<br /> DEED �F TR�JST
<br /> {C�nti�ued� Page �
<br /> separate lats or par�els ar items as Trustee shall deern expe�ien�, �nd in such or��er as��may determine,
<br /> a� pu��i� auG�ion tv�he highest bidder far cash in law��al ma�ney of the United States payabl� at�he time
<br /> af sa9e. Trustg� sha[f deli�er to such purchaser or pur�ha�ers �herev� its goc�cl and sufficient deed or
<br /> deeds conveying '�h� praper�y so soid, �u� with�u� any cowenan� vr warran�y. E;xpress or irnplied. The
<br /> re�itals in such deed o� any mat�ers vr faGts shall be cvnclusive proof of the �r��thfulness thereo#. Any
<br /> person, including w�thout fimifiatian Trust�r,Trustee, or Lender, ma�purchase a�;�uch sale.
<br /> �b� As may be permitted by law, a�ter deducting ali cost�, fees and expense�� of Trus�ee and vf this
<br /> Trust, including cas�s a�evidence o�titie in �annect�on with sa�e, Trusfi��shal�apply the proGeeds a�sale
<br /> to paymen�of {if all sums expended under the terms ofi this Deed of Trust ar un�ler the te�ms of�th�Nate
<br /> not then repaid, including but nvt l�rnited t� accrued in#ere�t and late charges� [+if all �ther sums then
<br /> se�ured h�reby,and 4i�i�the rernainder, if any,to�he person or persons I�gaily er�titled thereto.
<br /> �C� Trust�e may in the manner pro�ided by law postpone sa�e of ali a�any portia�i vf the Property.
<br /> Remedies Nat ExclusiWe. Trustee and Lender, and each �� themr sha�l be ent�tled tc3 en�ar�e payment and
<br /> perfarman��v�any indebtedness or vbf�gatians secured by this deed�f Trust and#o exer�ise all rights and pov►rers
<br /> under this ❑eed v�Trus�, under�he Note, under any ofi the Reiat�d Dacuments, or und�r any other agr��m�n��r
<br /> any 4aws naw ar herea�ter in fo�ce; notwithstanding, same or all af such indebtedness and❑bl�gativns seGured �y
<br /> this Deed o�Trust may naw ar herea�ter he otherwise secured, whether by martgage, d��d of trust, p�edge, lien,
<br /> assignm�nt or oth�rwise. Neith�r the accep�ance af this C�eed of �rust nor its �nforc���nent, whe�her by caurt
<br /> a�tion ar pursuant�to the p�virer a�sale or oth�r powers c�r��ained �n this D�ed of Trust, shall prejudice ar in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lender's right �o realize upon ar enforce any �ther security r�flw or her�a�ter he�d by
<br /> Trustee ar Lender, �t being agre�d that Trust�e and Lender, and each o�them, shali�e�ntii:led t❑enfarce this Deed
<br /> o�Trus� and any a�her security no►nr ❑r hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such ard�� and manner as they ar
<br /> ei�h�r of them may in their a�solute discretivn dete�mine. No r�m�dy canferr�d upon �r r�ser�ed t❑ Trustee vr
<br /> Lender, is int�nded to �e exclusive nf any other r�rnedy in this Deed vf Trust or by law prv�id�d or permitt�d, �u�
<br /> each sha1� �e cumulatiWe and sha�i b� in addition ta e�ery other remedy gi�en in this Geed vf Trust vr nvw or
<br /> herea�ter existing at lav►►vr in equity ar by s�atute. E�ery pawer�r r�medy gi�en by the�Vote or any of the Rela�ed
<br /> Da�uments to Trustee or Lender vr t❑ which �ith�r af them may be oth�rwise ent'rl:led, may be exercised,
<br /> concurren�tly or independ�nzly, �r�m time t��ime and as vften as may he deemed exped��.nt�y Trustee ❑r Len�er,
<br /> and either a� them rnay pursue incansistent rernedies. hfathing in 'this �eed o� Tru�t shall be cvnstrued as
<br /> prahibi�ing �ender�rom seeking a de�i�fen�y judgmer�t against the Tr�stvr ta the extent s�Gh a��Cian is p�rmitt�d by
<br /> law. E�ectivn hy L�nder ta �ursue any remedy shall not ex�lude pu�suit afi any �ther rernedy, and an electian ta
<br /> make expenditures or tv take actian to per#orm an obligation of Tru�t�r under this D�ed af Trust, afi�er Trus�ar's
<br /> fail�re to pe��orm, shall nat affec�Lend�r's right tv declare a default and exercise E#s r�mec�ies.
<br /> Reques�far Notic�. Trustor, on behalf of Trustor and Lender, hereby requests tha�a capy o�any Nati�e o#Default
<br /> and a copy o�an� �lat+ce�f Sal�under this Deed af Trust he mailed �❑them at the addr��ses set#orth in�he first
<br /> paragraph of�his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. !f Lender ins�itutes any �uit or activn to enforce any af th�e terms o� this ❑eed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be en�titled ta reca�er suGh sum as the cQurt may adjudge reasonable��s attorneys' fe�s a��ria�
<br /> and upon any appea�. Vllhether or not any cvurt activn is involved� and to the �xtent ��o� prahibited hy faw, all
<br /> reasvnable exQens�s Lender incurs �that in Lender's �pinian are ne�essary at any time f�r the pra�ectian of its
<br /> in�erest or�he enf�rcement v�its rights shali becarne a part of the fndebtedness payab�e�fn demand and sha��bear
<br /> interest at the Not�rate from�he date of the expenditure until repaide Expenses cavered t3y this paragraph inciude�
<br /> wi�hau�limitation, ho►nre�er suk�je�t�o any limi�s under applicabfe law, Lender's attnrne����' �fees and Lender's �ega1
<br /> expenses, whe�her or not there is a lawsuit, in��uding attvrneys' #ees and expenses for bankruptc�r pro�eedings
<br /> �inc�uding ef#orts t❑ mvdi�y❑r�acat�any automatic stay v�injunctivn}, appeals, and an��inticipa�ed post-jud�ment
<br /> coli�cfiion s�rvices, the cos�af searching re�ards, vbtaining �i�ie repar�s {inGlud�ng �orec9cfsure repvrts}, StJCV�y0fi5'
<br /> reports, and apprai�a( fiees, title insurance, and fees for th� Trustee, to th� exten� p�rmitted by appli�ah�� law.
<br /> Trustvr also wi(f pay any court�vsts, in additivn�❑ail other sums p�a�id�d by iaw.
<br /> F��ghts vf T�ustee. Trustee shall ha�e all vf the rights and du�ies v#Lender as se�fiarth in this section.
<br /> P�'VI�ERa AND 4BLlGATiflNS ❑F TRUSTEE. Th��ollowing prv�isians rela�ing ta th� powers �nd ob[iga�ions of Trustee
<br /> are par�of thEs Deed vf Trust:
<br /> Powe�rs vf Tru�te�� 1 n additian ta all pawers o�Trus�ee arising as a matter o#�aw, Truste+�shal�ha�e�he pawer ta
<br /> take the�allawing acti�ns v�ith re�pec�ta the Property upon�he written request o�Lend�:r and Trus'�ar: �a� join in
<br /> preparing an� fiilin� a map ar piat o� the Real Property, includir�g the dedi�ation of stre�.�s or ather rights ta th�
<br /> puhlic; �b� jain in gran�ing any easem�n� or creating any r�s�rictian on the Reaf Prvp��r�y; and tc} join in any
<br /> subardination ar vther agreement a�f�cting this❑eed of Trust or the interest o�Lender u�cler this D�ed a�'Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trust�e shall me�t all quaiificativns required far Trust�e under applicabfe law. f n addition tv the rights
<br /> and remedies se� �arfih aba�e, with resp�ct t� a[! or any part of th� Property, the Trust�e shalf ha�� �he right��
<br /> foreclose by notice and sale, and Lender shall ha�e the right �v �oreclose by judici�l �or�.closure, in �ither case in
<br /> accordance with ar�d ta the�ull extent prv�ided by appli�able iaw.
<br /> Su�cessar Trustea. Lender, at Lend�r"s optian, may frvm tirne to tir�e appaint a suGcessor Trustee�v any Trustee
<br /> appointed under th�s Deed a�Trust by an instrumen� exec�ted and acknowiedged by L�nder and recorded in the
<br /> vffice o�F �he re�vrder af HALL Cvunty, State of Nebrasl�a. The ins�rument shall cvn�ta�n, in addit�an fio afl �ther
<br /> m�tters required by sfiate law, the names a� the originai Lender, Trus�ee, and Trustar, the baak and pag� 4vr
<br /> camputer system referen�e} wher� this D�ed �f Trus� is r�corded, and the name and address vfi the success�r
<br /> trustee, and the in�trumen�shalf be ex�Cu�ed and acknawledged hy all the benefi��a�i�s �nder�h�s Deed�#Trust ar
<br /> their successvrs �n in�erest. The suGc�ssor�rus�ee, witha�t can�e�ance v�the Proper���, shall suc�eed to all the
<br /> title, power, and duties con�erred upan the Trustee 6n this C��ed of Trust and by app6icabl�e Iaw. This pro�edure�vr
<br /> subs�itut�on o�Trustee sha1�gvvern�o�he exclusiQn o�all ather pro�isivns f4r substitutian,
<br /> IV�T�CES. Any notice �equired �o be given under this Deed vf Trust, including wi�hout limit��tivn any na�ice of d��aul�
<br /> and an�r natice of saie shall be gi�en in writing, and sha�� be e�fecti�e vvhen actuakiy d�fi�ered, when actua�iy rece��ed
<br /> by teCefacsimile �unless vtherwise r�quired by law�, when deposi�ed with a na�ionalfy rec4gniz�ed a�ernight caurier,�r, if
<br /> ma�l�d, �nrhen deposited in the �n�ted S�ates rnai[, as�irs��lass� certified or registered maif postage �repaid� directed�v
<br /> the addresses shawn n�ar the heginning af�his Deed o�Trust, Ai� copies of n�ti�es af�vrec,losure from the holde�of
<br /> any liera which has priari�y ��er this D��d of Trus�$hall be sent�a Lender's address, as shc�wn near#he beginning vf
<br /> �his Deed af Trust. Any par�y may Ghange its address fa� nat�ces under this Deed o�Tru�t by gi�ing �armal �vritten
<br /> nvtice �a �he �ather par�ies, speci�ying that the purpase a� the natice �s ta c�ange the par#y's address. Fvr natice
<br /> purposes, Tr�us�or agrees t❑ keep Lender in�ormed at all times❑�Trus�arps current address. Unless otherw�se pro�ided
<br /> or required by 1aw, if there is mare than❑ne Trus#or, any natice gi�ren b� Lend�r to any Trus�:a�r is deerned to be natiGe
<br /> gi�en t❑ all Trustvrs.
<br /> MISCELLANE�]L1S PRO�lISIC]N5. The�ollvwing mis�ellan�ous pro��sions are a pa�t ofi this Deed v�Trust:
<br /> Amendme�#s. Th�� ❑e�d a�Trus�,t�geth�r►rvi#h any Reiat�d Do�uments, const�tutes th�:entire understanding and
<br /> agr�emen�t of the parties as to th� matters set �orth in th�s Deed v�Trust. Nv alterativr� vf ar amendment ta�his
<br /> Deed ofi Trus�shall be effecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed hy the par�y or parti��s sought t� be charged �r
<br /> . �'�
<br />