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Z�15��957 <br /> �EED DF TRLJST <br /> �C�n#inued} Pag� 7 <br /> baund by the alteratian or amendment. <br /> Annual Reports. If the Prvperty is used fvr purpases other than Trustor's residen�e, Trustor sha11 �urnish t❑ <br /> Lend�r. upon request, a certi#ied s�atement of net op�ra�ing incvme re�ei�ed frvm the Property during Trustor"s <br /> pre�ivus #iscak year in su�h form and detai! as Lender shall require. "Ne� operating ir��ome'" shall mean all cash <br /> receipts frorn the Property less all cash expenditures made in cannec�ivn vuith the vp�ra�ion of the Property. <br /> Caption Head�ngs. Capti�n headings �n �his ❑eed ❑�Trust are far cvnvenience purposes ❑n!y and are not to a� <br /> used t❑interpret ar define�he pro�isions o�this D�ed of TrusC. <br /> IVlsrger, There shal�be nv merger❑f�h� interest❑r estate cr�a�ed by this Deed vf Tru�t vuith any other int�r�st vr <br /> estat� in the Praperty at any�time he�d by vr fvr the �e�efi+t❑#Lender in any capacity, �°vithvut�he ►rvritten cvnsent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Gav�rning Law. This Deed vf Trust wift be gv��rned by f�deral �aw applicable ta Let�der and, tv�h� extent nvt <br /> preempted by federa�law,the laws vf the Statg of Nebraska withvut regard to its confl�cts v�law pra�isians. This <br /> Deed�f Trust has heen accept�d by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Ch�ice af Venue. If there is a lawsui�. Trustor agrees upon L�nder's reques� t� suhrr�it to the jurisdiction Qfi the <br /> caurts o�Haf���un�y, State�f iVebraska, <br /> Jvint and Se�erat Liabili#y. All o�ligat�ons af Bvrrower and Trustar under this Deed �f Trust shall be joint and <br /> se�erai, and all referen�es t❑Trustor sha��mean each and e�ery Trustor, and ail referer�ces fio E3orrower shall mean <br /> each and e�ery Borrower, This means that�ach Trustar signing belavv is respvnsible to�all❑bliga#ions in this Deed <br /> of Trust. <br /> N�Wai�er by Lsnder. Lender shall nat be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this D�ed of Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is g��en in r►vriting and signed by Lender. Na delay or omission on#he part of L�nder in exercising any righ� <br /> shalf operate as a waiver vf suGh right❑r any other right. A►nrai�e�by �ender o�F a provisian of this Deed of T�ust <br /> shali n�t pre�udice or constitute a wa��er ❑f Lender's right othertirvise ta demand strict compl'rance w�th that <br /> provis�on or any �ther prv�isian ❑f this ❑eed �� Trust. No prinr v�rai�er by L�nd�r, nor any �aurse af dealing <br /> b�tween Lender and Trustor, shall constitute a wai�er ❑f any of Lender's rights vr vf any of Trustvr's vbligations <br /> as tn any future�ransactions. V1lhenever the cvnsent vf Lender is required und�r this fleed of Trust, the��an�ing <br /> v�such consent by Lender in any ins#ance shaCl nat constitute �onfiinuing consent t❑ s�bsequent instances where <br /> such�vns�nt is required and in all cases such c�nsent rnay be grant�d or withheld in th�sole dis�retian af Lender. <br /> Se�erab��ity. If a �ourt af competent jurisdiction finds any pravisivn ❑f this deed a�T�ust t� be i��egal, in�aiid, or <br /> unenfarceable as to any pe�son or cir�umstance, th�t�inding shali not rnake the ❑ffend�ng pro�ision illega�, in�alid, <br /> or unenfarceabfe as to any o�h�r person ar circumstance. If feasibi�, the aff�nding pr��ision sha91 �� considered <br /> modified s� tha�it be�ames legal, valid and enfvr�eable, If th� vffending prv�ision car,not be sv madified, it shall <br /> be cvnsidered deleted �rom this ❑eed ❑f Trust. Un[ess ❑therwise required #�y law, the illegality, in�aiidity, or <br /> unenfarceabili�y of any prvvision o#this Deed vf Trust shafl not affect the �ega[ity, �alidity or en�orceability vf any <br /> Qth�r prv�isivn af this D�ed o�Trust. <br /> Succ�ssors and Assigns. Subject t❑ any iirnitations s�at�d in this ❑eed of Trust on tr�nsfer ofi Trusfior's interest, <br /> this Deed of Trust shall he binding upan and inure to �he bene�it of the par�ies, their suc�essors and assigns. Ifi <br /> ownership ❑f the Property becarnes �ested in a pe�s�n ❑ther than Trustor, Lender, withvut notice ta Trustor, may <br /> deal wifih T�us�or's su�c�ssors wi�h reference�a this ❑eed o#Trust and the Inde�tedness by way of forbearance or <br /> exfiensiQn without r�leasing Trustor from the obligations of this [3eed❑f Trus�or iiability und�r the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is ofi the Essenc�. Time is of the essence in the perfarmance a�this�eed o#Trust. <br /> Waiv�Jury. At[parties to�his Deed o#Trust hereby waive the right fin any jury trial in any ac�ion, proce�ding, or <br /> counterclaim brought#�y any party against any other party. <br /> Wai�er o� Homestead Exernption. Trustor hereby releases and wai��s all rights and bene�its o� the hvmestead <br /> exemption laws of the 5tate af Nebraska as ta all Indebtedness secured by this Deed af Trus#. <br /> ❑EFINITI�NS. The following capitalized words and terms shall ha�e the follawin� meanings when used in this Deed af <br /> Trust. Unkess specifically stated tv the �ontrary� all refierences �v dvllar amvunts shall mean amounts in lavu#ul money <br /> of the L]nited States af America. INords and terms used in the s�nguiar shall inciude the plural, and the plural shai� <br /> include the singular, as the �ontext may require. Vllords and �erms nat ❑th�rwise defined in this Deed of Trust shall <br /> have�he meanings at�ributed to such terms in the Uni�form Comrnercia�Cade: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Bene�iciary" means Exchange gank, and its successors and ass�gns. <br /> Borrower. Th� w�rd "B�rrower'" means Troy L Huff and Tamie Huff and in�ludes al� co-si�ners and co-makers <br /> signing the Nvte and ail their success�rs and assigns. <br /> ❑eed of Trust. The words "�eed o� Trust'" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trustvr� Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> �ncludes withaut limitatian ail assignmen� and security int�rest pravisians rela�ing ta the Pers�na� Praperty and <br /> R�n�s. <br /> Default. The word "[]efauft" rneans the Default set fa��h in this Deed of Trusfi in the se�tivn�itled '"�7efault". <br /> En�iranmental Laws. The words "En�iranmental Laws" m�an any and all state, �ederal and io�al statutes, <br /> regulations and ❑rdinances re[a�ing �❑ the prot�ction of human h�alth ;vr��th� envir�nment���-�i�cluding withau� <br /> [imitation the �ampreh�nsi�e Enviranmental Resp�nse, Camp�nsatian, and Liabili�y Ac�ofi �98�, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Se�tion 9fiD�, e�seq, 4"CER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reautharizat�vn AGt of 1986, Puh. L. <br /> No. 99T499 �"SARA"},the Haxardous Materials Transpvrtatian Act,4� IJ,S.C,��e_c�ivn �;8��,et seq.,th� Resaur�e <br /> Conserva#ion and Rec�very Act. 42 LJ.S.C. 5e�tion ���1, et seq., ar other applica�i� s�ate ar federa� laws, rules, <br /> ❑�re�ulations adapted pursuant theretv. <br /> E►►ent of De#auit. The w�rds "E�ent of aefault° mean any of the e�ents vf default set farth in this D�ed❑f Trus#in <br /> �he e�ents of default section af�his ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaran�y" means�he guaranty fram guarantor,endorser,surety,�r acc�mm�dation party�o <br /> Lender, in�luding wi�hout fimitation a guaranty of a11❑r part�f the Nvte. <br /> Hazardvus 5uhstances. The wards '"Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, be�ause vf their quantity, <br /> con�entrativn vr physi�al, chemicai or infectious characteristics, may cause �r pose a presenfi or potentiaf hazard <br /> to human health vr the en�ir�nment when irnproperly used, treafied, st�red, dispos�d af, generated, manu�a�tured, <br /> �ransport�d or otherwise handle�. Th� words "Ha2ardous Substanc�s" are used in th�ir�ery br�adest sense and <br /> include without [imitatian any and all hazardvus or t4xiG substances, materials or wa�t� as defined by or listed <br /> under the En��ronmental Laws. The fierm "Hazardous Substances" alsa includes, witho�fi limitatian, petraleum and <br /> petral�um by-prvducts or any fractian thereflf and as��s�os. <br /> improrrem�nts, The ward "lmpro�ements" m�ans all existing and future imprv�em�nts, buitdings, structures, <br /> mobile homes a��ixed on the Rea� Praperty, fiaciiities, additions, rep�acemen�s and vther cvnstruction an the Real <br /> Praperfi}�. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "fndebt�dness" means all principal, interest, and ❑ther amc�unts, C�5fi5 an�e pensss <br /> � <br /> � <br />