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��15�511� <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> L�an N�: ��1�$3��� ��or�tinued� Pa�e 8 <br /> courts of Ha[I County, Sta�e of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and 5everal Li�biii�y. All �hligatians af Trus�or under this Deed of Trust shall be joint and se�eral, and all <br /> r�f�rences ta Trustor sha�[ rnean each and �very Trustar. Th'is means �ha� each Trustor signing belaw is <br /> r�spansibl��Far a[l obligatians in this Deed of Trust. <br /> No Vllai�er by Lender. Trustor unde�stands Lender wili n�t giWe up any af L�nder's rights und�r this Deed �f Trust <br /> un�ess Lender does so in writing. The faGt that Lender d�lays or;omits tv �xercise any right will no� mean that <br /> Lender has given up that righ�. [f Lend�r does agree in writing to g��e up ane ❑f Lender's rights, th�t daes nflt <br /> mean Trustor will nat have to �omply wi�h the other proWis�vns ❑f this Deed �f Trust. Trustor alsc� understands <br /> �hat if Lender daes cons�nt t❑ a request, that da�s not m�an that Trustor will nat have fio get Lender's cansent <br /> again if the situa�ion happens again. Trustar further understands#hat jusfi beGause Lender�ansents ta one ❑r rnor� <br /> �f Trustar`s requests, that does na� mean Lender v�rill be required:to consen#t� any ��Trustt�r's future reques�s. <br /> Trustor wa�W�s presentrnent, demand far payment, prat�st, and no�i�e❑f dishonor. <br /> Severabi�ity. I� a court finds �hat any pravisi�n ❑f this �eed a� T�`us� is not �a�id ar shou�d nat b� enfar�ed, that <br /> fact by itself wili nat mean that the rest�f�his De�:t� af Trust wil� not be�aii� �r enfarced. T�erefore, � court will <br /> en'�orGe the r�st❑��h�prc��is�ons of this De�d of Trus�eWen if a�rovisi�n of this a�ed a�Trust may b�faund to be <br /> in�a[id or unenforceable. <br /> Succe�sors and Assigns. 5ubject ta any limitations stated in this;�eed af Trust an transfer��Trus��r's inter�st, <br /> this Deed of Tru�t shali be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successars and assigns. [f <br /> own�rship ❑f the Prap�r�y becomes vested in a person other than;Trustar, Lender, without natice t� Trustor, may <br /> deaf tirvith Tru$�or's successars v�rith reference to�his Deed�f Trus�and the Indebtedness by way a�for�e�ranGe or <br /> e�tension withaut re�easing Trustor frarn the obl�gati�ns Qf this De�d�f Tr-ust ar Iiabili�y under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is of the Essenc�. Time is a#the essen�e in�he perfarmanc�;o�this �eed of Trust. <br /> 1lVa��er af Homestead Exemptian. Trustar hereby releases and �vaiWes ail rights and henefits of the homestead <br /> ex�mption�avtirs af the 5tat�a�N�hraska as t� all Indebtedness secured by this Deed Qf Trust. <br /> DEFINITI�N�, The fallowing wards shall have the following meaninys when used in this ❑e�d of Trust: <br /> Benefici�ry. The word "Ben��ic�ary" rneans Fi�� Points Bankr and its successars and assigns. <br /> Borrc�wer. The ward "g�rrov►�e�" mean� GARY WAYNE S�HULTE an� STEPHANIE LA110NNE SCHULTE and <br /> in�ludes all ca-signers and co-makers signing the Na�e and alI their;successars and assi�ns. <br /> De�d o�Trust. The wards n�eed of Trust" me�n this Deed �f Trust am�ng Trus�or, Lender� and Trustee, and <br /> inc[udes v�rith�u� �im�tation �ll assignmen� and seGur�ty interest prov�si�ns relating to the Persona� Property and <br /> Rent�. <br /> Enviranmental Laws, Th� w�rds "En�iranrnental Laws" mean ;any and aIl stat�, federal and local statutes, <br /> regu(ations and �rdinances rel�tin� to th� prate�tion of hurnan� health ar the enWiranmen�, in�luding without <br /> lirnitatian the Carnprehensi�e En�ironmentaI Response, �ornpensatian, and Liabil�ty Act af 1 9��� as amende�, 4� <br /> U.S.C. S�cti�n 9�D1, et seq. {"CER�LA"}, the 5uperfun� Amendmen�s and Reauthor�zation AGt of 198F� Puh, L. <br /> No. 99��99 {"SARA"},the Hazardous Mat�rials Transpartation Act�49 1J.5.C. Sec�i�n 18C�1,et seq.r the Resflur�e <br /> C�nserWati�n and Reca�ery Act, �� U.S.G. Se��ian 69�1, et seq., ar other applicable state or federal lavvs, rules, <br /> �r regu[ati�ns adapted pursuant thereto. <br /> Event vf De#ault. Th�uvards "Event❑f❑efau[ttt mean any af the events ❑f default set for�h in this D�ed of Trust in <br /> the e�ents�f default se��ian❑f this Deed vf Trust. <br /> HazardQus Subst�n�es. The wards "Hazardous 5ubstances" rr��an material� that, because a# their quantity, <br /> concentration �r physica�� �hemical or infe�tious charac�eristics� r�tay cause ar pose a presen� or pQtential ha�ard <br /> to hurnan health ar�he enviranment�nrhen irnproper(y used, �reated, stored, disposed a�r generated, manu�actured, <br /> transparted c�r ❑therwise handled. The w�rd� "Hazardous 5ub�tanGes" are used in their Wery braadest sense and <br /> incIude tivithaut [imitatian any and ali ha�ar�ous ar taxic substances, material� or waste as defin�d l�y ar listed <br /> under the EnWir�nmental Laws. Th�terrn "Ha�ardaus �ubstances"; alsa in�ludes, wi�hout limi�atir�n, petro�eum and <br /> petiroleum by-products or anY fraction th�reof and asbes��s. <br /> ImpraWements. The word "Imprv�ements" rneans all e�ci�tin� and future im�ra�ernents, buildings, structures, <br /> rn�bil� homes atFixed on �he Real Proper�y, �facilities� additians, replacernen�s and ❑�her construc�ian on #he Reai <br /> Prap�r�y. <br /> Indebtedness. The word '"Indehtednes�" m�ans a[I prin�ipal, int'erest, and ❑ther amaunts, Cf�5�5 and expr�nses <br /> payabl� und�r the Nvte ar Related dacumentsr tage�her with a[1 renewals of� extensions of, madifica�ion$ of, <br /> cansolid�tions af and substitut�ans for�he Note or Related �acum�nts and ar�y�mounts �xpen�ed ar advanc�d by <br /> Lender ta disGharge Trustar's o�aligatians ar expenses incurre�! kay Trus�tee ar Lender t❑ enfarce Trustar's <br /> �b[igations under this Deed of Trust, fogeth�r with inter�st an such amQun�ts as provided in �his Deed o� Trust. <br /> Specifically, withQut limitatian, Indebtednass in�ludes th� �uture ad►�anc�s set forth in �he Future Advan��s <br /> pro�isian of this Dee�l of Trust, tagether with al�interest there�n. <br /> Lender, The word "Lender" means Fi�e Pain�s Bank, its su��essars and assigns. The words "successors or <br /> assigns'T mean any persan or carnpany that acquires�ny int�r�st ir�the Nate. <br />