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��15�4931 <br /> in t���Prap��rty and rights unde��his Securi��r Instrumen�; and�d�takes sueh action as Lender may <br /> reasanab�y require ta assure that Lender's interest�n the Propert� and rights under this Secur�ty�nstrument, <br /> and Borrov�e�'s obliga�ion ta pa�the sum� secured by this Securi��Instrument, sha�l cant�nue unchanged. <br /> Lender may r�quzre that Borrower pay such reins�atement surns and expenses �n one or mor�of the follawxng <br /> f�rrn.s, as selected�y Lender: (a�cash; (b�m�ney order; (c}cer�ified�h�ck, bank�heck, tr�asurer's Gheck flr <br /> cashier's check, provided any such check�s drawn upon an�nst�tu�ion vvhase depos�ts are insur�d by a <br /> federal agency, in�t�unaen�al�ty or en�ity; or�d� ��ec�ronic Funds Transfer, I.�pon reinstatement by�3orrower, <br /> this Securit�Instrument and o���gat�ons secured here�y shal� remain fu�ly effect�ve as if no acceleration had <br /> ��curred. Hav�ever, t���s righ�to rein�ta�e shaii nat apply in�he case of accelexa��on under Section 1 S. <br /> 2�. Sale nf Note; Change of Loan Ser�icer; Nv#ice of GrieWan�e. The Note ar a par�ia�interes�in the <br /> �ote���gether w��h this Security�nstrument}can be so�d�ne or more times►wi�haut pr�or not�ce to <br /> B�rr�wer. A�ale might result�n a chang�in th�cnti���kno�n as�he "L�an Servicer"}that callects Periodic <br /> Pa�men�s due und�r the Note and this Se�urity�nstrument and perfQr�m.s other martgage�aan serv�cing <br /> abligatians under�he Nate, this Securi�y Ins�rument, and Applicabie Law. There alsfl rn�ght be ane or more <br /> �hang�s of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sa��of�he Note. �f�here is a change of�he Laan Servicer, <br /> Borrawer w�il be gi�en writ�en no�i�e af the change wh�ch wii� sta�e the nam�and address of the ner�Loan <br /> Ser�ri�er, the address ta whzch p�yrnents�hould be made and any other�nfarmatian RESFA re�u�res in <br /> connect�on w�th a notice of�ransfer of servicing. �f the Note�s sald and thereafter the Loan�s serv�ced by a <br /> L�an Serv�cer other than�he purc�ias�r of the I�ate, the mortgage�oan servicing obi�gations to Borrower will <br /> remain w��h the I.�an Servicer�r be transf�rred to a succes�or Loan Serv��er and ar�no�assumed b�the <br /> No�e purchaser unless o�herv�r�se pro��de�i by the N�t�purchas�r, <br /> �either Borrower nor Lend�r may c�mrnenCe,j�in, or be�join�d to any judi�ial ac�ion(as ei�h�r an <br /> indi�idua��iti�ant or the rnember of a class}�hat arises from�he o�h�r party's actions pursuant ta th�s <br /> Security In��rument or�hat al�eges�ha��he o�her par�y has breached any pro�v��i�n of, or any duty o�ved by <br /> reason�f, this Securit�Instrurnen�, unt�l such Borrawe�r or Lender has noti�ed the oth�r par�y�with such <br /> not�ce given in camp�iance with the requz�emen�s af Sectivn 15}vf such al��ged hreach and affarded th� <br /> other par�y hereta a reasona��e p�riod after�he g�w�ng�f such notice�o �ake carrective act�on. �f Appl�cable <br /> Law pro�ides a��me period�vh�ch must elapse before certa�n a��ian can b�ta��n, that time pe�riad will be <br /> deemed to be reasonable for purpases of�his paragraph. The not�ce of acce�erati�n and apportunity to cure <br /> giv�n�o Borrower pursuan�to Section 22 and the no�ice of acceleration gi�en to B�rrawer pursuant to <br /> Section 1 S shall be deemed ta sa�isfy the nofice and op�ar�unity t��ake carre�ti�e action provisions�f�his <br /> Sec�ion�a. <br /> �.'�. Ha�ardnus SubstanGes. As used in this 5ec��on�1: �a} "�'a�ardous�'ubstar�ces"are those sub�tance� <br /> def ned as t�x�c�r hazardous substances,po�Iutants, �r wastes by En�r�ronmental Law and�he f�ilowin� <br /> substances: gas��zne, k�rosen�, ❑�h�r flammable or toxic pe�ro�eum products, t�x��pesticides and��erbic�des, <br /> �olat�le so��ents, material�c�ntaining as�estfl�ar formaldehyde, and radioacti�e mater�als; �b} <br /> "Envr�of�f��erttal I�u�"rneans f�dera�Iaws and�aws of the Jurisdicti�n�here the Praper��is laca�ed�hat <br /> rclatc�o health, �afet�o�-env�r�nmenta�pro�e��ion; ��} rrE��virfl��rnen�al���anup"includes any response <br /> actian, remed�al act�on, or removal a�tion, as d�f�n�d in Fn�rironmental Law; and�d}an "Environ�ner2tal <br /> Coi�di�ion"means a candition tha��an cause, contribute to, or atherwise�rigger an Environmentai�leanup. <br /> BQrrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposai, st�rag�, or relea�e of any�aza�daus <br /> Sll�75�aIlL�S y nr threate���o release a�ay Hazardaus Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Borrower shall no�do, <br /> nor a�low anyone else�o do, ar�ything affectzn�the Property�a}tha�is�n viflla�ion of any En�rironmen�ai <br /> Law, �b}whi�h create� an�nv��ranmen�a�Cond��ion, ar�c}which, due�o the presence, use, or release of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, �reates a cond�tion that ad�erse�y affec�s the�aiue of�he Proper�y. Th�pr�ced�ng twa <br /> h1EBRASKA-Single Farnily-Fanrrie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTf�uMENT �orrn 34�8 1141 <br /> VMP[g} VMPS[N�}t13D�j <br /> Walters K��iw�r�inancial Ser�ices Page 13 c�f i 7' <br />