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��15�4S7U <br /> indeb#edness secured hereby, be �mmed+ately due and payable and b��r interest at the defauit rate <br /> ra�ided in the nvte s �r credit a reement s from the date of ad�ance unt�l paid. <br /> p � } � � r b th� �x�rc��e of emin�nt domain are h�reb <br /> �. Any awards made to Trustor s} or the�r succ�sso s y Y <br /> asst�ned to Beneficiary; and Beneficiary is her�by authvrized ta callect and appiy the same in payment af <br /> an �nd�btedness, mafure v�unmatured, secured b this Trust Deed. <br /> 7. y In �he e�ent a� default in the a ment when due af any surns secured hereby �principal, interest, <br /> ad�ancements, �r rotecti�e advancQs , ar failure to perform �r ahse�ve any ���enants and condit�ons <br /> p } <br /> contained herein, �n the note�s}, credit agreemen��s�,,or any ath�r instruments, or an� proceedings is <br /> brought under any gankruptc laws, Beneficiary, at its �ption, ma de�lar� the entire �ndebtedn�ss <br /> se�ured hereb ta be immedia�ely due and a �ble and the whole wif�bear interest a#the default rate as <br /> ra�ided in th� nate s or credif ag reement s and Benefic�ary ma imrnediat�ly autharize Trustee ta <br /> p } y <br /> exercise the Power o a!e ranted herein in t e manner ro�ided in the Nebraska Trus�Deeds A�t,or, at <br /> the o tion of the B�neficia ma forecl�se �he TrustpDeed in the manner pro��ded by law for th� <br /> f r losure of mort a �s an�realy ro � includin the a ointment of a Recei�er u on ex parte <br /> � e� g .9 P P �Y: 9. PP p <br /> appli�ativn, nvtice �e�ng hereby expr�ssly wai�ed, w�thaut regard to the �alue of th� proper� ar th� <br /> h indebtedness secured hereb ar in the I�an a reement s . �e4a b <br /> su#ficienc thereof to dischar e � e y 9 � } Y Y <br /> Beneficiay in exercisEn its r�ights u an default will nat be construed as a waiver thereaf and any act of <br /> Beneficiary waivin an g s e�i�ied defauit wil{ nvt be construed as a waiver vf any futur� default. If th� <br /> r ceeds under s g h sal�ar foreclosure are insufficient to pa the t�tal indebtedness secured hereby, <br /> �us#or s do hereb a ree to be ersonali bound to a fhe un a�d baiance, and Ben�ficiary will be <br /> � � Y .9 P Y P Y P <br /> entitled�o a defi�iency�udgment. <br /> 8. Shau�d Beneficiary elect to exercise the Power af Sale granted her�in, Ben�fic�ary will natify Trustee <br /> who will re�ord, ubfish, and deli�er ta Trustar�s� su�h Noti�e of Default and Notice vf Sale as then <br /> re uired b law and will in the mann�r pro��ded by �aw, sell th� property at.the time and place of sale <br /> fixed in the Notice o€Sale, ei#her as a whole vr in separate lats, parGeis, or items and in su�h order as <br /> Truste�wi1� deem expedient. Any person may bid at the sale including Trustar{s},Trust�e, or Benefic�ary. <br /> 9. Trustvr�s hereby requests a copy of any IVotice o�Default or Notice of Sale hereunder to be mailed by <br /> cer�ified mai to Trustar s at the ad�iress es set forth h�rein. <br /> � } � } <br /> 1 U. Upon defau��, Benef ciary, either in person or by ag�n#, w�th or without brin ing any action or <br /> rocee <br /> din and with or w��houf re ard t� the�alue �f the ro e or the sufficienc t�erevf to discharg e <br /> p � g ' horized and entitled�to enter u an and take assession af the <br /> the indehtedn�ss secured hereby, is aut p P <br /> praperty in its vwn name or in the name of the Trustee and d� any acts or expend any sums it deems <br /> necessary or desirable ta pr�tect or pres�nie the�alue of the proper#y or an interest therein, or incr�ase <br /> the in�ome therefrom; and with or without tal�ing poss�ssion o�th� prap e is authorized to sue fvr or <br /> �thenNis� cailect the ren�s issu�s crops rofits and income thereof, in�ludin thos� past due �nd <br /> i and a I the same�u �n an ind�btedness secur�d hereb ❑r in the Ivan ag reement s . <br /> unpa d, pp.Y P Y Y. � }. <br /> No remed herern c�nferred u ❑n or resenred to Trus�ee or BeneficEa �s intended to be excf usi�e�f any <br /> other remed herein or by law ro�id�d or ermitted, but each will be �umulati��, will be in additian ta <br /> e�e o�her r�m�d ���n Y�ereun�der or now or hereafter existing at�aw ar in equity�r by statute, and may <br /> b�exer�ised concu rr ent! , independent!y or successi�e�y. <br /> '�'I. Trustor s acknowle� �s that the duties and obliga�i�ns of Trustee wiil be det�rm�n�d salely by the <br /> �'}' ' g r De�d or the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act and Trustee will nflt be fiable <br /> sxpress pro�isions of th�s T ust <br /> except fvr the performance �f such duties and �bligatians as are specif�ally set farth therein, and n� <br /> impl�ed c��enants�r vbligations wi{I be�mposed upon Trust�e;Trustee wil� n�t be l�able f�r any actian by <br /> it in gaod faith and reasvnably belie�ed by it to be authflrized ar within the discre�ion ar rights of p�wers <br /> canferred upan it by#his Trust Deed or sta#e law. <br /> ��, The integ rity and responsi�i�ity a�Trustor�s}Gonsti�utes a part af the canside�a��on far th�obligations <br /> se�ure� here�a . Should Trustar�s} sell, transfer, ar �vn�ey the property described herein, withvu#,prior <br /> written consen�of Benefi�iary, Ben�ficiary, at its option, may dec�are the ent�re indebtedness immediately <br /> due and payable and may proceed in the enfor�ement of its.rights as vn any other de�ault. <br /> "13. That Trustar�s} is, and shall cnntinue ta be, duiy��organized, �alidly exis#ing and�or legally qualifie� #o <br /> d� business under the laws �f the states in which Trusto s v erates, in cam liance wi�h federal, state <br /> in su ph states to canduct Trustar s business <br /> and local laws �r regulat�ans, and has !e al autharity in the nam�� ownershi <br /> a era��ons and ta awn a ricultural reai es�ate: No change has been made , p <br /> cantro(, relationship, lega� status or arganizatianal andlor farmatian docum�nts af any undersigne� <br /> Trustor�s�since�he time any such informat��n was last pra��ded to Benefi�iary. <br /> �14. Tha# if Trustor(s}, �r anyone s�gning this Trust Deed, is a limited liability cvmpany, that those sig nin <br /> �lity om pan constitute a ma'arit of the manag ers �r members thereaf, an� <br /> on behalf of sa�d limited liab c <br /> h xecu#�an of�his Trust Deed is in the ordina course of the limited liabili# c�m an 's business <br /> th at t e e �'y Y P Y <br /> and has been authvrized by its membe�s. <br /> 15. Assignment vf Rents includin P�o�eeds of Mineral Leases. T�ust�r�s} hereby assigns, transfers, <br /> and Gon�e s tv 6eneficia all ren�s, ro alties, bonus�s, and d�lay moneys or other praceeds that may <br /> frorn time to�ime became�ue and pa a�fe under an real estate lease or under an vil, as, gra�el, rock, <br /> in r I lease af an kind �ncludin eathermal resaurces now existin or that may hereafter <br /> �r other m e a y g g 9 <br /> inta existence c���ring the ro ert or an art th�reof, All such sums sv received b Beneficiary <br /> wi� be a lied ta the indebtedn�ss seu�ed hereb Por Ben�ficia , at its o tian, ma tu�n a�er and deli�er <br /> to Trus or�s or their su��essvrs in interest an� or a�l of such sump with�u� re'udice t� any af <br /> ' �' } ' k and retain future sums yand without re'udice to an vf��s flther ri hts under <br /> Beneficiary s rights ta �a e , <br /> ' Tr D�ed. This assi nrnent rrvill be canstrue� ta be a ro��si�n fo�the a men#or redu cion af�he <br /> thEs ust he Senefi ca 's� tion as here�nbefore r��Pded inde enden�t of�he lien an the ra e . <br /> debt, suh�ect t�t ry p p , P P P rtY <br />