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��15�4931 <br /> for�he repairs ar�d restoration in a s�ngXe payment or in a series of progress payments as the work�s <br /> comp�eted. If�he insurance or c�ndemnation prnceeds are not sufficien�to r�pair�r restare the Prope�rty, <br /> Borro�v�r is nat reiieved of Barrowe�'�ob�igat�on far the��mpletian�f such r�pair ar restoration. <br /> Lender ar its agent may mak�r�asonable entries up�n and�nspectians of the Proper�y. If it has reasonabl� <br /> �ause, Lender tna�insp�c��h�interifl�r�f the irnpro�v�m�nts on�he Property. Lend�r shall give Borrawer <br /> n�ti�:e at the tim�of or pr�ar to such an�nt�rior xnspectznn specify�ng such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8, Borrvwer`s Loan App�i�ation. Borrower sha�i be in default if, durzn�the Loan applica��an process, <br /> Bor�raw��-or any per�ons or ent�ties acting at the direc�ion af Borrower ar with Borrower's know�edge�r <br /> can�en�gav�materially false, m.�slead�n�, �r inaCcurate information or 5tatem�nts to Lender�or failed�o <br /> pr��ide Ler�der vvith materia� informat�on) �n conne�t�an wi�h the Laan. Ma�erial rep�esentations includ�, bu� <br /> a�re not lim�ted to, repre�entat�ons con�ern�ng Bor�r�wer's occupancy of�he Property as Borrawer's principal <br /> resid.ence. <br /> 9. Protection af Lender's lntersst in the Pr�perty and Rights Under this Se�urity Instrument. �f�a) <br /> Borr����r fails�a perform the c��enants and ag�eements contained in�his Security�nstrument, �b}there is a <br /> �ega�praceed�ng that m�ght significantl�aff�ct Lender's �nter�st�n the Pr�per�y andl��rights under this <br /> Secur��y�nstrument�such as a praceedin��n bankruptcy, probate, far condemnation ar�orfeitu�e, for <br /> enfore�ment af a lien�vhich may atta�n pr�arity aver this 5ecuri�y Instrument ar to enforc�Iaws ar <br /> regu�ations}, �r�c}Borrower has abandaned�he Prapert�, th�n L�end�r may do ar�d pay far whatever�s <br /> reasanabl�ar apprapr�ate to pro�ect Lender's inte�rest�n the Property and�r�gh�s under th�s Se�ur�ity <br /> Instrument, �nclud�ng prote���ng andlor a��essing the�alue of the Praperty, and securing andlor repairing <br /> the Propert�. Lender's act�ons can�nclude, bu�are na�limited t�: �a}paying an��ums secured by a�ien <br /> which has priari�y o�er this Secur�ty�nstrum�nt; �b� appearing in c�urt; and�c}paying reasanable a�torneys' <br /> fees to pratect i�s interest in�he Froper�y andlor r��hts under�his Securi���ns�rument, includ�ng its �ecured <br /> pflsition in a ban.krup�cy procee�ing. Secur�ng�he P�aper�y�nc�ud�s, but is not lxm�ted�o, en�ering the <br /> Prop�rt�r�o make repa�rs, �hang��ocks, r�ptace or b�ard up daa�rs and vvindours, drazn water from p}pes, <br /> elim.zna��building ar other code via�atians or dang�rous c�nditi�ns, and have utititi�s turned an or aff. <br /> Although Lender ma�take acti�n un��r this Secti�n 9, Lender d�es no�.have to da so and is not under any <br /> �uty ar abligation ta do so. It�s agreed that Lender�ncurs n�izab��ity fo�r nnt�aking ar�y or ail action� <br /> au�horized un�er this Section 9. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender und�r this Sectian 9 sha11 become add�tional debt of Barrov�r�r secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. These amounts sha�.i bear interest at the Not�rate from the date of disburs�ment <br /> and shatl be�ayab�e, �i�h such���t�r�st, upfln no�ice fr�m Lender�o Borrower requ�sting paymen�. <br /> If�h�s S�curity �ns�rument�s on a l�aseho�d, Borrourer shall co�mp�y v�ith a��t�e p�ovzs��ns of�he lease. If <br /> B�rr�wer acquires fee title ta the Pz��per�y, the Ieasehold and th�fee title sha�� �o�merg�unless Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> ��. N�ortgage insurance. �f Lender required Mar�gag��nsurance as a cond���on af�z�.a�z�g th�Laan, Borrow�r <br /> shall pay�he premiurns require�.t� rnaintain the M�rtgage�nsurance in ef�'e��. IF, far any reasvn, the <br /> Mor�gage�nsuranc�cov�rag�requ�red by Lender c�ases ta be available from the mor�gage�nsurer that <br /> pre�iousiy provided such insurance and Borrower�vas require��o mak�separate�y riesignatecl paymen�s <br /> t�ward th�pr�maums f�r Martgage�nsurance, B�r�rawer shal�pay the premiums required t�abtain coverage <br /> subs�ant�a��y equivalent�o th�N�or�gage�nsurance pre�iously in effec�, a�a cas�subs��ntial�y equi�r�len��a <br /> the cast tQ Borrower�f�he Mor�gage�nsuranc�pr�viausly in effect, from an a���rna�e mor�gage znsurer <br /> s����ted by Lender. If sul�stantial�y equzvalen�Mflr�gage�nsuran�e���erage is not available, Bflrrawer sha�I <br /> N�Bi�ASKA-Single Farnily-Fannie MaelFred[iic Mac UNfFORM 1N5TRUMEiVT Forrn 3�28 11d1 <br /> VMP� VMPBfN�y(13D2) <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan��at 5ervices Page 8 of i 7 <br />