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��15�455� <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrower shall pa�ta Lender the amount nece5sa�to make up the defcienc�in <br /> accondaxace with RESPA, but in n�m�re than �2 m,onthly p�yment�. <br /> Upon payment in full of al�suntis secured�y this Securit�y Instrumrent, Lend�r sh�ll pmmpt�y refund to <br /> Borrawer any Funds h�ld hy Lend�r, <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrower Sha.I�pay a11 taxes, assessments, charges, fines, and imp4siti�n�attril�utahle t� <br /> the Properi�which can att�in priority over this Security Instruxr�ent, leaseh�old pa.ymen�s or ground r+ents on <br /> the P�vperty, �f ariy, ar�d�ornmunity Assaciati�n]�ues, Fees, an�d Assessments, �f any. To the extent�at <br /> these items are Fs�row Items, Borrovver shall pay them in the manner pro�ided in Se�ion 3. <br /> B�rrower shall promptly di.scharge any lien which has priority o�er this Securi�y Instrument un�ess <br /> Borrower: �a}agr�es in writing t�the payment of the oh��gati�n secured�y th�lien�n a�xYarule�acceptabl� <br /> ta Ler�d�r, but only so long as Borrower is perfarnvng such agreement; �b}�ontests the l�en in good faith by, <br /> or defends against enfarcement of the lien in, legal proc��dings which in Lender's opinion operate tv pr�vent <br /> the enfor+cem,ent of the lien while those pro�e�edings are�nd�ng, but only until such proceedin�s are <br /> concluded; or�c�secures from the holder of�.ie lien an agreement sat�ii.s.factory to Lender subordinating the <br /> lien to ttus Securit�In�trum,ent. If Le�der determines that any part of the Praperty is su�bject to a�ien which <br /> can attain priority av�r th�s Security �n�t�urr�nt, L�nder ma.y give Barrawer a notice ider�tifying the Iien. <br /> �Vithin 1D days af the d�ate on wluch that notice is given, B�rrower shaii satisfy the lien�r tak�ar�vr mvre <br /> vf the�ct�vns set fo�th above in this Section 4. <br /> Lender rnay require Borrower to pay a�r�-time�harge for a reai estate tax�erification andlor repar�ing <br /> servic�used by Lender in connectian with�his Loan. <br /> �. Pnv pe�#y I nsu ra nce. ��rrvwer shall keep the improvements now existing or her+eafter erected on the <br /> Praperty insured against lass by fire, ha�a�rds inc�uded within the term"�xtended co��rage," and any other <br /> ha�ard5 including, but not linut�d t�, ear�hqua�es ar�d floads, f�r which I,ender requires insuran,ce. This <br /> insuraance shall he ma�nta.ined in the amoun�s�including dedu�t.ible��v��s}ar�far the periods that Lender <br /> requires. What Ler�der requires pursuant to the preceding sente�es can change during the term of the Laan. <br /> The insur�r�ce carrier providing the�nsuranc�5hall be chosen hy Bvrrower subje�t to Lender�s right to <br /> d isa.pprvve B orr�vver's�h�ice, which right 5ha�1 n�t he exercised unreasanably. Lender may requine <br /> Banower to pay, in cannection with this Loan, either: �a}a one time charge for flood z�n�deterrninat�on, <br /> ceraficatron and tracking serviees; or�}a one-tv.n�charge for fload zone deternunation and c�rd.fication <br /> services and su�sequer�charges each time remappings vr similar chang�s occur wh�ich reasvnably migh� <br /> affect such deternun�tivn or cer�i�'ication. Borrvwer shall a����r�sp�nsible for the pa.yment of any fees <br /> in�posed by the Federal En�rgency Nianagement Agency in connection w�th the review af any flaod zan� <br /> detenminati�n resulting from an abject�on by B�rrow�r. <br /> If Borr�wer fai�s to maint�n any of�he coverages des�ribed ah��e, Lend�r may obtain insurance co�erage, <br /> at Lende�'s�ption and Barrow�r's expense. Lender is under na o�ligatian to purchase any partic�ular type ar <br /> �mount�f c� Therefore, such c�verage shall c��er Lender, but might or might nat protect Borr�wer, <br /> Borrowe�'s equity in the Properiy, or the contents of the Property, against axxy risk, hazard or Iiabili�.y and <br /> might provide gre�ter or�esser cov�rage than was pre���us1y in effect. Barrovver acknowied�es tl�at the cos# <br /> of the insuran�e c�verage so obtained nugh�signif�cantly�xceed the cost of insurance that Borr�wer��u�d <br /> ha.�e otrtained. Any amount�di5�aursed by Le�der under this Se�ion 5 shall bec�me a�ditional debt af <br /> Borrower secured by th�s Se�urity Instrument. These amourrts sha��b�ar interest at�he Note rate frarn the <br /> date of d�isbursem�nt and shall be payable, wi�th such intenest, upon notice from Le�der t�Bvrrower <br /> r�ques�ing payment. <br /> ������8��� ❑VBNE <br /> N�RASKA-5��tgle Family-FannteMaelFreddie Mac IJNIF4RM INSTRIJMENT Form 3D�8 11a1 <br /> 11MP� V MP6�NE)[�3U2] <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer Frnancral 5ervic�s P���$�fi�� <br />
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