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��15�49US <br /> �EE� �F �r�us�r <br /> L�an IVo: '!fl'1�87375 �C�nti�lu�d} Page 3 <br /> or to any land �rust holding titIe t❑ the Real Property, ar by any �ther meth�d of conveyance of an interest in the fteal <br /> Praperty. Hovu��er, this apCion sha�l not be exercised hy Lender if suCh exercise �s prohibit�d by �ederal law or by <br /> N�braska lav►r. <br /> TAxES ANa LIENS. The �ollowing pravisians relating to the taxes and liens ❑n the Property are part of�his Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. T�us�or shall pay when due {and in aI� e�ents priQr t❑delinquencyy aIi taxes, special�axes, assessments, <br /> �har�es {incfuding water and sewer}� �IC125 and �t`1��7�5I�IDC15 le�i�d agains�or on account of the Proper�y, and shall <br /> pay when due all clairns far warlc done ❑n or for ser�ices rendered ar material furnished ta the Property. Trus�or <br /> shai[ mainta�n the Praperty free�f all lr�ns ha�ing priority��er❑r equal to the interest af LendPr under this Deed of <br /> Trust, �xcept fvr the lien of taxes and assessments n�t due, excep� fiar the Existing Indebtedness referred to <br /> below, and excep�k as otherwise pro�ided in tf�is Deed❑�f Trust. <br /> Right to Contes�. Trustor may w�thhald payment o�F any tax, assessment, or claim in connectian with a gaod �ai�h <br /> dispute ❑Wer the obligatfon t❑ pay, sn[t�ng as Lend�r's in�erest in the Praperty is nat jeopardized. lf a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a result �f nanpayment, Trustar shall within fifteen {15f days after the lien arises or, if a lien is filed, <br /> within fift�en �15� da�s affier Trustor has natic� of the fiiing, secure �he discha�ge af the lien, �r if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lend�r cash❑r a su�ficient corpara�e surety bond ar other seGurity satisfactory to Lender in an <br /> amount su#ficient ta discharge th� lien pius any costs and attorneys' fees, ❑r ather charges that c�u[d accrue as a <br /> result af a foreclosur�or sa�e und�r�the lien. In any cantest,Trustar shall defend itself and L�ndgr and sha�i satisfiy <br /> any ad�erse judgment before enfor�ement against the Prop�rty. Trus t�r shall name Lender as an addit��nal obligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in fhe contest proceedings. <br /> Erridence af Payment. Trustor shall upnn d�mand furnish to Lender satis�actory eWidence of payment af the taxes <br /> ar assessments and sha�l au�horize�he appr�priate �o�rernmen�al officia!t❑ de�i�er ta Lender at any time a vUri�t�n <br /> statement af the ta�es and assessments aga�nst the Property. <br /> Notice of Cons#ruction. Trustor shal� natif� Lender at least �ifte�n �1 5f days b�fore any warl� is commenced, any <br /> ser���es are furnished, or any ma�terials are supplied to the Pr�perty, if any mechanic's lien, rnaterialmen's lien, or <br /> other lien cauld be asser�ed ❑n accaunt of the warl�, ser�ices, ❑r materials. Trustor will upon request of Lender <br /> furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender that Trus�or can and will pay the COS� �f such <br /> improvements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMA�E INSl1RANCE. The f�llvwing pra�isions relating tfl insuring the Property are a part of this ❑eed ❑f <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shall pracure and maintain poli�ies �f fire insurance wEth standard extended <br /> cov�rage endorsements an a fair �alu� basis f�r the full insurable va�ue ca�ering ali Impra�emen�s ❑n the R�al <br /> Property in an amvunt suffi�ient ta avaid applicatian ❑f any coinsurance clause, and with a standard rno�tgagee <br /> clause in favor❑f Lender, Cogether wifih su�h❑lher ha�ard and I�ability insuranc� as Lender may reasQnably require. <br /> Poiicies shall be Wri�ten in forrn, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptable ta Lender and issued by a <br /> company ❑� companies reasflnably acceptabl� #o Lender. Trustor, upon �-eques� af Lender, wili deIi�er to Lender <br /> from time �o time the p�iic�es ❑r c�rtificates of insurance in form satis�actory to Lender, includ�ng stipulatiflns that <br /> ca�erages will no� be can�elie�! or diminished withaut at least�en �1 Q� days priar written natice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance palicy also shall inciude an endorsement providing fihat co�erage in faWar ❑f Lender will nQt be irnpaired <br /> in any way by any ac�, �rnission ❑r defaul�k of Trus#or ❑r any�th�r pers�n. 5hou�d the Rea! Prop��ty be located in <br /> an area designated by the Administra�ar ❑�the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a sp�cial flood ha�ard <br /> area, Trustar agrees fio obtain and maintain Federa[ Fioad Insurance, if a�ailable, within 45 days after natice is <br /> gi�en by Lender that�1�e P�operty is located in a special flood hazard area, for the full unpaid principal balance af <br /> the loan and any prior liens an the praper�y securing the laan, up to the maximum policy limi�s se� under the <br /> National �lood Insurance Program, or as atherv�ise required by Lender, �nd ta maintain such insuranc�for the�erm <br /> a�the Ioan. <br /> Application of Prv�eeds. Trust�r shall promptly notify Lender af any lass or damage to the Praperty. Len�ler may <br /> make proof �f loss if Trus�ar fails to do so wi�hin fifite�n �1 5� days ❑f the casualty. V1lhether ar nat Lender's <br /> se�urity is impair�d, Len�er may, at Lender's election, receive and retain the pra�eeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the praceeds to the r�ducti�n af the Indebtedne$s, payment of any lien a�fecting the Prap�rty, or �he re�toration <br /> and repair ❑f the Property� i� Lender elects to apply the proceeds tv restaration and repair, Trustar shall repair or <br /> rep[ace the damaged ar des�royed [rnproVements in a manner sa�is�actory to Lender. Lender shall, upan <br /> sa�is��ctory praof of such expcnditur�, pay ❑r reimburse Trus�ar �rom the proceeds f�r the reasflnable ct�st of <br /> repair or resforation if Trust�r is nat in defaul� under this De�d �f Trust. Any proceeds which ha�e not bcen <br /> disbursed within 1 SD days a�ter their receip� and which Lend�r has nvt committed to �he repair or restora�ion af <br /> the Proper�y shall be used first to pay any amount owing t❑ Lender under�his ❑eed af Trust, then �o pay a�crued <br /> interest, and the �emainder, if any, shall I�e appfied to the principal balance o��he Indebt�dness. I� Lender halds <br /> any praceeds af�Cer payment in fuii ❑� the Indeb�edness, such proceeds shall be paid to Trus�ar as Trustar's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Cvmpliance with Exis�ing Indeh�edness. During �he periad in which any Ex�sting Indeh�edness des�rib�d below is <br /> in effect, compli�nce with the insurance pro�isiflns can��ined in �he instrument e�idencing such Existin� <br /> Indeb�edness shall c�nstitute camplian�e �rvith the insuranc� pro�is�ans und�r this Deed of Trust, �o th� ex�ent <br />