<br /> It is unders�avd and agree� between Trus#or(�}and Ben�ficiary that this Trust❑eed is given to secure the
<br /> repayments in full of the fal��wing described ob�igations, regardless of vvhethe�Mortgagor�s} is�are} lia�le
<br /> thereon, and a�i future and additional loans or ad�ances, pro#ecti�e or atherwise, which may be made by
<br /> Beneficiary, at�ts option, at the request of, and ta or far th� account af Trustvr�s}, the parties liab�e under
<br /> the not��s} o� �redit ag�eem�nt�s}, v�- any of th�m, for any purpase, plus interest thereon, all paya�ie
<br /> a��vrding to the�erms of#he note�s}, �r�dit agreemen��s), �r ❑ther instrument�s}modifying the same.
<br /> Date of Nate s or Cre�it A reement s
<br /> ugus , ,as amen e
<br /> Pra�ided, howe�er, that the total �rincipal ind�bt�dness outstand�ng and secured hereby at any ane time
<br /> wEll not exceed the surn af Eight Hundred Fifty Thvusand Dvllars, �$85�,���.��}, exc�usive af interest and
<br /> pratecti�e ad�ances autharized herein or in #he Ioan agr�ement�s}; p�o�ided further, that THIS
<br /> This Trust D�ed will be due Jui,�, 2035.
<br /> Trust��(s} hereby warrants that Trustor�s} holds f�e simple title #o th� aba�e described proper�y, �hat
<br /> Trusf�r�s} has gaad and lawful authority ta deed and encumber the same, that the property is free and
<br /> clear of al! liens and encumbrances, except encumbrances flf recard, and that Trustor�s}will war�ant and
<br /> defend the property, at Trustor�s) expense, aga�nst all claimants whamsoe�er. Trustor�s} als� hereby
<br /> wai�es and relinquishes al� rights of dower, homes�ead, distribu#i�e share, and exemption in and to the
<br /> abo��descr�bed praperty.
<br /> Trustar�s} an� �ach of thern further c��enants and agrees with, ar �ertifies,ta, Beneficiary as
<br /> follaws:
<br /> �1. To pay af� i�ens, 4udgments, or ather assessments against th� praperty, and to pay when due a�l
<br /> assessments, taxes, rents, fees, ar char es upon the prop�rty ar under an f�ase, perm�t, li�ense, ar
<br /> ' � this Trust Dee� inc�udin #hose in vr on ublic
<br /> pri�ilege ass�gned ta Benefc�ary as add�ti�nal secur�ty to , g P
<br /> domain.
<br /> 2. T� insur�and keep insured buildings and other improvements inc�uding fixtures and attachments naw
<br /> vn or her��fter laced vn the ra�perty t❑the satisfa�tion of B�neficiar�. Such insurance will be en�vrsed
<br /> with a I055 a able c�ause to Beneficia . �n demand, Trustor will furr�ish said palici�s vr praof of
<br /> P y . An sums so received b Beneficia ma he used ta a for recvnstruGtian �f
<br /> �nsurance �o Beneficiary y . y ry Y � Y
<br /> the destro ed imp�a�ements or�f not so appli�d may be applied, at the option a Benefniary�ill beYn an
<br /> 0
<br /> f an �n�ebtedness matured or unmatur�d secured b this Trust Deed. �uch insura ce
<br /> amaunt at least e ua! to the lesser of the laan balan��, #he actual cash �afue ❑f the collatsral, or the
<br /> re la�ement��st o�the roper�y, and wi�l a#a minimum, ca�er Iosse� caused.by�re, lightning, exp�vsion,
<br /> air�craft, �ehi�les, �andals m, smake, windstorm, and ha;E. Trustor�s}will abta�n and keep flaod insuranc�
<br /> in force tv �o�er Iosses by flvad as requir�d by Ben�ficiary ar hy the National Fl�od lnsurance Act af
<br /> �9�8, as amended, or by regulati�ns implsment�n the same. Trustor�s}further agree that Beneficiary is
<br /> nat and wi�! no# be liable for any failure by Trustvr s}or by any�nsur�r,for whate�er reas�n, t�❑btain and
<br /> keep this insurance in farce.
<br /> 3. To kee all buildings, fixtu�es, attachments, and ather impro�em�nts now on �r hereafter placed �n
<br /> th� rape rtpy occupied and �n gaad repair maintenance, and condition and to neither cammit nor permit
<br /> an acts �f waste or an im airment o� the �a�ue of ths ra ert . 6eneficiary may enter u on the
<br /> Y in ct the same oPto erform an acts authori�edP herein or in the credit a reement�s .
<br /> praperty to spTr tor s fails ta a an liens 'ud m�n�s assessments, taxes, rent5,�f��s, o�charges or
<br /> 4. In the e��nt us � } p y y ,� g ,
<br /> maintain any insurance an the property, buildings, fixtures, attachments, ar impro�ements as pro�ided
<br /> r ment s E�eneficia at its a ti�n ma make such a rnents or provide
<br /> here�n vr rn the laan ag ee � }, ry, � , Y P Y
<br /> �nsurance, ma�n#enance, or repa�rs and any amounts pa�d ther�for will become part of the principal
<br /> indebtedness s�cured hereb be immediatel due and a able and bear interest at the defau�t rate
<br /> pro�ided in the nnte s or c��dit a reement s �rorn the da e of payment until paid. The ad�ancemen� by
<br /> � � 9 ' ' � } nn r I�mit t he ri ht o f Bene f icia �o de�lare Trus tar s in
<br /> Beneficiary of any such amaunts wil! in no ma e , g ry � }
<br /> default❑r exercise any af Beneficiary's other ri�hts and remedies.
<br /> 5. In �he e�ent Beneficiary is a party#a any lit� ation aff�cting the property ar the lien❑f this Trust Deed,
<br /> in�ludin an actian b Beneficia ta enfo�ce t�is T�ust Deedar any suit in which Ben�fic�ary is named a
<br /> defendant Inc�udin condemnatlon and bankru tc �aceedin s Benefciary may incur expenses and
<br /> � 9 p y p g}nt al�owed b law casts �� enses
<br /> ad�ance payments for abstract f�es attarneys f�es �to the e te
<br /> and other char es and an amaunts s� ad�anced w�fl become art of the princ�pal
<br /> appraisal fees, g y p
<br />