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��15�5DUU <br /> her Nan--Barrowing Spause. V�Ihere a Borrower has identified a Non-gorrov�r�ng Spouse in <br /> Paragraph 9, and the iden�ified Non-gorrawing Spaus� qualifies as an Eligib�e Non-Borrawing <br /> Spous�, �he Borrower sha�� also cornp�ete and pro��de �a the Lender on an annua� bas�s, an <br /> Eligible Non�Borrowing Spause ce�kificat�an, in a forrn pres�ribed by�he Lender, certi�y�ng that <br /> all requiremen�s fa��he applicatian af a ❑ef�rral Period c�ntinu��a app�y and con�inue to be <br /> met. Dur�ng a ❑ef�rral Period,the annuai Principal Residen�e cer�i#�catian mu�t confiinue to�e <br /> comp�eted and pravided tv the Lender by the Eligible Non-Barrowing Spvuse. The Borrower <br /> shall also noti�y Lender whenever any o�the events fisted in Pa�agraph 1��b}and �c}occur. <br /> �e� Natice to Secretary and Borrower. Lender sha�l no#ify the 5ecretary and Barrow�r whenever <br /> th� Eoan becvmes du� and payable under Paragraph ���b} and �c}. Lender shall nat hav��h� <br /> right to cvmmence foreclosure until Bor�vwer has had thirty�3�}days after notice to either: <br /> �i} �arrect the matter tirvhich�esulted in�he Secu�ity lnstrument caming due and payable;or <br /> �ii} Pay the balance in full;ar <br /> �iii} Sell �he Prop�rty �vr the lesser of �he bafance �r ninety-fi�e perc�n� �95°/0} of th� <br /> appraised value and apply#he net p�oceeds o�f the sale�owa�d the balance;vr <br /> �iv} Provide the Lender wi�h a deed in lieu flf�arec�asur�. <br /> {f} Notice ta Secretary and Eli�ible Nvn-Borrvwing 5pvuse. Lender shalf not�fy#h� Se�re#ary <br /> and any Eligi�le Non-Borrowing 5pause whene�er any e�en� lis�ed in Para�raph 1��t�}and �c} <br /> occurs during a Deferral Perivd. <br /> �g} Trusts. Con�eyance of a Borrawer's interes� in the Property �o a trus� which mee#s the <br /> requiremen�s of the Secre�ary, or conveyance af a �rust's interes#s in tha Praperty �v a <br /> Borrower, shal� nat be consid�red a conv�yance �or purposes of this Paragraph ��. A trust <br /> shal! no� be consid�red an occupan� �r he cons�d�red as having a principal residence. far <br /> purpases af th�s Paragraph ��. <br /> �h} Mvrtgag� N�t�nsured. Barrower agrees�ha�should this�ecurity lnstrumen�and the Note not <br /> �e eiigibie for insurance under fhe Na�iona! Hausing Act vtiri�hin fi� days frvm the da�e hereof, <br /> Lender may,a#ifis�ption,require immediat� paymenf in full of all sums secured by this SecurE�y <br /> Insfirurnent. A wr�tten statement of any authorized agent af�he S�cretary dated subsequent�o <br /> fia days�rom the date hereof, declining to insure thi� Securi�y �ns�rument and the Nafie, shal� <br /> b� deemed cflnc�usi�e proa�a�su�h inel�g�bili�y. No�withstanding the �oregoing,this vption may <br /> nat be exercised by Lender when the una�ailabilify af insurance is svle�y due ta Lender's failure <br /> tv remit a mvrtgage insuran�e premium�a#he Secretary. <br /> '11. No Deficiency Judgments. 6orrvvuer shall have nv p�rsona� lia�iii�y �or paymen� of the d�b# <br /> secured t�y�his Security lnstrumenfi.Lender may enforce�he deb�only#hr'augh sale o�the Property. <br /> Lende�- sha�! nof be permitted �a o��ain a defici�ncy judgment agains� gorrower if the S�curity <br /> lnstrumen� is forec�osed. {�this Security fns#rument is assigned to �he Secretary upon demand by <br /> the Secretary, Borrower sha�l nv� be liabi� far any dififerenc� t�e�ween the rnorkgage insurance <br /> benefits paid to L�nder and �he ou�stand�ng indeb�edness, including accrued interest, owed by <br /> Bar�ower at the tirne of fhe assignrnent. <br /> � <br /> 7754❑GEN3o2c <br /> Accenture Marfgage Cadence Dacument C�nter���28 �6 of 13� Nebraska❑eed af Trust HECM A�.]USTABLE RATE-MERS <br /> o�i�� <br />