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<br /> Fi►�e Paints Bank
<br /> Nvrth Bran�h
<br /> 24'i�Nor#h Br�adwell
<br /> _.,, Grand Is�and;_NE_�88�3_ , ,,,,,,,,,,_ ,.,,,,,,..,,,,, F�R RECdRDER'S USE,�NLY
<br /> ��4�Q���0��1�1�88�4?�115�731�D15�
<br /> � AS�IG1�NiENT �F F�ENTS
<br /> THiS AS�1Cl'VNiENT �F �iENTS dated July 3'I, ��'�5, is rnade and ex�cufied betwe�n GREG�R'1�'
<br /> M CRAMER and SHANNILEE BARiUHAI�T�-GRA�1lIER; Husband and Wife �referred tQ belovv as
<br /> "Grant��'"� and Fi�e Po�nts Bank, whase address is ��15 iVvr#h Broadwell. �rand Island. NE
<br /> 688�3 treferred to be�aw as "Lenderrr�r
<br /> ►4SSIGNMENT. Far ►raluah�s cvnsiderati�n� �rantar h�reby assigns, grants a cvn�inuing security
<br /> inter�sfi in, an� Ganveys to Lender all �f Grantar's righ�, �itle, and interest in �nd to the Renfis
<br /> fram the fnllawing descrihed Property I�cated in HALL �vunty, State vf Nehraska;
<br /> LCfTS ThIIRTEEN {13�. F�URTEEN �14�. FIFTEEIV �15}. S1�TEEN {'I�� AN�3 SEVENTEEN �'I��
<br /> 1N BL{���( �iVE {'I}. CLARK'S �IL7DIT��N T� THE VILLA�E �F VIJ�OD R1VER, HALL
<br /> The Prop�rty vr its addr�ss is camrnon�}r knvrrvn �s ��S VII 8TH STREET, WC]�D RIVER, NE
<br /> ��8�3.
<br /> CRQSS-COLLATERALIZATIDN. in addit�on ta th� Nate, th�s Assignrn�nt secures all abligati�ns, debts and �iabi[ities,
<br /> plus interest therevn. ��f Grantor ta Len�er, ar any�ne or m�re af them, as well as a[I �laims by L�nder against�rantar
<br /> vr any ane ❑r more af them, whether naw exisftng �r hereafter arising, whe�her related vr unreiated to the purpase of
<br /> the Note, whether voiuntary or otherwise, wh�ther due vr not due, direct or indirec�, determined ❑r undetermined,
<br /> absolu�e ar contingent, liquidated or unliquidated. wheth�r Grantor may be lia�le indi�idually or jointly with athers,
<br /> wh�ther obligated as guarant�r, surety, accvmmada�ion party ar ath�rwise, and whether recaWery upon su�h amaunts
<br /> rnay�e or hereafter may b�come barrsd by any sfa�ute af limi�a�ians, and whether the obliga�ion to repay such amaunts
<br /> may�e or hereafter rnay become o�herwise unenfQrceable.
<br /> F�TURE ADVANCES. In addition to the Note, this Assignrnent secures al[ future adWances made by Lender to Grantar
<br /> whether or nvt the ad�an�es are made pursuant t❑ a �ommitmen�t, Spe�ifical�y, vuith�ut limita�ian, this Assignment
<br /> secures, in addition �v the amvunts speciiied in the Nvte, all future amounts Lender in its �iscretion may loan �v
<br /> Grantor,��g�ther vvifh all inter�st�hereon.
<br />