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��15�4931 <br /> d�signated a substitute natice address by natice to Lendcr. Borro�vcr shall prompt�y not�fy Lender�f <br /> Borro��er's change af address, �f Lend�r�pecifies a pro�edure for reporting Borr�wer's change of addr�ss, <br /> then Borra�ver shai� onl�repflrt a change af address�hrough that spec�fied p��cedure. <br /> Th���rnay be oniy one d�signated nfl��ce address under this Security �nstrumen�a�any ane t��ne. Any n�t�ce <br /> �a Lend�r shall b�giv�n by del�v��r��g i�or by mailing i�by first class �nail ta Lende�'s addr�ss stat�d herei� <br /> unl�ss L�nder has designat�d another addr�ss by n���ce to Borraw�r. Any notice in connection with thi� <br /> S��ur�t��nstrumen� shaii not be d�erned��have been g�ven to Len�l�r unti�a��uatiy�ece�v��.by Lender. If <br /> any nat�ce r�quire�.b��his Se�ur�ty Instrument zs a�so re�uired under App�i�able Law, th�App��cab��Law <br /> requ�rement r�riil sat�sFy the c�rresponding requirem�ent under this Securi�y �ns�rument, <br /> ��. ��►r�rn�n� Lar�v, Severabili�y; Rules af Canstruc#ian. This Security �nstru�nent sha�l be ga�rerned by <br /> federa� Ia��v and the law of the�urisdi�ti�n�n wh��h the Proper�y �s l�cated. AII rights and obligati�ns <br /> can�a�ned xn�h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�a�e sub�ec��o an�requ�rernents and��mi�ations�f App�zcabte Law. <br /> Applicable Law might e�plici���r or implicit�y allow the parties ta agree by cont�act ar��migh�be silent, �u� <br /> such si��nce shal�no�be construed as a prah�bitian against agreement�y c�n�ract. �n the even��hat any <br /> pravision or clause af this Security Instrumen�or the Note c�nflic�s wi�h Applicable Law, su�h c�nfiict shall <br /> no�affect oth�r pro�isions of�his Secur�ty�nstrument flr the Note whi�h can be given effect wi�hout�he <br /> �an�lzct�ng pr�u�s�on. <br /> As us�d in th�s S�curity Instrumen�: �a}wards�f th�mascu�ine gend�r shall mean and in��ude corr�spanding <br /> neuter wards or wards af the feminine gender; (b} words in the singular sha�l mean and inciude the plural <br /> and vic���rsa; and �c}the word "may" g��es sa�e d�scretian�vithaut any abliga��on to tak�any a�tion. <br /> '17. Bvrrvwer's Gapy. Borrawe�r sha��be given one copy of the Note and af th��Se�ur��y�nstrument. <br /> 't 8. Transfer �f the Proper#y vr a 8eneficial Inter�st in Borrower. As used �n this Sectian 1$, "Interest in <br /> �he Property" means any legal��ben�ficia��n�ere�t �n the Proper�y, in�iuding, bu�no� limi��d to, �h�se <br /> bene�cxaZ�nt�r�sts transf�xred�n a band for deed, contrac�for d�ed, instalim�n��al�s contra�t ar escrow <br /> ag�reernent, the int�nt af which�s the tran�fer of title by Borrower at a future date ta a puxchaser. <br /> If all❑r any part af th� Prap�rty ar an�r Interest in the Propert� is sflld or�ransferred�ar��Sarr�wer zs nat a <br /> naturai p�rsan and a beneticial interes�in Borrawer is so�d ar transferr�d}withaut L�nder's pr�ar v�►rritten <br /> cans�nt, L�ndex may requ�re imm�dia�e payment�n.�ul�oF aZl�urns s��ured b��his Security�n�trumer�t. <br /> Haw��er, �hxs apt��n shal�n��be�x.�rc�sed by Lender if such exe�c��e�s proh�bited by Appl�cab��Law. <br /> �f L�nd�r exercis�s�h�s opt�on, Lender shall giWe Borrawer nQtice of acce�eratxon. The no�zce shall pra�zde a <br /> period of not les�than 3�da��fr�m the date the notice is giv�n in accordanc�with Secti�n I S withir�which <br /> B�rrower mu�t pa�a�I sums se�ur�d by�h�s Secur��y�nstrurnen�. If Barrower fai�s ta pay th�se sums pr�ar ta <br /> th�exp�ra�ian af th�s per�od, Lender may�nv�ke any remed�es perm��ted by�his Secur�t��nstruxnent w�th�u� <br /> fur�her notice or dernand on Borrower. <br /> '1�. Barrower's h�ight tv Re�nsta�e After Accelera#ivn. If Barr�wer mee�s c�r�ain canditiflns, Borrower <br /> sha�i have�he r�ght to ha�e enf�r�ement of th�s Sec�rity Instrument discontinued at any time pr�ar to th� <br /> ear�iest af: (a� f�v�days�ef�re sa�e of the Prop�rty pursuant ta any po�ver❑f sale containe�.�n th�s Se�urity <br /> Ins�rum�nt; �b}such other period as Applicable Law migh�specify for�he tern�in�.t�an af Borrower`s right to <br /> r�in�tate; or��}entry�f a judgment enfflrcing�his Secur�ty Ins�rument. Thos��ond�t�ons ar�that Borrow��: <br /> �a}pays Lend�r al�sums which then w�uld be due und�r this�ecurity Instrument and the Note as if no <br /> a�Celerati�n had❑ccurr�d; �b}cures any d�fau��af az�.y o�her co�enants ar agre�m�n�s; �c}pays a�1 expenses <br /> �ncur�red�n enforcing th�s Secur��y�nstrumen�, in�iuding, bu�nat��mi�ed to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> pr�perty i�.�p�ction and�aluat�on fees, and �ther fe�� incurr�d f�r the purpose o�pratect�ng L�nd�r's in��r�st <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�arnily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac l.1NIFQRM INSTRtJMENT Forrrz 3�28 11D'� <br /> VMP Q VMPB{tVE1{13Q2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancial Servi�es �'age 12 c�f 17 <br />