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��15�5DUU <br /> though Lender rnay!�e unable to co�lect amounts ov►red under the Nvte because of res�rE�tions <br /> in�his Paragraph 15. <br /> '�fi. F�rhearance by Lender hlot a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender �n exerc�sing any right or <br /> remedy shal!not be a wai�er of or prec�ud�the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> '�7. Successors and►4ssign$ Bound; Ja�nt and Se�eral Liahiii�y.The co�enants and agreemen#s af <br /> this Security instrumen�shal� bind and benefit the su�cessors and assigns of Lender. gorrav►r�r may <br /> not assi�n any ri�hts or obligations under fhEs Securi�y [ns�rumsnt vr under�he Note, except ta a <br /> �rust that mee�s#he requirements af the Secretary. Bvrrower's coyenants and agreements shal� be <br /> �oin#and several. <br /> Nofiwi�hstand�ng anything tv�he cantrary herein, upvn �he deafh af�he �ast sur�i��ng Borrowe�, th� <br /> Barrower's successors and assigns wil� be bound �o perForm Sorrower's abliga��ons under th�s <br /> Secu ri�y Ins��umen�. <br /> '�8. Natices.Any no�i�e to Bor�awer provided for in�his Security Insfrumen�shali be gi�en by deli�ering <br /> it or by mailing i� by frst class rna�! unless applicab�e law requires use of another method. The <br /> no�ce sha�i be direcfed ta the Proper�y Address or any ather address ali Barrawe�s join�ly <br /> des�gnafie.Any notice�o Lender shall �e given by f�rst cfass mail to Lendec's add�ess stated her�in <br /> or �ny address Lender designa�es by natice t❑ Barrower. Any notice tv a Non-Borrowing Spause <br /> pravided far�n this Securi�y 1ns�rument shai� be gi�en by delivering it or by maifing i� by first class <br /> ma�l unless appiicable �aw requires use of anather methvd. The no�ice sha!! be directed tv the <br /> Praperty Address.Any notice provided far in this Security lnstrument shail be deemed to have been <br /> given to Borrawer, Lende�ar Non-Barraw�ng Spouse when g��en as pra�ided in this Pa�agra�h '�8. <br /> '�9, GoWerning Law; Se�erability. Th�s Securi�y lnsfrument shall he gav�rned hy Federal law and�he <br /> law of th�jurisdic��on in which �he Proper#y is �oca��d. ln �he event�hat any provisian or c�aus� of <br /> �his Security lns�rument or#he hlote confli�ts with a�plicable law, such can�lict shall no#affec�o�her <br /> provisions of this S�curity Inst�ument or the hlote wh��h �an be g��en e�fect vv�thout the cvnfili��ing <br /> pravisivn. T❑ this end �he prvvisions o��his Securiiy lns�rurnent and th� Note are de�la��d to be <br /> severable. <br /> 2�. Bvrrvvuer's Cvpy. Barrov+re� shall be giwen ane canformed copy o� �he Note and this Se�urity <br /> I nstru m ent. <br /> �'i. Third-Party Benefic'rary. Excep� as set #or�h in Paragraph '�O�a}�ii� and anly far an Eligib�e <br /> Non-Borrawing Spouse, this Deed of T�us� does no� and is naf int�nded to con#�r any rights Qr <br /> �emedies upon any person o�her than #he parties. Barrower agrees that it is not a third-party <br /> benefciary ta�he Contract af Insurance between HL�D and Lender. <br /> 22. Capital�zed Terms. Capifialized terms not de�ined �n this Securi�y lnstrument shali have �he <br /> meanings ascribed�o th�m in fhe Laan Agr��ment. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM G�VENANTS. Borrow�r and Lender cavenant and agree as foi�aws: <br /> 23. Assignment of Rents, Borrow��r uncond�tionally assigns and �ransf�rs to Lende�a!I the ren#s and <br /> revenues o��he Property. Sorrawer authariz�s Lender ar Lender's agen�s to callect the rents and <br /> revenues and herehy directs each tenant of the Proper�y tv pay the r�nts to Lende� ar Lender's <br /> �?' 7540GEN3D2C <br /> Ac�enfure Martgage Cadenc�Documen#Center 0�228 �9 of'f 3} Nebraska Deed o�Trust HFCM ADJIJSTABLE RATE-MERS <br /> 03115 <br />