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1. Use Restrictive Covenant. <br />(b) This Declaration and the covenants set forth herein restricting the use and <br />occupancy of the Floodplain (i) shall be and are covenants running with, touching, <br />and encumbering the Property, binding upon the Owner and all successors in <br />interest or title, transferees, vendees, lessees, mortgagees, and assigns who are <br />owners and/or users of the Property, and (ii) are not merely personal covenants of <br />the Owner. <br />201504945 <br />(a) From and after the Effective Date, no new building structure shall be constructed within <br />the Floodplain. <br />(c) Any and all requirements of the laws of the State to be satisfied in order for the <br />provisions of this Declaration to constitute deed restrictions and covenants running <br />with the land shall be deemed to be satisfied in full, and any requirements or privileges <br />of estate are intended to be satisfied, or in the alternate, an equitable servitude has been <br />created to insure that these restrictions run with the land. Each and every contract, <br />deed, or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Property or portion thereof <br />(excluding instruments granting security interests) shall expressly provide that such <br />conveyance is subject to this Declaration, provided, however, that the covenants <br />contained herein shall survive and be effective regardless of whether such contract, <br />deed or other instrument hereafter executed conveying the Property or portion thereof <br />provides that such conveyance is subject to this Declaration. <br />2. Enforcement. In the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Declaration, any party <br />adversely affected by such breach, the county or municipality where the Property is <br />located, the State, or the United States of America shall be entitled to institute <br />proceedings at law or in equity for relief from the consequences of said breach including <br />seeking injunctive relief to prevent a violation thereof. The prevailing party in any such <br />action shall be awarded its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, <br />which shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of such action and shall be <br />awarded whether or not such action is prosecuted to judgment. <br />3. Superiority. The charges and burdens of this Declaration are, and shall at all times be, <br />prior and therefore superior to the lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust <br />hereafter made affecting the Property or any part thereof, including any improvements <br />now or hereafter placed thereon, and notwithstanding a foreclosure or other voluntary or <br />involuntary transfer of title pursuant to such instrument, shall remain in full force and <br />effect, but are subordinate to the security interests of record on the Effective Date. <br />Provided, however, that a breach of any of the restrictions hereof shall not defeat or <br />render invalid the lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust. The charges and <br />burdens of this Declaration are not intended to either create a lien upon the Property, or <br />grant any right of foreclosure, to any person or party. <br />2 <br />