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��15�5DUU <br /> ��, Reinstatemen�. Borrower has a right to be reinsfafed ifi Lender has requ�red imrnediate paymen�in <br /> �ul�. This r�gh� applies even a�ter fore�losure proceedings are ins#ituted. To r�insfiate this Securify <br /> lnstrument, Barr�wer shall cor�ec� the condi�ion which resulted in �he requirernenf for imrnediate <br /> payment in full. Fareclosure costs and r�asona�le and custornary attarney's fees and expenses <br /> properly assaciated wi�h�he�orec�osure proce�ding shall be add�d ta the Principal Balance. Llpon <br /> reinstatemenfi by Borrawer, this Security lnstrumen�and the abligations�hat it secures shall remain <br /> in effe�t as if Lender had not required immediafie payment in fuil. However, Lender is nat required�v <br /> perm if reinsfa�ernen# if: �i} Lender has acc�pted reinstatement after the commencement ❑f <br /> foreclosur�proceedings Wi�hin�vv❑ ��}years immediately preceding�he commencemen�a�a curren� <br /> foreclosure pro�eed�ng, �i�} reins�atement will preciude�oreclosure on differ�n�grounds in ths�uture, <br /> or�iEi}reinsta�ement vuil�adWerse�y affect fihe pr�ority vf�he Secu�ity lnsfrument. <br /> 'i3. Deferral Per�vd Reinsta�ement. ff a De�ferral Period ceases or h�cames unavaiiable because a <br /> Non-Sorrowing 5pouse n� longer satisfies the Qualifying Attributes for a De�erral Period and has <br /> became an lne�igi�le Non-Bvrrowing Spouse,neither�he Deferral Per�od nvr the Secu�-��y lns�rument <br /> may b� reinstated. I n the even� a De�erral Perivd �eas�s because an ob�igation af the iVote, �hs <br /> Lvan Agreement or this Se�uri�y Instrument has nof been met or#h� N�te has become eligib�e#a �e <br /> cal�ed due and payab�� and �s in defauit fiar a reason other than death, an Eligi�le Nan-Borrov►iing <br /> Spouse may have a Deferral Perio� and �h�s Security lnstrumenfi reinstated provided thaf the <br /> cond�tion which resulted in the Deferral Period �easin� is corrected within�hir�y�30}days.A Lender <br /> may require �he Eligi�le Nan--Barrvwing S�ouse to pay fvr foreclosure cosfis and reasonable and <br /> customary a�torney's�ees and expens�s praperly associa�ed with #he fore�losure proceeding, such <br /> casts may not�e added�o the Princ�pai Balance. Upon reinstafement by an Eligible Non-Borrawing <br /> Spouse, the Deferral Period and this Security lnstrumen� and the abliga�ions that it secures sha�l <br /> remain�n e�fec�as if the�eferral Period had nat ceas�d and the Lender had not required irnmediate <br /> paymenfi in#ul�. Howe�er, Lender is not required to perm���einstatern�nt if: �i} Lender has acce�ted <br /> reinsta�emenf of either�he ae�erraf Period �r�his Securi�y ins�rurnen�with�n fihe past�wv ��}years <br /> irnrnedi��ely preceding fihe curren� notification �o the Eligible Non-Borrowing 5pouse �hat �he <br /> rnortgage is due and payable, �ii} reinstatem�nf a� ei�her �he Deferral Period vr �his S��urity <br /> Instrument�ill preclude foreclasure in the'�u�ure, or�iii}re�nstatement��either th� ❑e�e�ra1 Period <br /> vr 5ecuri�y�nsfirument wil�ad��rse�y af�ecfi fhe priority of fhe Security instrumsnt. <br /> '14. Lien S�atus. <br /> 4a� IVlvdifica�ian. Bo�rower agrees to extend fhis Securify lns�rument in a�cordance wifh this <br /> Paragraph '14(a}. lf Lender de�errn�nes that th�original I�en s�atus�f the 5ecuri�y lnst�ument is <br /> jev�ardized under state lavv �including but no� limited �v si�uat�ons v+rhere the amaun� secured <br /> by the Security Instrum�nt equals or exceed� the maximum principal amount stated ar the <br /> maxirnum perivd under wh�ch Ioan adWances reta�n �he same �ien prio�ity inj�iafly g�anted �o <br /> �oan advances has expired} and sta�e la� permi�s fhe original lien status ta be maintained f�r <br /> future lvan advanGes#hrough the exe�u�ion and recardation a�one or mare documen#s, �hen <br /> Lender shal�ob�ain��tle e�idence at Bvrrower's expense. lf the�itle e�idence indica�es that the <br /> Property is no#en�urnhered by any liens�exc�p��his Security �ns�rument, �he Second 5ecurifiy <br /> Instrument d��crihed in Paragraph 15(a}, and any subordinate iiens that the Lender <br /> determines wili aiso be subordinate �o any �uture loan ad�ances�, Lender shail reques� #he <br /> Borrawer to execute any documen�s necessary to pro�ect the lien status o� future loan <br /> ad�ances. Borrawer agrses to execute such dacurnen�s. If sta�e !aw does not permi# the <br /> original lien s�atus�a be extended#o future loan advances, Borrorrver w�li be deerned�v ha�e <br /> fa�fed to ha�e performed an obiiga�ion under this Securi�y instrumen�. <br /> 7 � 54❑GEN3❑2C � <br /> Accenture Mvrcgage Gadence Document Ger�ter���2$ �7 af�3� Nebraska❑eed af Trust HE�M A�JUSTA6LE RATE-MERS <br /> 03l15 <br />