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��15�455� <br /> A11 insurance polic�es required by Lender and renewals of su�h policies shall be subj�ct to Ler�der'S right ta <br /> disappr�ve such polic�es, svall ir►clude a standard rnortgage clau�e, and sha11 name Ler�der as mortgagee <br /> and1�r as an additionalloss gayee. Lender sha11 ha�e the right to hald the polici�s and rer�ewal ceraficat�s. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipts of paid pr�miurns and renewal nofiices. <br /> If Bonower obtains any f�rm of insurance c�v�rage, n�t otl�erwise required by Lender, for damage to, or <br /> destruct�on of, th�Froperty, su�h polic��ha.11�.n�lude a standard rnQrtgage�laus�and shall na.�r�e Lender as <br /> martgag�e andlor as an additiona�loss payee. <br /> In the event of 1oss, Borrower shall g�ve prvn�t notice to the insurar�ce r.arrier an�i Lender. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if not rnade promptly�y Borrvwer. iJnless Lender and Borrower otl�erwise agree in <br /> wri�ing, any insuran�e proceeds, whether�r not the underlying insurance was r�quired by Lender, �ha11 be <br /> applied t�rest�rativn vr repair of the Properiy, if the rest�ra.�i�n or repair is econo�xucally feasi�le and <br /> Lender's security�s not lessened. During such and restaration periad, Lender sha�ll have the right to <br /> hald such insuran�e proceeds u.n�il Lender has had an opportunity to inspe�t sueh Pr�perty to ensure the <br /> work has been�vmpleted tfl I,�r►d�r's safiisfa�tion, prnvided tha.t su�h in�pec�ion shall be undertak�n <br /> prornp#ly, Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and restorati�n vn a single payment or in a series of <br /> pro�'ess paynle�as the work is c�mpleted. Unle�s axr agreemer�is made in vvriting or Applica�le Law <br /> r�quires interest ta be paid on such insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be reqwred ta pay B�rrawer any <br /> in�erest or earnings an such proce�ds. Fees f�r publi�adjus�ers, or�ther third parties, retained t�y Bonower <br /> �ha�l not�� out of the insur�.�ce proceeds and be the sole obligation af Barrvwer. If the restoratian <br /> �r repa�.r is not economically feasib�e�r Lender's secur�ty w�u1d b�lessened, the insurar�ce proceeds shall�e <br /> applied t��e sums se�ccured h�this Security Instn�.nent, whether 4r nat then du�, with th�e ex�ess, if any, <br /> paid to Borrower. Su�h insurance praceeds shall�e applied in the order provided f�r in Section 2. <br /> If Borrawer ahandons the Pro�erty, Lend�r may f�1e, n�g�tiate an�settle any availa.��e in��rance c�aim and <br /> related matters. If Borrower does nflt res�ond within 3U days t�a not'rce fmm Lender that the insu.ranc� <br /> carrier has offered to settl�a�, then Lender may negotiate and settl�the cla�m. Th�e 34-day period will <br /> �egin when the natice is given. In either event, or if L�nder acqui.res the Pr�perty under Sactian 22 or <br /> oth�rwise, Borrawer�eneh�assigns ta Lender�a}Borro�ver's rights to any insurance pro�eeds in an amaunt <br /> n�t to exceed the amaunts unpaid und�er the Note or this S�curity Ins�n�ment, and(b}any other of <br /> B�rrower's rights��ther than the right to any refund af unearned pr+emiurns paid�y Barrower}under a1� <br /> �nsurartce policies covering the Property, insvfax as such rights are applicable ta the co�erage of the <br /> Property. Lender rnay use the insurance praceeds either to repair or restore the Pr+op�rty or to pay amaunts <br /> unpa�d under the N�te or this Security Instrumen�, whether or not then due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrower sha11 accup�, e�ta�lish, and use the Properry as Borrow�r's principal residence <br /> wit�un 6U days aft�r the ex�cutivn�f this S�curity Instrurn�ent and shall continue to occupy the Proper�y as <br /> Borr�we�s principal resider�c�for a�least ane year after the date of occupar�y, unless Le�der otherwise <br /> agriees�n writing, which consent shal�not be unreasonably withheld, or un�ess extenuaiing circu.rnstan�es <br /> ear�st which are�e�and Barr�wer's contmi. <br /> l. Pneservation, IIII ain#enance and Pf�#e�t��n �f t�e Property; 1 nspectians. Borrower s�2t�1 n�t d��y, <br /> damage or impair th�P�vperty, alla�v the Propert�to det�riora.te or conuni�waste on the Proper�y. Wh�ther <br /> or nnt Borr�w�r�s residing�n the Pmperty, Bvrrower sha�l mai�ntain the Property in order to pre�ent the <br /> Property from deteri�r�ing vr decreasin�in value due to its candi�ian. Unless�t is determined pursuant tv <br /> Section 5 t.�at repair or restvra.tion is n�t econvmi�a�ly feasib�e, B�rrower shall promptly repair the Pmperty <br /> if damaged ta a��id further deteriaratian vr dart�age. If insuran�e�r cond�mnatian pr��eeds are paid in <br /> cvnnection with damage to, or the taking of, th�e Property, Borrovver sha.11�e responsi�le far repairing or <br /> rest�ring the Prvperty only if Lend�r has released praceed5 f�r su�h purposes. Lend�er may clisburse proceeds <br /> 22L30518736 ❑V6NE <br /> NEBRASKA-Singte Farniiy-Fannis�laelFreddie Mac LJNIFQRM IN5TRl1MENT Form 3a�$1i41 <br /> VMP� VMPB[NE)�13D2� <br /> VSlalters Kfuwer�inancEal Serv�ces Page of 1 <br />