<br /> Loan No: 1 D'��88�47 �Cantinued� Pag� 'I�
<br /> No. 99�499 ("SARA"�,the Hazardous Materials Transportativn Act, 49 U,S.�. Section 18�1, et seq., the Resource
<br /> ConserWativn and Re�o�ery Act, 42 U�5.�. Sectian 69D1, et seq., or other a�p�icable state or federal laws. rules,
<br /> or regul�tions ad�pted pursuant there�o.
<br /> Event of Defau��. The wvrds "Event a� De�Fault" mean any of the even�s o�defau[�set fvrth in this Deed af Trust in
<br /> the e�ents vfi defauft section of�his❑eed af Trus�.
<br /> Existing Indebtedn�ss. The words "Existing Indebtedness" mean the indebtedness des�rib�d �n the Existing Liens
<br /> provisian ofi this ❑e�d❑f Trust.
<br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantor, endorser, surety, or accommoda�ion par�y tv
<br /> L�nder, in�fud�ng withaut lirnitation a guaranty o�a�l ar part of the Note.
<br /> Hazardvus Subs�ances. The w�rds "Hazard�us 5ubstan��s" mean materials that, be�ause af their quantity,
<br /> �ancentration or physi�al, �h�mica[ o� infe�tiaus charaGteristics, may �ause ar pase a present �r potentia� hazard
<br /> to hurnan hea[�h or the enuironrnent when improperly us�d, treated, s��redr dispased o�, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transported vr otherwise handled. The wards "Hazardous 5ubstances" are u�ed in their very broadest sense and
<br /> in�lude without limita�ion any and al� hazardaus or tvxi� substan�es, materials ar was�e as defined by ar listied
<br /> under the EnvironmenCal Laws. The term "Ha�ardous Substances" also includes, without limitatian, petraleum and
<br /> petr�leum by-praducts vr any frac�ion thereo�and asb�stos.
<br /> Impro�ements. The word "lmprawernents" means alf �xis�ing and future impr��ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mabile homes affixed on the Real Praperty, faciliti�s, additions, replacements and v�her canstruction an the Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indeb�k�dness. The ►n►ord "lndebtedness" means all principal, �nterest, and other amaunts, CU5�5 and e�cpenses
<br /> payable under the N�te ar Refated Do�urnents, tog�ther with all ren�wafs of, extensi�ns of, modificat�ons af,
<br /> cansolidations �f and substitu��ons fflr the Not� nr Related Documents and any arnounts expended o� ad�anced hy
<br /> Lender to discharge Trustar's obligations or expenses incurred by Trustee �r Lender to enfarce Trustor's
<br /> obligafians under this Deed of Trust, together with interest nn su�h amounts as pravided in this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Specifically, with�u� lirnitatian, Indebtedn�ss includes the future adWances set forth in the Future AduanGes
<br /> provision, �agether with a�l interest th�r�on and al[ amounts that may be indirectfy secured by the
<br /> �ross-Colla�erali�ation pr��ision af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Len�er. The word "Lender" means Fi��Points Bank, i�s successars and assigns.
<br /> Not�. The word "No��" means the promissary not� dated Ju[y 3�, ��15, in the original principal amount
<br /> �f $25.��}�.�0 frvm Trustar fi� Lender, tvgether with all renewals o�, extensians of, modifications o�,
<br /> re��nancings�f,cvnsolidations afi, and substitutions for the promissory note�r agreement.
<br /> Persvnal Praperty, The words "Persanal Praperty" mean all equEpment, �ixtures, and other articles af personal
<br /> prvperty now or hereafter owned by Trus�or, and now or he�-ea#ter attached or affixed ta the R�al Property;
<br /> together with all access�ans, parts, and additions to, all replacements of, and a!I substi�utions far, any of such
<br /> property; and together with all prac��ds {including without limitatian al! insurance pro��eds and refund� �f
<br /> premiums} from any sale ar vther disposi�ion of the Praperty.
<br /> Property, The word "Property" means cvl�ectively the ReaE Property and the �'ersona� Property.
<br /> Real Praperty. The wards "Reai Prvperty" mean the r�al property, interests and �ights, as further described in this
<br /> Deed o�Trust.
<br /> ReEated Dacum�nts. The words "Related ❑ocurnen�ts" mean al� pr�missory no�es, credi� agreements, �oan
<br /> agr��ments, en�ir�nmental agreernents, guaranties, security agreements, m�rtgages, deeds af trus�t, securify
<br /> deeds, callateral marfgages, and a�l other instrumen�ts, agreements and do�uments, vuhether now or hereafter
<br /> existing,exe�u�ed in c�nnectian with th�lndebtedn�ss.
<br /> Ren�s, The word "Rents" means all present and future rents, reWenues, income, issu�s, royalties, profits, and
<br /> ather benefits derived f�om the Praperty.
<br /> Truste�. The word "Trustee" rneans Fi�e Paints Bank, whose address is P.� Box 15a7, �rand Island� NE
<br /> 688��-15�7 an�any suhstitute❑r suc�essor�rustees.
<br /> Trus�or, The word "Trustor" means GREG�RY M CRAMEFi and SHANNILEE SARNHART-CRAMER.
<br />