<br /> Transfer�of the Prop�rty or a Beneficial Interest in Bnrrower.If all or any part of�he Property or any interest
<br /> in i� �s s��d or transferred �vr if a beneficial in�er�st �n Banrower �s sald or transferred and Borrovv�r �s n�t a
<br /> natural persan� w�thout Lender'� pri�r written consen�, Lender rnay, at its �pt�on, require immedia�e payment �n
<br /> full of all sums secur�d by �hxs Secur��y �nstrument. However, this op��an shall not be exerc�sed by Lender i�
<br /> �xer��se�s p�rah�bi��d b�federallav�r as of the da�e of�his Securi�y Instrument.
<br /> If Lender exer�ises �his option, Lender �hall g��e Barr�vver not�ce of a�celeratian. The notice shall prav�de a
<br /> periad of not less than�he minimum number of day� established by Applicab�e Law from�he dat��he no�i�e is
<br /> de�ivered �r mail�d�ithin v�hich Borrower must pay al��sums se�ured by�his Security Instrument. Zf Borrflwer
<br /> fai�s �o pay�hese sums priar ta the exp�ration af thzs p�r�ad, Lender may in�al�e any remedies perrn�tted by this
<br /> S�curity Instrument�i�hout fur�her no�xce or ciemand on B�rrower.
<br /> Borr�wer's Right ta Reinstate. �f Borrower mee�s cer�ain condi�ions, Borro�uer shall hav� �he right to have
<br /> enforce�nenti of�his Securi�y �nstrument discontinued at any time prior to�he earl�er af: �a� 5 da�Ts {or such o�her
<br /> �eriod as App�icabie Law may specify for reins�atement��efore sale�f the Fropert�y pursuan�to any povver of sal�
<br /> con�ain�d in �his 5e�uri�y Ins�rument; flr �b) entry of a �udgmen� enfflrc�ng �his Se�urity Instrumen�. Those
<br /> conditions are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender a1I sums v5rhich then v�auld be due under this Se�urity Inst�rumen�
<br /> and the�ontrac�as if no accelera�ion had occurred;�b�cures an��default of an�other covenants�r agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a1I expens�s incurred in enforc�ng�his Secur�ty Instrument,in�luding,but not limi�ed�o,reasonable attorne}�s'
<br /> fees to the �xten�perrni�t�d by�av�; and�d}�ak�s such ac���n as Len�ier may reasonably requ�re�o assure tha�the
<br /> l�en❑f th�s Security Instrumen�,Lender'�rig�its in�he Proper�y and Barrower's abliga�ion ta pay�he sums secured
<br /> by this S�curi�y �ns�rumen� shall �ontinue unchanbed. Upon reinstatement by Borrflwer, �his Security rnstrument
<br /> and th� obli�at�ons secured hereb� shal� remain fully effe�ti�e as �f no accelerati�n had occurred. �oweWer,th�s
<br /> r�gh�to reins�a�e shall not apply in the case of a�ce�era�ifln under the�e�t�on��t�ed Transfer of the Proper�y ar a
<br /> Bene��ial Interes�in Borrower.
<br /> Hazard�u5 Substances.Borr�wer shal�not cau5e�r permi�the presen�e,use,dispasal, �tarage,or release of an�
<br /> Hazarda�s Substances an or in th�Properry.Borrovver shall not do,nor allovv anyone else t�do,an�hing affecting
<br /> the Propert��hat is �n vio�a�i�n of any Environmen�al Lavv. The pr�ceding two s�ntences shal�no� appl��o the
<br /> pre�enc e,use,or storage Qn the Pr�p�x�y of sma1�quanti��e s af�Iazard�us Substanc es�hat are gen�rally recognized
<br /> to he appropr�a��to normal res�dential uses and to maintenance af�he Proper�y.
<br /> Borravver shali pramp��y gxve Lender written no�ice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsux�or other act�an by
<br /> any ��vernmen�al or regula�or� agency or priva�e parfiy �nv�lving the Froperry and any Hazardous Substance �r
<br /> En�ironmental Lavv af wh�ch Borrower has a�tual knawledge. �f B�rrovsrer �earns, or is n�tif ed by any
<br /> go�ernmental or regu�atory authority,tha�any removal or o�her remed�ation of any Hazard�us Subs�ance affecting
<br /> the Pr�pe.�ty is necessar}�, Barrau�er sha�l promptly �ake a11 n�cessar� remedial act��ns in acc�rdance �vith
<br /> En�rironmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in thi�para�aph, "Hazardous Subs�tances" are �hose subs�ances defined as taxx�or hazardous substanc�s
<br /> by En��ronmen�al Law and the folTowing substan�es: gaso��ne, kerosene, o�her flammable ar �oxic petroleurn
<br /> praducts, �ox�c pesticides and herbicides, �o�a�i�e s�lvents, mat�r�als containing asbestos or farma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�oa�ti�e ma�er�a�s.As used in th�s paragraph, "En��r�nmental Law"means federal�a�vs and Xavvs flf�h�state of
<br /> l�Tebraska that�relate to health,safe�y or enviranmen�al prote�tion.
<br /> Ac�el�r�t�on; �emed�es. Lender shall g�ve notice tv Borrower prior to acce�era�ivn follow�ng �3orrQwer's
<br /> breach of any�o�enant�r agreemen#in th�s Security Instrument or the C4ntra�t under wh��h a����eration
<br /> is Permi�ted�hut nvt prior�a acceleration under the section t�t�ed Transfer of the Proper�y or a Beneficial
<br /> Interest�n Borraw�r, unle�s Applicable La�v pro��des atherwise�, The nQ�ice shal� spe��fy: �a� �he defaul�;
<br /> �b} the action r��u�red to cure �he defaul�; [�� a date, nti� less �han the minimum number of days
<br /> established by App�icable Lav�from�he date�he na�ice is given tv B�rrower,by which the default must be
<br /> cured; and (d) �hat failur� ta �ure the default on flr befare the date specif�ed in the notice may re�u�� in
<br /> acceleration of the sums secur�d by this Se�urity Instrument and sai� of �he Praperty. To the e��ent
<br /> perrn��ted by law,the n�t��e shai�further inform Borrow�r of the right to reinstate after acce�erat�on and
<br /> the right ta bring a eourt��tion�o assert�he non-exis�ence of a default or any a�her defense af Borravver to
<br /> a�c��eration and 5a�e. If the defau�t is not�ured on vr before the date specified in �he no��ce,Lender at�ts
<br /> op�inn may requ�re irnmecl�ate payrnen� in fu�i �f a�I sums secured by this Security Instrument without
<br /> furth�r demand a�d may invake the power af sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To �he ext�nt perrnitted by Iavv, Lender shall be �n�itled to C�l�ect a�l expenses �ncurred rn pursuing �he
<br /> remedie�pr�vided in th�s�ection,in�Iuding,bu� nnt��mited to, r�a5onab�e attflrneys' fees and costs of�it1e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the power of sa�e �s invoked, T'ru5tee shall recard a na�ice�f defaul�in each coun�y in which any part of
<br /> the Property is located and�hal�mai��opies af su�h no�ic�in the manner prescribed by Appiicable Law to
<br /> Barrower and �o the ather per�ons prescribed �y App�icable Law. Af�er the time required by Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pu�lic natice of sale to �he persons and in the manner pr�5cr�bed by Applicable
<br /> Law. TruSt�e,withaut demand an Borrower,shal�sell the Proper�y a�publi�auctian�o the highest bidder
<br /> at the tir�e and place and under the term�des�gnat�d�n the not�ce af sale�n one or more par�el5 and in any
<br /> arder Trus�ee determ�nese Trustee may postpane �ale vf ali or any parcQ� of �he Proper�y by pub�ic
<br /> announcement at the t�me and place of any previously scheduled saie.Lender or�ts designee may purchase
<br /> the Property at ar�y saie.
<br /> Upfln re�eip�of payment of the pr�ce bit�, Trustee shall dex��ver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying
<br /> the Praperty. The recital5 in�he Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of the�ruth of the s�atements
<br /> Cc��Q�4-2414 Compliance 5y�stems,In�.FD&4-5B4B-24I3L2.t Q.t.&g5
<br /> Cansumer R�af Estate-5ecurity instrumer�i DL�43G 1'age 4 of 5 w�wv,cornpliancesystems.com
<br />