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Z�15�5156 <br /> interes� fr�m the date �f disbursem�n� at �he same rate assessed on advances under �he Con�trac� and shalI be <br /> payab��,u���h�n�erest,upan notzce fr�m Lender�o Borrower reque�ting pa�rment. <br /> Inspect�an. Lender or �ts agent may rnake reasonable en�rxes upon and inspec�ians of�he Property. Lender sha11 <br /> gi�e Borrawer no�ice a�the time of or przor�o an inspec�ion specifying reasonabl�cause for the inspection. <br /> Condernnatian.The proceeds of any ativard or claim far damagess d�rec�or consequentiai, in connec�ion with any <br /> cnndemna��on or�ther�aking af any part�f the Property, ar for con�eyanc� �n lieu af condemnation, are her�by <br /> assigned and shall be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n.the even�af a�otal taking af th� Proper�, the proceeds shail be apptied to the sums secur�d by th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rum�nt, v�he�her or not then due, wi�h any e�ces� paid to Barr�wer. �n th� even# of a par�ial �aking af�he <br /> Proper�y in vvhich�he fair rnarke�value of the Proper�y imm�dia�e�}�bef�re�he ta.l�ing is equal to �r grea�er than <br /> �he am�un� of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrument immedia�ely before �he �al�ing, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender otherw�se agree zn vvri��ng,the sums secured by�his Securi�y Ins�rumen�shal�be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> the praceeds mu�tip��ed by the fo��awzng fraction: �a}�he�o�al amoun�of the sums secured�mrnedia�ely before the <br /> taking, divided by �b�the fair marke# vaiue of the Propert� immediately�efore the taking. Any balance sha11 be <br /> paid to Borr�wer. In the ��ent of a par�ial�ak�ng af the Praper�y in which�he fair marke�vaiue of the Pro�er�y <br /> �mmed�a�e��before�he#ak�ng �s �ess than the amoun� of�he sums secured immed�a�ely befare the �ak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borrov,�er and L�nder atherw�se agree �n�r�t�xag or un�ess App�icable Law o�herv�i�e pr�vides, �he proceeds shal� <br /> �e applied��the sums�ecur�d b�this Secur�ty�ns�rument wh��her or na��he sums are�hen due. <br /> If�h�Proper�zs abandoned by Borr�vver, or if, after natice by Len�er�fl Borrower�hat the condemnor affers ta <br /> make an award or set�Ie a claim for damages,Barrower fa��s to respond�a Lender v�ithin the rn�imum number of <br /> days es�ablished by Applicable Law after�he date the notice is giv�n, Lender is authorized�a c���ect and app�y the <br /> proceeds, at its option, e�ther to r�s�ara��on or repair af the Property ar t� th� surns secured by �his Se�urity <br /> Instrum.en�,whether ar n��then due. <br /> Unless L�nd�r and Borr�w�r otherw�se agr�e in wri�ing, any app�i�a�ion af praceeds�o principal shall not e�tend <br /> or pos�pane the due da�e of the payments due under the Contract or change�he amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Borrower Nat Re�ea�ed; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wai�er. E�tension of �he �xme for paym�nt or <br /> m�d�fcation of amar�ization af the sums secured �y �his Secur�� �nstrument gran�ed by Lender t� Barrflwer or <br /> any successor in in�erest �f Borrou�er shail not opera�e �a release the �iabxl��y of �he original B�rrower ar <br /> Borrower's suc�essors in in�ere�t. Lender sha��nat�e require�ta commenc�praceedings against any successar in <br /> in�eres�ar refuse to extend�i_me for paymen��r o�hervvise mod�fy amor�izatian af�he sums secured by�h�s Security <br /> �nstrument by reas�n af any dema.nd made �y �he orib�na� B�rrovver or Barrower's successars zn int�r�s�. Any <br /> forbearance hy Lender in exercis�ng any r�ght or rernedy shaIl n��he a waiver af or preclude�h� exercise �f ax�� <br /> right or r�medy. <br /> Succe�sors and Ass�gns Bvund; Jo�nt and Se�era� L�ab��ify; Acc�rnmodat�vn S�gners. Th� c�venants and <br /> agreements af�his 5ecurxty Ins�rument sha��b�nd and benef�the success�rs and ass��ns of Lend�r and Borrawer, <br /> subject �o the pro�isians of secti�n ti�led Tran�fer of the Property or a Benefc�a� Interes� in Borrower. <br /> Borrovver's covenan�s and a�reemen�s shali be jain�and severa�.Any p�rsan who c�-s�gns�his Security Zns�um�nt <br /> bu� has no persanal Iiability under the Contrac� �"Ac��mmodatzon S�gner"}: �a} is co-signing this 5ecur�ty <br /> Yns�rument only �o mort�age, grant and �onvey tha� Accornmodati�n Signer's znterest in �he Proper� under �he <br /> �erms of �he Security Instrurnent; ��� �s not personall� �bligated �o pay �h� sum� s�cured hy this Security <br /> Ins�r�ument;and��}agrees that L�n�ter and any o�her Borrawer may agree to e�tend,mod�fy,f�rbear or make any <br /> a�c�mmodations wi�h re�ard to�he��rms of�his Secur�ty�ns�rumen�or the Contract vvithou�that Accornmadatian <br /> ��gner's consen�. <br /> Laan Charges. �f the �aan secured by this 5ecur�ty �ns�rument is suhject to a lavv which sets maxxmum Iaan <br /> charges, and�ha��avv is finally in�erpreted so�hat the interest or�ther loan charges co�Iec�ed ar to be colle�ted�n <br /> conneGtion �vzth �he laa�. exceed �he permztt�d l im�ts, �hen: �a} any su�h �oan �harge shal� �e reduc�d by the <br /> amoun�necessary to redu�e�he charge to the�ermit�ed Iimits and�b} any sums already collected frarn Borrower <br /> v�rh�ch e�ceeded permi�ted lim��s will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaase to make �his refund by <br /> reducu�.g the principa� ovved under�he C�n�rac�or b�making a direct pa�ment ta Barrov�r�r. If a refund reduces <br /> prin�xpal,the reductian�vill b�treated as a par�ial prepayment under the Can�ract. <br /> Nvtices. Any no�ice �o Barrower provided for �n this 5ecurxty �nstrument sha1� b� g���n by del��er�zag it or �y <br /> mail�ng��by f rs�class ma�I unless AppXrcable Law requ�res use of ana�her me�hod. The na�ice�hal�be dire�#ed to <br /> the Property Address or any ather address Borr�w�r designa�es�y nfltice to Lender. Borro�er agrees to pro�ide <br /> Lender wz�h Barrawer's m�st �urren�mailing address, a� xt may �hange fram tixxze-to-�ime. Any no�ice tio Lender <br /> sha�l be gz�en by first c�ass mail to Lender's addxess stated herein or any other addr�ss Lender designa�es by n���ce <br /> �a B�rraw�r.Any�a�t�ce pro�ided far in�hxs Security�ns�rument sha1�be deemed�o ha�e been given�o Barro�er <br /> or Lender when��ven as pravided�n th�s paragraph. <br /> Go�erning Law; SQverabiiity.Thi�Securi��n�trumen�sha��l�e governed by federal 1aw and the Iavvs of the s�ate <br /> of Nebraska. �n the even� �hat an�prov�sian or c�aus� of�his Security �ns�rument or the Con�ract �ar�flic�s w�th <br /> App�icable Law, su�h confl�ct shali nat affect�ther pravision� of�his Securi�}� Ins�rument or the �ontract which <br /> can be�zven eff�ct w��h�ut the conflic�ing pro�ision.To this end the pra��s�ans of�hzs Secur�ty�ns�rumen�and�he <br /> �ontract are dec�ared�d be severable. <br /> Borrower`s Cflpy.Barrov��er sha�l be g��en one copy�f this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> Q 2��4-Z614 Compliance Systems,Inc.FD60-SB4B-2413L2,1�.I.895 <br /> Consumer Rea]Estate-Security Instrurraen#DL2436 Pa�e 3 vf 5 www.�ampliancesys#ems.�om <br />
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