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��15�51U� <br /> DEED �F TRUS� <br /> Lvan Na: 'I 0'I�88�7� ��ontl�ued� Page 2 <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In addi�ion ta the N��e, �his Deed of Trust s�cures all future ad�ances made by Lender fa <br /> Borrawer or Trustor whether or na�the ad�ances ar�mad� pursuant to a commitment, Specifically, without�imi�a�ion, <br /> this Deed of Trust secur�s, in addi�ion to the amounts specified in the Nti�e, all future amaunts Lender in its discretion <br /> may loan to Borrower or Trust�r,t�gether wi�h al[in�erest ther�on. <br /> Trustar presen�tly assigns ta L�nder �also knawn as Ben�ficiary in this Deed of Trustf aIl �� Trustor`s right, title, and <br /> in#�rest in and to alf present and future I�ases ❑f the Property and alf Rents �ram the Praperty. In additivn, Trustor <br /> grants t� Lender a Uniform Gommer�ial Cod�security int�rest in the Persona� Property and Rents. <br /> TH15 DEED OF TRUST, IN�LUDING THE ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND <br /> RERSQNAL PR�PERTY, 15 GIVEN T�SECURE tA} PAYMENT aF THE INDESTEDNESS AND �g} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGAT�C3NS UNDER THE N�TE� THE RELATED D�CUMENTS, AND THIS DEED �F TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEED�F TRUST 15 �IVEN AN❑ACCEPTEQ�N THE F�LL�WI11lG TERN[S: <br /> TRUSTDR'S REPRESENTATl�NS AIVD V1lARRANTIES. Trustor warrants that: �a� this ❑eed of Trust is exe�uted at <br /> Borrawer's r�quest and na�k at the request af Lender; {b} Trustar has the fu[I #�av►rer, right, and authority t� enter in�o <br /> this �eed of Trust and to hyp�thecate the �'raperty; {c� �he prQ�isions af this Deed of Trust da not cflnf�ict wi�th, �r <br /> resulC in a default under any agreernent or other instrument binding upon Trus�or and do not result in a WivEation o�any <br /> law, regulativn, cvurt decree or order applicable to Trustar; �d� Trustor has established ad�qua�a means of ob�aining <br /> frnm Borrow�r an a c�ntinuing hasis informativn about Borr�w�r's financial cvndition; and {e} L�nder has made no <br /> representatian tv Trustor abouf Borrower�in�luding withaut limitation the credi�uvarthiness ❑f Borrower�. <br /> TRUST�R'S WAIVERS. Trustvr waives all rights or defens�s arising by reason af any '"vn�a��ion"" or "ant�-deficiency" <br /> 1aw, or any other law which may pre►�ent Len�er fram bringing any ac�ian against Trustor. �ncluding a ciaim for <br /> de�iciency to the ext�n�Lender is ❑therwise entitl�d to a clairn f�r deEiGienGy, befare or after Lender's commencement <br /> ar campletion of any�oreclasure action,either judi�ially or�ay exercise vf a power o�sale. <br /> PAYC1flENT AND PERF�RMAN�E. Except as otherwise provided En this Deed o�f Trust, �vrrower and Trustor shall pay to <br /> Lender all f ndel�tedness secured by this Deed of Trus� as it hec�mes du�, and Borrower and Trustor sha�l strictly <br /> perf�rm all their respect€r�e obligatians under the No�e,this �eed�f Trus�,and the Related Documents. <br /> PQSSES51aN AN❑ MAINTENANCE �F THE PROPERTY. E3arr�wer and Trust�r a�ree that Borrower's and Trustor`s <br /> possession and use a'F th� Praperty shall be governed by the foll�wing pro�isions: <br /> Possessian and Use. �Jntil the occurrence of an E�ent of Default, Trus�or may {1 f remain in possession and <br /> control of th�Property; ��) use, operate ar manage the Pr�perty; and �3y co�lect the Rents fram the Property. <br /> Duty to Nlaintain. Trustor sha11 maintain th�� Property in tenantable condit�on and prompt[y perforrn all repairs, <br /> repla�ements,and maintenance necessary�o p�'eser�e its Wafue. <br /> Cvmpliance�1llith Environm�ntaf Laws. Trustor rep�'esent� and warrants to Lender that: {1} During the period of <br /> Trustor's ownership af the Prvper�ty, there has been no use. generation, manufac�ure, storage,treatment. disp�sal, <br /> release ❑r threa�ened re�ease of any Ha�ardous Su�stan�e by any persQn an, under, about or frorn the Property; <br /> 4�� Trustor has n� knowledge �f, ar reason�ko believe that th�re has heen, except as pr�viously disclosed tv and <br /> acl�nov�rled�ed by Lenr�er in writing, {a} any breach or viQlation �f any Enviranrnental Laws, �hy any use, <br /> generatian, manufacture, storage, �reatment, dispasal, r�lease or �hreatened release �f any Hazardaus Substance <br /> on, under, abou� o� firvm the Prvperty by any pri�r o�rvners �r oc�upants of the Pr�perty, �r �cy any a��ual ❑r <br /> threat�ned liti�ation ❑r clairns af any kind by any persan re�ating to suGh matters; and �3� Except as preWiously <br /> disclosed to an� acl�nowledged by Lender�n writing, �a� n�ith�r Trustor nor any tenant, contrac�or, agent or other <br /> authori�ed user af the Property shall use, generate, manu�Facture, st�re, tr�at, dispose of or releas� any Ha�arr�ous <br /> 5u�stance�n, under, ab�ut❑r�rom th�Property; and �b� any su�h a�ti�ity sha�l be canducted in compliance with <br /> a1[ app3i�ab[� federal, state, and Io�al laws, regulations and ordinances, incfuding withaut limi�tativn alf <br /> Environmen�al Laws. Trustor authori�es Lender and its agents to enter upvn the Prvperty to mak� such <br /> inspectians and tests, at Tru�tor's expense, as L�nder m�y d�em apprvpria�e to determine complianc� ot the <br /> Prvperty with this se�tion of the De�d of Trusfi. Any inspectivns �� tes�s made by Lender shall be fior Lender's <br /> purp�ses only and shall nat be construed to create any responsibElity or liabil�ty on�khe part of Lender to Trust�r❑r <br /> to any other p�rson. The represenfiations and warranti�s con�ained herein are based on Trus�4r's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property for Ha�ard�us Substan�es. Trust�r hereby �1] releas�s and waives any �uture claims <br /> against Lend�r for ind�mnity ar c�ntribution in the e�ent Trustor b�comes liable far �leanup vr ather costs under <br /> any such laws; and �2f agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender against any and all claims, losses. <br /> liabilities, damages, penal�t€es, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indire�tly sustain or suffer resul�ting from <br /> a br�ach o�this section af fhe ❑eed o�Trust or as a �onsequence ofi any use, �eneratian, manu�acture, storage, <br /> dispasal, release tir thr�atened rel�ase vc�ur�ing prior�o Trus�tar's ownership ar interest in the Property, whether or <br /> nat the same was or should hav� been known fiv Tr�star. The provisions of �his section ❑f the �eed af Trus�, <br /> including the obligation to indemnify and defend, shall sur�iv�the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and reGvnveyan�e of the lien of this ❑eed af Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition af any interest <br /> in the Proper�y, whether hy��recl�sure or atherwise. <br /> Nuisance. Waste. Trustor shall not �aus�, con�uct or permit any nuisance nar cammit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste an or ta the Praperty vr any partion �f the Property, Withaut �imi�ing �he generality o'F the <br /> foregaing, Trusto� inrill not�-emo�e, or gran�ta any vther party the right t� remove, an�timber, rninerals tincluding <br /> oil and gas},coal, clay, scoria,sail,gra�el ar rvcl�products without L�nder's prior written consent. <br />