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��15�519U <br /> AS�IGNlV[ENT �F F�ENT� <br /> Loan No: �I�'I�88�47 �Cont�nued� Pa9� � <br /> THlS ASSIGN[111ENT IS GIVEN T� SECURE ["I y PAYNiENT OF THE INDEBTE�NESS �►N❑ [�j PERFORMANCE OF ANY <br /> AND ALL �6L[GATIONS DF GRp►NTaR UNaER THE NDTE, TH15 ASSIGNNlENT, AND THE RELATED D�CUMENTS. <br /> THIS AS5IGNMENT IS�EVEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE FDLLOWING TERMS: . <br /> PAYiIJIENT ANO PERF�RMANCE. Exc�pt as otherwis� prv�ided in this Assignment or any Relat�d Documents, Grantor <br /> shall pay ta Lender all amoun�s secured by this Assignmsnt as �they become du�, and shall s�krictly perform all of <br /> Grantor's obiiga�ians under this Assignment, lJniess and un�il Lend�r exercises its right to callect the Rents as provided <br /> be�aw and so Ivng as there is na d�fault under this Assignment, Grantor rnay remain in possession and can�rQl of and <br /> operate and manage the Property and cvllect the Rents, provided that the gran�ing of the right ta call�ct�he Rents shail <br /> not�anstitute Lender's�onsent�o the use�f cash collateral in a bankruptcy proc�eding. <br /> GRANT�R'S REPRESENTATl�NS AND WARRANTIES. Grantor warrants that: <br /> ❑wnership. Grant�r is entitled to receive the Rents free and clear af all r�gh�s, loans, liens, en�umbrances, and <br /> claims except as disc[ased to and a�cepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. Grantar has the full right, power and authority �to enter into �his Assignmen� and �o assign and <br /> canvey the Rents to L�nder, <br /> No Prior Assignment, Grant�r has not preWiously assigned vr c�nveyed �he Rents to any other person by any <br /> instrument naw in force. � <br /> Nv Further Transfer. Grantor vuiil n�t sel[, assi�n, en�umber, ar atherwise dispose of any❑f Grantor's rights in the <br /> RenCs except as pr�Wided in this Assignment. <br /> LENDER'S R1GHT T� RECEfVE AND �aLLECT REIVTS. Lender shall haWe fh� right afi any time, and even �hough nv <br /> default shall ha�e occurred under this Assignment,t� caflec�and re�eiv�the Rents. Far this purpos�, Lender�s her�by <br /> giWen and�ranted the fo�lowing righ�s, powers and autharif�: <br /> Noti�e to Tenants. Lender may send natices to any and all t�nants of the Praperty advising them of this <br /> Assignment and directing al�Rents to be paid directly to L�nder ar Lender's agent. <br /> Enter th� Praperty. Lender may en��r up�n and tak� possessian af the Property; demand, collect and recei�re frarn <br /> the tenants or from any other persons liab�e therefor, all vf the Ren�s; institu�e and carry on al� lega[ proceedings <br /> ne�essary fvr the protection of �he Proper�y, including such proceedings as may be necessary ta recv�er <br /> possession af�he Property; co�lect the Rents and remove any tenant or tenants or ather persons fram the Property. <br /> iUlaintain�he Property. Lender may en�er upon�he Property to maintain the Prope�-fy and keep the same in repair; <br /> to pay the costs th�reo�F and of ali ser��ces❑f all empEvy�es, including their equipment� and ❑f all continuing costs <br /> and expenses❑f maintaining the Property in proper r�pair and condition, and alsa tv pay all�axes, assessments and <br /> water utilities,and the p�emiurns on fire and ather insurance eff�ct�� by Lenr�er an the Property, <br /> Compliance w�th Laws. Lender may do any and all things tv execute an�! camply with �he laws o� the State af <br /> Nebraska and alsa all a�her lauvs, ruies, orders, ordinances and requirements vf all vther governmen�af agencies <br /> af�ecting the Prop�rty. <br /> Lease the Proper�y. Lender rnay rent or lease�he whole or any part af the Property far such terrn �r�erms and on <br /> su�h candi�ians as Lender may deern appropria�e. <br /> Employ Agents. Lender rnay en�age such agent vr agents as Lend�r may deem appropriatef either in Lender's <br /> name ar in Grantor's nam�,to r�nt and manage the Property. in�luding the callec�ian and app�ication af Rents. <br /> Other Acts. Lender may do all such other things and acts with respect t❑ �he �roperty as Lender may deern <br /> appropriate and may act exclusively and solei� in�h� place and stead of G�an�ar and ta have a11 af the pow�rs of <br /> G ra nto�#ar the purp�ses s�at�d abo�e. <br /> No Requirem�nt t❑Act. Len�er shall not be required �a do any af the for�gaing acts or things, and the �Fact that <br /> Lender shall ha�e per�ormed one ar more of the f�r�going acts or things shall na� r�quire Lender to do any ather <br /> specific act or thing. <br /> APPLICATION �F RENTS. All cvs�s and expenses incurred by Lender in cannection with the Prvperfiy shall be for <br /> Grantor�5 accaun� and Lender may pay such casts and expenses from the Rents. L�nder, in Ifi5 S�IB dl5C1`E�I�n� 5h8I� <br /> determine the applicatian of any and aCl Rents receiWed by it; howe�er, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender v►rhi�h are <br /> not applied t� such costs and �xpenses shall be applied ta the Indebtedn�ss. All expenditures rnade by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not reimbursed from the Ren�s shalf �ecome a part of the Indeb�edn�ss secured by this <br /> Assignm�n�,and shali be payable vn demand,wi�h in�erest at the No�e rat�from da�e�f exp�nditure until paid. <br /> FULL PERF�RMAN�E. If Grantor pays all �� th� Indebtedn�ss when due an� otherwise perfvrms al! the obligations <br /> imposed upon Grantti�under this AssEgnm�nt,the Not�, and the Related Document�, Lender shall execute and deli�er to <br /> Gran�ar a suitable satisfaction of this Assignment and suitable statem�nts of termination af any finan�ing stat�men�on <br /> �ile �videncing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Prope�t�. Any�ermina�ion fee required by �aw sha�l be <br /> paid �y Grantar. if permi�ted by applicable la�nr. <br /> LENDER'S ExPENDITURES. If any ac�ion or pro��eding is cammenced that►nrould materially affect Lender's interest in <br /> the Property or if Grantor fails to�omply with any proWision❑f this Assignment❑r any Related Dacuments, including but <br /> nat limited t❑Grantor's failur�to discharge �r pay when due any am�unts Grantor is��quired t❑dis�harge or pay under <br />