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��15�4931 <br /> All insuranGe policies r�quired by L�nd�r and renevva�s of such policies shall be sub�ec��o Lender's right to <br /> disappr��e su�h po�i�ies, shal] include a standard mor�gage clause, and�hall name L�nder as m�r�gagee <br /> andlor as an additinnai l�ss payee. Lender shall have the r�ght to hoid the paiici�s�nd renewa�certifzcates. If <br /> L,�nder require�, Borrov��er shall promp�ly gi�e to�_.e�der all �ece�pts of Paid�rerniums and rene«ral notices. <br /> �f Borr�wer o��ains any form of insurance co�erage, not�the�-❑v�se requi�ed by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destruc�ion�f, the Prop�r�y, such po��cy shall include a standard rnor�gag�clause and sha1�name Lender as <br /> �m�rtgagee andlor as an additional loss pa�ee, <br /> In the e�ent nf loss, Borr�vver sha���i��prompt natice to�he insurance�arr�er and Lender. I�ender may <br /> make proof of��ss if not���ade promptly by Borrawer. Unless Lfender and Ba�rrawer othervvise agree in <br /> �nrr���ng, any insurance proce�ds, vvhether�r na�the und�r�yin�insurance was required b� Lender, shal�be <br /> appl�ed to res��ration or repair of�ixe Proper�y, �f the resto�atian ar repair is e��nonucally feas�ble and <br /> Lender's securi�y is not��ssen�d. During such repair and restorat�on p�r�od, Lend�r shail have the righ��a <br /> hold such insuran�e pro�eeds un�i� Lender��as had an opportunity t�inspect su�h Proper�y�o ensure the <br /> work has been cQmp�et�d to Lender's sat�sfac�ian, pr�v�ded tha�such inspe���on shall b�under�ak�n <br /> promptly. Lender rnay disburse pro�eeds f�r the repa�rs and restoration in a sing�e payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as the work is cornp�eted. Unl�ss an agreem�n�is made�n writing ar App��cable Law <br /> requires �nterest�a b�paid on sllCh �nsurance proceer�s, Lender sha11 not be requ�red to pa� Borrflv�er any <br /> in��rest or earnings an such pr�ceeds. Fees for pub�ic adjus�ers, or other third par�fes, retained by Borrawer <br /> shal� not�e paid out of the�nsurance�roceeds and sha�i be the sole ob�igatiQn af Borrower. If the restora�ion <br /> or repair is not ecanarni�ally feasible�r Lender's securi�y w�uld be lessened, �he�nsurance pro�eeds sha1�be <br /> applied to the sll�ns secur�d by thi� Se�ur�t��nstrument, whe�her❑r not�hen due, with the exce�s, if any, <br /> paid to Barrower. Such �nsurance proceeds sha�l be applied in the arder pr�vided for in Section 2. <br /> �f Borrawer abandons the Pr�pe�.�, Lender may file, negot�at�a�d settle an�a�ailab�e insurance claim an� <br /> rela��d mat�ers. �f Borrovver da�s not r�spon�.wzthin 3D days ta a nfltice frarn Lender�hat the insurance <br /> carrier has a�fered ta settle a c1a�m, �hen Lender may ne�ot�ate and settle t�e ciaim. The 3Q-day period wil� <br /> l�egii��hen the notice is given. In ei�her ev�n�, ar if L,�nder a�quires the Propert�under Sec�ion 22 ar <br /> o�herv�ise, Borro�er hereby assi�ns�o Le�der�a}Barr�wer's ri�h�s to an�insuran.ce proceeds�n an am�un� <br /> not t❑�x�eed tl�e am�un�s unpaid under the hlvte or�his Securit��ns��-ument, and�b}an�ot�.er of <br /> Borr�vver's r�ght��o�h�r�han the right�o any refund of unearn�d prem�ums paid by Borr�wer) under a�l <br /> �nsurance paii�ie�Govering��x�Propert�, insofar as such rights are appli�able to the coverage of the <br /> Praperty. Lender may use�he insurance proceeds either to r�pair or res�ore the Proper�y or ta pay amount� <br /> unpa�d under the No�e ar this S�cur�ty�nstrument, wheth�r�r not then due. <br /> C. D��upan�y. Borrower sha�� occupy, es�ablish, and use�he Praper�y as Borrower's prine�pai residence <br /> wi�hin 60 days after�he executian of this Securi�y Instrumen�and �hal��on�inue to occupy�he Property as <br /> Barr��er's princ�pal residence far at lea�t�ne year after the date of aceupanc�, unless Lender othe�-�vise <br /> agr�es�n writ�ng, which consen�shall not be unreasonab�y vvi�hheld, ar un��ss extenua�ing c�rcumstan�es <br /> exist which are b�yond Borrawer's contro�, <br /> 7. Preser�a�ion, Main#enance and Protection af the Praperty; �nspectit�ns. Borrower shall not destroy, <br /> d2�mage�r imp���the Prop�rty, allow�he Pr�p�rrty�o deter�orate or cflmmi��vvas�e fln�he Pr�pert�. Whe�her <br /> or not Borrower is res�ding�n the Praperty, Borr�wer shall ma�ntain�he Proper�y in order�a prevent the <br /> Prop�r�y frarn deteri�rating or deGr�asing�n value due t� its��ndition. Uniess�t is deC�rm�ned pursuant to <br /> S�c��an S that repair ar res�oration is no�econami�a���r feasib��, B�rrower sha11 promptly repair the Proper�y <br /> �f da3maged to a�o�d further dete�r�ara�ian or damage, If insurance or cond�rn.nation proce�ds are paid in <br /> connec�ian wi�h damage to, or the taking of, �he Pr�per�y, Borrflwer shall h�respans�b�e for repa�r�ng or <br /> res�oring the Proper�y only if L�ender has reieased prac�eds f�r such purpases. Lend�r ma�disburse proce�ds <br /> NEHRASKA-Sing�e�amiiy-�annie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNIF�RM tNSTRUMENT Farm�028 l l�i <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE)[#302} <br /> Wvf�er��Ctuwer�inan�ial Ser�ices Page 7❑f i 7 <br />