br /> T�TLE T�THE PR�PERTY SU6SEQLIENT TO THE❑ATE�F THIS AS5IGNMENT. <br /> DEFlNIT1QNS, The fvll�wing �apita�ized words and terms shaf[ have the fof�owing meanings wh�n used in this <br /> Assignment. Unless spec�fically stated t� the confrar�� afl refer�nc�s to dollar amounts shall m�an amounts in law�u� <br /> maney vf the United S#at�s❑�America. Wards and terms us�d in the singu�ar shall include�he p�ural, and the p�ural <br /> shall include the singu[ar,as the con#ext may requi�-e. 1f11ords and terms not ofherwise defned in�his Assignment shaif <br /> have�he meanings attributed tv su�h terms in th� Unifvrrn Cammercial Code� <br /> Assignmen�. The ward "Assignmenf" means�his AS5IGNN[ENT�F RENTS,as this ASSIGNMENT DF RENTS may <br /> be amended❑r modified from fime�o tim�,toge#her with afl exhibits and schedul�s atta�hed to this ASSIGNMEIVT <br /> �F F�ENTS fram iime tv time. <br /> Borrawer. The word"Borr�wer"means Da-Ly Prvperkies,LL�. <br /> Default. The wo�-d "De�a u lt"means the Defauft set farth in th�s Ass�gnment in�he section tit�ed "D efa u�t". <br /> Event��Qefau�t. The words "Event af Defau[t"mean any of the events❑fi de�ault set fiorth in �his Assignment 3n <br /> the d�fault sec�ian of this As�ignment. <br /> Grantar. The wvrd "Grant�r"means Da-Ly Properties, LLG. <br /> Guaran�or. The word "Guarantvr" means any guarantor, surety, or accvmmvda#ion party a� any or all af the <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Guaranty. The ward "Gua�anty" means the guaran�y f�'om Guaran�ar t� Lender, incfuding w�thout i�mi�atian a <br /> guaranty of al[vr part of the Note. <br /> lndebtedness. The word "lndebt�dness" means all princip�l, interest, and other amounts, casis and exp�nses <br /> payable under the 1VQte or Related C�vcument�, �oge�her with a!I �enewals o�, extensions of, modifications o�, <br /> consoiidations af and substitutions fvr�he Note or Refated Documents and any arn�unts expended or aduanced by <br /> Lender to discharge �rantor`s ab�igatians or expenses incurred b� Lender t❑ en�orce Gran�ar's abl�gatians under <br /> �his Assignmen�,�age�her vtirith in�er�st on such am�unts as pro�ided in th�s Assignment. <br /> Lender. The ward"Lender"means First National gank v�Qmaha,its successars and assigns. <br /> Note. The word "N vte" means any and aif of Borro�rver`s (iahilities, abligations and debts t❑ Lender, naw existing <br /> or h�reinafter incurred or�reated, inc�uding, without iim�ta�ion, all l�ans, ad�ances, interest, costs deb��, o�erdra�� <br /> indebtedne�s, credit card �ndebtedn�ss, lease oh�igatians, liabifities and obligat�ans under interest rate protection <br /> agreements❑r foreign currenGy exehange agreemen�s ar cammodi�y price pro�ecti�n agrseme��ts,other obl�gatians, <br /> and Iiabilitie� af Borr�vue�- tagether with al� modificat�ons, increases, renewals, and extensions af �he <br /> a�orementioned. Additiona�ly, hereby incorporated as if fu�ly set forth herein a�e the te�-ms and conditions a� any <br /> prvmissory nate, ag�eement vr vther do�ument executed by Borr�wer andlor L�nd�r indica#ing fhis secu�-ity <br /> ins�rurnent or the proper�y described herein shall be considered "Collateral" s�euring such p�-amissory no#e, <br /> agreement,ar ather ins#rument,vr any simi�ar r�f�rence. <br /> P�-aperty. The word "Property" means all o� Gran#ar°s right, tit�e and inferest in and ta afl th� Praperty as <br /> described in the"Assignment'4 sec�ivn v�this Assignment. <br /> Re�ated Do�uments. The wards "Related Dn�uments" mean afl prarnissvry notes, credit agreernents, loan <br /> agr�ements, enWironmental agreements, guaranties, security agr�ernents, mortgages, deeds of trus�, security <br /> deeds, calla�eral mvrtgages, and afl �ther ins��umen�s, agreements and documen�s, vvhether nov,r or hereaft�r <br /> existing, ex�cu�ed in connectian with�he�ndebtedness. <br /> Ren�s. The wvrd "Rents" means a�l o�Gran#or's present an��utur� rights, title an� interes� in, t❑ and under any <br /> and a�l present and �uture ieases, including, wifhaut iimitatian, al1 ren#s, r��enue, income, issues, royalties, <br /> bonuses, accqunts r�c�i�able, cash o�securi�y deposits, ad�ance ren�afs, prv�i�s and prviceeds from the Prope�ty, <br /> and other payments and benefits deri�ed or to be deri�ed �rom such leases af ever�kind and natura, whether due <br /> now or lafier, including wi�hout fimitation �rantor's right�o en�Qr�e such leases and t❑ r�c�i��and co[�ect paym�nt <br /> �nd praceeds thereunder. <br /> THE UNOER5IGNED ACKNaVI1LEDGES HAVING READ ALL THE PR�VISl�NS DF TH15 ASS�GNM�NT, �ND fV�T <br /> PERS�NALL1(s�T A5 AN AUTH�RI�ED SiGNER, HA5 GA�SED TH15 AS5IGNMENT T� BE�[GNEp AND ElCE��]TER3 <br /> �N I�EHALF C3F GRAN���Q1V JVL�39,���5. <br /> G�►h���R: <br /> ❑A�LY PR�PERT� S,LLC <br /> gY� <br /> Je y . d,Me e -��y Properties,LLC <br /> By: <br /> c�r . Meier,Member af Da-Ly Praperti�s,LLC <br />