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��15�511� <br /> DEE� �F T'�L�ST <br /> Loan N�; 'I�'I�83�88 ��ont�n u��� Pag� � <br /> a#�er Trustar's faiIure to C�D SDr that dec�sian by Lender wil! not affect Lend�r's right tfl d�ciare Trust�r in defaul� <br /> and to exercise L�nder's remedies. <br /> Request far Nfltice. Trusfiar, an hehalfi�f Trustor and Lender, herehy requests that a capy of any IVatice of Default <br /> and a cop� ❑f any fVatice of Sale under this Q�ed o�Trust be mailed �a them �t the addresses set forth in the first <br /> paragraph of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Attarneys' Fees; Expenses. !f Lender institutes an}� suit or actian to er�force any of the terms a�f this D��� af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled to rec��er su�h sum as the c�urt may adjudge rea�onab{e as attorn�ys' fees at tria� <br /> and upon any appea[. Wh�ther ar not an� caurt �ct'ron is inu�l�ed, and ta the ex�en� not prohibi�ed by lawr al1 <br /> reasonab[e e�penses Lender in�urs that in Lender`s opinion are necessary afi any time for the protectian �f its <br /> interes�ar the enf�rcement�f its rights shal[ Iaec�m�a part af the �ndebtedness payable on dernand and sha�l bear <br /> interest at the Nate rate frorn�he date o�F the expenditure until r�paid. Exp�nses covered by this pa;ragraph include, <br /> w�#haut �irnitation, h�Vvever subject�� any limits under appliGable lavv, L�nder's attarneys' �e�s an;d Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether vr not there is a lauvsuit, in�iudin� attorneys' �ees and expenses for ban�ruptGy pro�e�dings <br /> {including efforts ta modi#y or Wacate any aut�rna�ic stay�r injunctionyr appeals, and any anticipated post-judgrn�n� <br /> �a�lection ser�ices, th� cast of searching rec�rds, �bta�ning �i�le reports ��n�luding farecl�sure �eparts}, surW��ors' <br /> reparts, and appra€sal fees, title insurance, and fiees far the Trustee, to the extent p�rmit�ed by' applicable la�nr. <br /> Trustar also w�[I pay any c�urt cos�s, in additian ta al�❑ther sums proWided by law. <br /> Rights of Truste�. Trustee shall ha�e all af th�rights and duti�s of Lender as set for�h in this secti�n. <br /> PDWERS ANa �BLi�ATIONS �F TRUSTEE. The foilawing pr��risions re[ating ta the povv�rs and o�ligatians af Trustee <br /> are part vf this D�ed af Trust: <br /> Pvwers of Trus�ee. In addition ta all pov�rers af Trus��e arising as a matter of law, Trustee shail ha�e�he power ta <br /> take th� fo[lowing activns with respec�k�to the Praperty upan the written requ�st�f Lender and Trustar. �a�join in <br /> pr�paring and fi[ing a map Qr plat of th� R�al Property� including the dedicatian of s�r��ts �r ath�r ri�hts to the <br /> pub[ic; {h� join in granting any easement �r �rea�ing any restric��an on th� Reaf Property� and; tc} jnin in any <br /> su�ordination or ather agreement aff�cting this ❑eed of Tru�t❑r the in�erest❑f Len�er under this Deed Qf Trus�. <br /> Trustee, Trustee shall meet alI qualificatians required for Trustee under appficable law. ln addition to the rights <br /> and remedies set for�h aavve� with respect ta all or any part af the Proper`ky, th� Trust�e shal! ha�re the right t� <br /> �oreclose by n�tic� and sa[e, and Lender wifl haWe the right ta fareclose by judicia� for��lasure, in either case in <br /> a�c�r�fance wi�h and tQ�he fulI ex��nt pro�ided �y ap�iicable law. <br /> Successar Trustee. L�nder, a�L�nder's aptian, may frQm time ta tirne appoin�a succe5sar Trustee ta any Trustee <br /> app�int�� under this fleed af Trusfi by an instrurnent executed and acknawledged by Lender and re�orded in the <br /> affice of the rec�rder of HALL County, 5�ate �� Nebraska, The instrument shall evnta�n, in addition ta alf other <br /> matters required by sta�e law, the names af �he ❑riginal Lender, Trust��, and Trustorr the baok and page �ar <br /> camputer system reference7 where this Deed o� Trust �s recarded, an� th� nam� and address af the successor <br /> trustee, and the instrument shall �e exeGut�d an� acknawl�dged by all�he beneficiaries under this D��d o�Trust Qr <br /> their successors �n in�erest. The successar truste�, with�ut G�nveyance af�he Pr�perty, shall succeed to alf �he <br /> titl�, pawer, and duties canferr�d upon the Trustee in th[s Deed�f Trus�an� by applicable iaw. This pracedure f�r <br /> subs�tifiution❑f Trustee shall govern xo the exclusian af all❑�her prov�sions f�r su�stitutian. <br /> N�T10E5. Any natic� required to �e given under this Deed ❑f T�ust, inGluding wi�hout limitati�n any n�tice a� �efault <br /> and any no��ce vf sale sha!! be gi�en in writing, and shail be effective when a�tually de[i�ered, when actual�y r�ceived <br /> by te[efiacsimile {un(�ss vtherwise requir�d by Iaw}, v�rhen d�posit�d with a nationally recogni�ed avernight courier�or, if <br /> rnailed, when deposi�ed in the United S�ates mail, as fzrst�lass� certifi�� ❑r regi�t�red mail p�stage pre:pa�d, direGted ta <br /> the addresses shown near the �eginning ❑�this Deed af T�ust. All Gnp�es af notices af forecCosure frarn the holder vf <br /> any lien v�rhi�h has priarity ❑�er this Deed �f Trust shall be sent ta Lender's address, as shown near the ��ginning af <br /> this Deed of Trust, Any pers�n may �hange his or her addr�ss for natices under this Qeed of Trust'by gE�ing formai <br /> writt�n na�tic� ta the oth�r-persan or �erS�f15� specifyin� that �he purp�se af the notice is ta change the p�rsvn's <br /> address. For natice purposes, Trusfivr agrees ta keep Lender informed at afl times afi Trustor's �urrent addre�s. Unless <br /> otherwise provi�ed or required by law, if th�re is mare than nn� Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is <br /> deerned to be notice giWen ta all Trusto�s. It will be Trustor's r�sponsibility ta te�l the others a�the natice firam Lender, <br /> M�SGELLANE�L�S PR�VI��ONS. The follovv�ng miscellaneaus prov�sions are a p�rt of this Deed a#Trust: <br /> Amendments, Wha� is written in this ❑eed af Trust and in th� Related Da�uments is Trustor's entire agreement <br /> w�th Lender �oncerning the matters c���red by this �eed of Trust. T❑ be effec�i�er any change �r amendment t❑ <br /> this Deed af Trust mus�be in v�r'rting and must be si�ned by v►rhoeWer wii! be baund or ob�iga�ed by the ch�nge or <br /> arnendmenfi. <br /> Caption Headinys. Caption headings in th€s Deed af Tru�t ar� for con�enien�� purp�ses anly and are not �o be <br /> used to interpret or def�ne the �ro��sions of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall �e n� merg�r ofi the interest❑r estate �r�at�d by this Deed o�Trust vvith any other interest or <br /> es�ate in the Praperty at any tirne held by a�for the b�nefi��f Lender in any capacity, w�thaut the wr�tten consent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> Choice of Venue, I�there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upan Lender's request to subrnit ta th� �urisdictian af the <br />