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��15�5DUU <br /> agen�s. However, priar #o Lender's notic� ta Borr�wer of Bvr��wer's breach �f any covenant �r <br /> agreement in the 5ecurity lnstrumen�, B�rrower shall cvlle�t and reGeive a!i ren�s and revenues of <br /> fhe Property as�rus�ee far�he benefifi a�Lender and �orrauver.This assignment of rents constitutes <br /> an absofute assignmen�and nof an assignmenf�ar additional security anly. <br /> if Lender gi�es na�ice af br�ach t� Svrrower: �a} all ren�s recei�ed by Borrower shall �e heid by <br /> Borrvwer as trus�ee fo� ben�fi�of Lender ❑n{y, to be appfied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> lnstrument; �b}Lender shall be�ntitled tv calle�t and receive all v��he rents of the Property; and �c} <br /> each tenan� of the Property shalf pay all �ents due and unpaid tv Lender or Lender's ag�nt on <br /> Lender's written demand to�he ten�nt. <br /> Borrow�r has nat executed any prior assignment of the rents and has nat and wiil no�per�arm any <br /> ac��hat wouid prevent Lender from exercising i�s rights under this Paragraph�3. <br /> Lender shal! not be requ�red to en�er upon, take con#rol of or maintain the Property before or after <br /> givEng notice of brea�h to Barr�wer. Havuever, Lender ar a�udicia�ly appointed rec�i�er may do so a� <br /> any time there is a breach. Any applica�ion of rents shal� nat cure or waive any d��au�f ❑r invaiidate <br /> any afher right or remedy of Lender. This assignment ofi ren�s of the Property shal� terminate when <br /> the deb�secured by this Securi�y Ins�rumen�is paid in fulf. <br /> �4. Foreclosure Pracedure. 1f Lender requires imrnediate paymen� in full under Paragraph '�4, <br /> Lender at i�s op#ivn may require immediate pa7�ment in fu�i af all sums secured by this <br /> Securi�y fnsfirum�nt withaut fur�her dernand and may invoke the pvwer of sale and any v�her <br /> remedies p�v�ided by appf�cable faw.Lender shall be entifled�a coflect all expenses incurred <br /> in pursuing the remedies prnvided in this Para�raph �4, in�luding, bu� not fim�ted tv, <br /> reasonahle at�orneys'fees and cosfis of ti�le e�idenc�. <br /> If the p�wer af sa�e is in�vk�d, Trus#ee shall recard a notice �f defaui� in each caun'�y �n <br /> which any part af the Pr�perty is loca�ed and sha�� mail capies vf such no�ice in�he manner <br /> prescr[bed by Applicable Law to Borrower and�a the vther p�rsons prescribed by App�ica�le <br /> Law.After the time requi�sd by Applicable Law,Trus�ee shall gi�e puh�ic nv#�ce of sale to�he <br /> persons and in the manner prescriloed by Appiicable Law. Trustee, w�thoufi demand on <br /> Bvrr�wer,sha�l sell fhe Praperty ai�puhiic auc#��n to the highest�idder at the time and place <br /> and under the�errns designated in the nvtice a�saie in vne or more parcels and in any order <br /> T�ustee determines.Trustee may pvst�one sale af a![ar any parce!of the Prapert}�hy puh�ic <br /> announcement at �he �im� and place of any pre�iously scheduied sa��. Lender or its <br /> designee may purchase i�he Proper�y at any sale. <br /> Up�n rece�pt af payment vf �he pr�ce �id, Trustee shall delir►er tn the purchaser Trustee's <br /> deed con�eying the Property.The reci�a[s in the Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma facie��idence <br /> of the truth �f the statements made therein. Trustee sha�1 apply the proceeds of fhe sale in <br /> �he fvilawing arder: �a} to all costs and expenses of exercis�ng the pvwer�f sa�e, and �he <br /> sale, including the payment of�he Trustee's fees actualiy�ncurred and r�asvnable at�orneys' <br /> f�es as permitted by Applicab[e Law;�b}to all sums secured hy�his Security�nsfrument; and <br /> ��}any excess t�#he person or persvns legally entit�ed to i�. <br /> 2�. Lien Priority. The full arnount secured by this Security Instrumen�shall ha�e the same p�iority a�e� <br /> . any ofher liens an #he Propert� as if the �ul! amount had been disbursed on the date the init��� <br /> 7754�GEN30� C <br /> Acoenfure Mortgage Cadence�acument Center�0228 ('f0 of 13] Mebraslca❑eed of Trust HECM ADJUSTABLE RATE�MERS <br /> a31'i 5 � <br />