<br /> Any appli�ati�n af payments, insurance pr�ceeds, or Misc�l�aneou� Pr�C�eds to principal due under�he Note
<br /> shali not ext�n�or postpane�he du�date, ar chan��the amount, of�he Per�odic Pa�rments.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escro�v Items. Bor��wer shai�pay t�L,�nder on�he day P�riadic Payments are due under the
<br /> Note, unti�the No�e�s paid�n fu��, a sum�the "Funds"}�o pra�ide for payment of amounts due for: �a}taxes
<br /> and assessrnen�s and other�tems�vhich can attain privrit�aver this Secur�t�r�nstrumen�as a lien ar
<br /> encumbran�e on the Propert�; �b} �ea�chold paymen�s or gr�und r�n�s on�he Proper�y, �f any; �c}prem�ums
<br /> for any ar�d al� �nsurance required b�Lender under Se�tian 5; and�d}M�rtgage Insurance premiums, if any,
<br /> �r any sums payabl�by Borrflv�rer to L�cnder in��eu of th�paym�n�af Mvr�gage�nsurarx�e prern�ums in
<br /> a�cordance wi�h Ch�pro�r�s�ons of Section I0. Thes�i�erns are called "Escrow�t�ms." At origina�.ian or at
<br /> any�ime during the term of�he Loan, Lender may requir�that�ommunity Associatian Dues, F�es, and
<br /> Assessments, if any, be�s�ro��d b�r Borr�wer, and such dues, fe�s and assessment�shall b�an�scrow
<br /> �tem. Barrnwer sha�l pramptiy furn�sh to I.�nder a��n�t�ces of amaunts to be paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shali pay Lender th�Funds for Escr�w�tems un�ess L.�nder v�aives�3orraw�r's�bligation�o pay
<br /> the Funds for any ar aXl Escrow Items. Lend�r rna��ai�re Bflrravver's obligation ta�ay ta Lender Funds for
<br /> a.ny or aii Escrovv I�ems at any��me. Any such wai�er may anly be�n wrx��ng. In the e��nt of such vvai�er,
<br /> Borrower shall pa�direc��y, when and vvh�re payable, the amaunts due for an� Escrovv �tems for which
<br /> payment af Funds has be�n wai�ed by L.ender and, �f Lender requires, shall furnish to Lend�r receipts
<br /> eviden�in�such paymen�within such�im�period as Lender ma�r�qu�re. Borr�wer's obligation to mal�e
<br /> such payments and��provide re�e�pts shal�for ai�purposes b�deemed�o�e a co�enant and agreement
<br /> caritained in th�s Security�ns�rument, as the phrase "covenan�and a�reem�n�" �s us�d�n Section 9. If
<br /> Bflrrawer is obliga�ed to pay Escrow�tems d�rec�I�r, pursuant�a a waxver, and Borrow�r fa��s�o pay the
<br /> amoun�due for an Escraw It�m, Lender may exer�ise�ts rights under Section 9 and.pay su�h amount and
<br /> Borrower sha�l then be obli�a�ed under Sec��on 9�o repa��o Lender any such amount. Lend�r rnay r��ok�
<br /> the�vaiver as�o an�ar al�Escraw �tems a�an�r time by a no�ice given in accordance vvith Sec�ion 15 and,
<br /> upon such revoca�ion, Barrower shall pay to L�nder all Funds, and in such amounts, �hat are�hen requ�red
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, at an��irne, callect and hold Funds �n an amount�a�suffi�ien��a permit Lender t�app�y the
<br /> Funds at�he�ime specif�ed under RESPA, and�b}no��a exceed th��nax�mum amount a iender can re�uzre
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l e�t�mat�the amaun�af Funds due�n�h��as�s of�urrent data and r�asonable
<br /> estimates of e�pend�tures af future Escrow Yterns or n�h�rv�is�in accordance with App��cable Lavv.
<br /> �"ne runtis sna�1 be ne���n an�nstitu�i�n wh�se c�epasi�s ar����surea by a�eaeral a��ncy, insirur.n�n�aiiiy, c�r
<br /> entity��nc�ud�n�Lender, if L,ender is an institutian whas�depnsi�s are so�nsured) or�n any Federal �3ome
<br /> Loan Bank. Lender shdll apply the Fund�to pa��he Escr�w Iten�s na la�er�han the��me spec�f�ed und�r
<br /> RESPA. Lend�r sha�l not charge Barrower for holding and applying th�Funds, annua��y analy2ing the
<br /> escraw account, or�erifying the Escrow �t�rns, unless Lender pays BorroWer inter�st on�he Funds and
<br /> Applicah�e Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Unless an agre�ment�� made in v�ri�ing ar
<br /> Applicable Law requ�res�n�eres��a be paid on the Funds, I.�nder sha��n�t be required to pa�r Barrawer any
<br /> �nterest ar earnings on the Funds. B�rrow�r and Ilender�an agree in wr��in�y hOWE:V�ry �hat interest shal�be
<br /> paid vn the Funds. I,ender shall gi�re to B�rrower, without charge, an a��nual accoun�ing af the Funds as
<br /> re�u�red by RESPA.
<br /> If th�re is a surp�us of Funds hei�i�n escrow, as defined under�ESPA, Lender�ha��a�caun��fl Borrow�r f�r
<br /> �he excess funds in ac�orda�ace with RESPA. �f ther��s a�har�age of Funds held�n es�row, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�l natify B�rrov�rer as requ�red by RE5PA, a�ad Borrawer sha11 pa�r to Lender�he amount
<br /> nec�ssary�o make up the shor�age zn accordance with RESPA, but in no m�r�than 12 monthly payments. If .
<br /> th�r�is a defi�ienGy af Funds he�d in escrow, as def�n�d under RESPA, Lender shall no�ify Borraw�r as
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNlFDAM INSTRUM�NT Form 30�8#I�i
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE}�i 302)
<br /> Walt�rs Kluwer FinanciaE 5er�ices Page 5❑f 17
<br />