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Z�15�5�3� <br /> I�S�IGNMENT �F REIVT� <br /> ��onti n u�d� Page � <br /> CoIlect Rents. Lender shall ha�e th� right, without no�ice fo Gran�or, �a tak� passessivn of the Property and <br /> coliect the Ren�s, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the net proceeds, over and abo�e Lender`s <br /> CD5t5, agains� the [ndebtedness_ �n furtherance afi�his right, Lender shafl ha�� al� the rights prvvided far in the <br /> Lender`s Right to Receive and Collect Rents Sect�on, abave. lfi the Ren�s ar� �allected by Lender, �h�n �rantvr <br /> irre��cably designates Lender as �rantor's atto�n�y-�n-fiaci t❑ endo�se instruments received in payment thereaf�n <br /> #he nam�of Grantar and ta negotiate the same and c�EEect�he praceeds. Payments by tenan�s ar o�her users tv <br /> L�nder in re�pvnse to Lender`s demand shal[satisfy the ab�igativns�or whi�h the payments are mad�, whethe�-or <br /> not any praper g�-ounds�or the demand exist�d. Lender may exercise its righ�s under this sub�aragraph eithe�in <br /> pe�son, by agent,ar through a re�e�ver. <br /> Other Remedies. Lender shafl have all vther rights and remedies pra�ided in fhis Assignment ar the h�ote or hy <br /> law. <br /> Elec�ian of Rern�dies. Ele�tion by Lend�r ta pursue any remedy shall not ex�lude pursuit of any o�her remedy,and <br /> an efection to make expenditures or ta take acti�n to pe�form an obligatian af Grantor under this Ass�gnment,after <br /> Grantar's�ailure to perfarm,shal�no�a�ffect Lender°s rig��[to declare a de�aul#and exer�ise its rernedies. <br /> A�tvrneys` Fees; Exp�nses, ff Lender ins�itutes any sui�or action t�enforce any o�the ferms nf this Assignrnent, <br /> Lender shalf be entitled to recvver such sum as the court rr�y ad�udge reasonab�e as attorn�ys' �e�s at�ria[ and <br /> upon any appeal. 1Nh��her or not any cou�c ac�ian is in�ol�ad, and �o the ex�ent no� prohibited by law, all <br /> reasonable expens�s Lender incurs that �n Lender's opinion ar�e necessary at any time for the prote�tion af its <br /> in�erest or the enforcemen�af its rights sha(� b�come a par��f the Indebfedness payabfe on dert�nd and shalf bear <br /> in�e�est at the 1Vo�e�~a�e fram the date of�he expenditure unti I rspaid. Expens�co�ered by th is paragraph i n�iude, <br /> withou��imi�ation, hawe�er subjec�to an�limi�s under app�icaf�le law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lender's l�gal <br /> expenses, whether or nvt there is a�awsui�, including aitorneys" fees and expens�s f�r bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �inc[uding effarts to modify ar vacate any automatic stay or injunction�, appeals,and any an�icipated past judgmenf <br /> �olfection services,�he cas�a�F search�ng records, abta�n�ng title repar�s �including�orec�a�ure reports}, surveyors' <br /> reports, and appraisa! fees, fiitle insurance, and fees for�he Trustee, to �he �xtent p�rrn�ited by applicable law. <br /> G�antar also wi[1 pay any court costs,in addi�ion�❑alf other sums pm�ided by�aw. <br /> ELECTR�NiC ��P1ES. Lender may capy, electronical�y or a�h�rwise, and thereafter d�stray, the origina[s af this <br /> Agreement andl�r Refated ❑vcuments in the regu�ar course of Lender's business. AI� such �opies p�aduc�d frorn an <br /> efectroni��orm ar by any o�h�r reliable means �i.e., phafiographic image or facsimile}shall in all respeGts be cc�nsidered <br /> equi�alen�to an or�ginal, and Borrower her�by wai�es any rights o�objecfions to the use af such copies. <br /> MISGELLa4NEC3US PRQVISIDNS. The follvwing miscellaneous praW�s�ons are a pa�t of this Assignment: <br /> Amendm�nts. This Rssignment, fiag�ther with any Relafed Documents, �onst�tutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreement of the par�ies as tv �he matters set fvr�h in �his Assignrnent. No altera�ian ❑��r amendment�❑ this <br /> Ass�gnm�nt shall be�fiFec�i�e uniess given in writing and s�gned by the party ar par�ies sought to be charged or <br /> baund by�he aiteration❑r amendment. <br /> Cap�ian Headings. Captian headings in this Assi�nrnent are for cvn�enien�e purpos�s❑nfy and ar�not t� be used <br /> �o interpret ar define the provisions of this Assignment. <br /> Go�erning Law. Th'rs Assignment wi[I be gvverned hy fed�ral law app[iGable to Lender and, t� the ex$en� nvt <br /> preempted by�ederal taw,the taws o#the Stat�o�Nebraska with�ut regard to 6ts�anf�icts of law pro�isions. 7'his <br /> Ass�gnment has been accept�d by Ler�der jr�th�5tafe of Nebrask�. <br /> �hoice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, �ran�or agr�es upon Lender's request�o subrnit�o the jurisdickion of the <br /> �our�s of Hal f Cou nty,S�a�e of IVel�raska. <br /> NJ�erger. �'here sha[E be no merger of th� interes� ar estate creat�d by�his assignment with any o�her in�eres�or <br /> estate in the F'rvperty a�any time held by ar for the bene�it o�Lend��in any capacity, withou�the written �ansent <br /> of Lender. <br /> �nterpre�a#ian. �'!y fn alf cases where there i� mare than ane gorrarrver or Grantor, �hen af� words used in this <br /> Assignment in the singu�ar shall be de�med ta ha�e been used in�he plura!where the contex�and cons�ructivn sv <br /> require. {Z� �f mare#han one person signs this Assignment as"Grantor,"the�bligatians❑f each�rantor are�vin� <br /> and se�eral. This rneans that if Lender brings a iawsuit, Lender may sue any ❑ne �r mor� Q�the �rantars. !f <br /> Barrawer and Grant�r are nvt the same persvn, Lender need nat sue Barrawer firs�, and that Borrawer nee�1 na�be <br /> joined in any]awsuit. �3� The names given ta paragr�phs or sectians in thiS Assignment are fvr con�enieE��e <br /> purposes anly.They are not tv h�used ta in�terpret vr defne the prav�siflns v�this Assignment. <br /> Na Wai�er hy Lender. Lender shal[ nat be deemed ta have wa�ved any rights under this Assignment unfess suGh <br /> waiver is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. N❑d�lay or amissian on the part vf Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall aperate as a wai�er o�such right or any vther r�ght. A wai�er by Lender of a prvvisian o�this Assignment <br /> shall nat prejudice or cvnsti�ute a waiver of Lender's right otherwise to demand s�ric� compliance with thaf <br /> pravisian or any other provision af this Assignm�nt. No pri�r wai�er by Lender, nar any caurse of dealing betw�en <br /> Lender and Grantar, shal! cvnsti�ute a waiver vf any o'�L�nder's rights or��any af Grantor's ❑bligatiQns as�o any <br /> �uture ��-ansactivns. Vlfh�ne�er the cons�nt ❑f Lender is required under �his Assignment, �he granting of such <br /> consent by Lender in any instanc� sha11 not eonstitute continuing consent tv subsequent ins�ances where such <br /> cansent is required and in al�cases such consent may be granfed or withheld �n the sole dis�r�tion of Lender. <br /> Natices. Any nat�Ge r�qu�red to be g�ven unde�#his Assignment shall be given in writing, and shafl be effecti�e <br /> when actual�y deii�ered, vsrhen actually received by �e2e�acsimi[e �unless ath�nNise required by �aw}, when <br /> deposited w�th a na�i�nally recvgni�ed o�ernigh�courier, or,��mailed,when deposi#ed En the Uni�ed 5�ates mail,as <br /> fi�st class, certified ❑r regis�ered mail postag�prepaEd, dire�ted t❑the addresses shQvvn near the beginning vf#his <br /> Assignment. Any parky may change i�s address for natic�s und�r this Assignmen�by giving fvrrnai written n�ti�e <br /> �a the v�he� parties, spe�ifying that the purpase of the noti�e is t❑ change the party's address. For natice <br /> �urposes, Grantvr agrees to keep Lende� informed at all times af Grantor's current address. Llnless a�herwise <br /> pro�€ded �r required by faw, if �here is mare than �ne Grantar, any nati�e giv�n by Lender#a any Grantor is <br /> deemed to be noti�e gi��n to al��ranfi�rs. <br /> Powers af Attorney. The va�ivus agencies and pow�rs of attnrney convey�d on Lender under thi�Assignment are <br /> granted for purpvses o�securi�y and may not be re�aked by��antQr until such tim� as the same are r�nounced by <br /> Lend�r, <br /> Se�erab�liiy, ff a court af competent jurisdic�ion f nds any pra�ision of this Assignmen� ta t� il[egaf, �nvalid, or <br /> unenfvrceabf� as �v any cirr�mstance, tha� finding sha�! not make th� offending pra�isian rlle�a�, in�alid, o� <br /> unen�orceable as ta any a�her circumstance. I� �easible, the of�ending pro�rision shall be conside�ed modified so <br /> tha� if becomes le�al, va�ic� and enforceable. lf the offending prvvision cann4t be so mod�fied, it shali be <br /> oonsidered defeted �rom �his Assignmen�. Unles� vthe�-wise required by law, �he �I�e�ality, invalidity, ar <br /> unenfar�eabilifjr a� any provisian ❑f this ASsignment shall not affect�he legality, va#idity or enfar�eabili�y af any <br /> other prv�isivn af this Assignment. <br /> S��cessva�s and Assigns. Subject to any limitations s�afied in�his Assignm�nt an trans�er of Grantar's interest,this <br /> Assignment shalf be binding up�n and inure ta �he benefit o� the par�ies, their successors and assigns. Ifi <br /> awnership af the Property becames��sted in a person other than Grankar, Lender,wi�hou� natice�a Grantar, may <br />