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6. Miscellaneous. <br />(a) Headings. The headings in this Declaration are for convenience only and do not in any <br />way limit or affect the terms and provisions hereof. <br />(b) Unenforceability. If any provision of this Declaration is held to be invalid, illegal or <br />unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not <br />affect the remainder of such provision or any other provisions hereof. <br />201504:1i4 <br />(c) Gender. Wherever appropriate in this Declaration, the singular shall be deemed to refer <br />to the plural and the plural to the singular, and pronouns of certain genders shall be <br />deemed to include either or both of the other genders. <br />(d) Governing Law. This Declaration shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the <br />laws of the State. <br />(e) Remapping of Floodplain. In the event that a final Flood Insurance Rate Map or a Letter <br />of Map Amendment issued by the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (or <br />successor federal agency having responsibility therefor) after the date of this Declaration <br />revises the boundaries of the Floodplain with the effect of reducing the extent of the <br />Property that is within the floodplain, the Use Restrictive Covenant in the Declaration <br />shall apply within the revised boundaries of the Floodplain from and after the effective <br />date of the revised Flood Insurance Rate Map or Letter of Map Amendment; provided, <br />that Owner and its successors may not deposit fill within the Floodplain nor obtain a <br />Letter of Map Revision based upon such fill, and any such Letter of Map Revision based <br />on fill shall not alter the applicability of the Use Restrictive Covenant to the Floodplain <br />as delineated prior to such Letter of Map Revision. <br />3 <br />4. Release. Any person or entity having or acquiring fee or leasehold title to the Property or <br />any portion thereof shall be required to comply with this Declaration only during the <br />period such person or entity is the fee or leasehold owner of the Property, and thereafter <br />shall be released therefrom, except that such person or entity shall continue to be liable <br />for, and shall not be released from liability for, obligations, liabilities or responsibilities <br />that accrue or accrued during said period of ownership. Although persons or entities may <br />be released under this paragraph, the restrictions of this Declaration shall continue to be <br />restrictions upon the Property, running with the land, and shall inure to the benefit of, and <br />be binding upon, their successors and assigns in title or interest. <br />5. Notices. All notices provided for herein may be delivered in person, sent by Federal <br />Express or other overnight courier service, mailed in the United States mail postage <br />prepaid, or sent by electronic or facsimile transmission, and, regardless of the method of <br />delivery used, shall be considered delivered upon the actual receipt or refusal of receipt <br />thereof. The name, address and other information to be used in connection with such <br />correspondence and notices to Owner shall be the then - current owner's name and address <br />information maintained in the official real property tax records with respect to the <br />Property. <br />
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