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Z�15��53� <br /> C�EE� �F TR[J�T <br /> ��ont�nued� Pag� 7 <br /> be cansidered deleted from this Deed v� Trust. lJnless atherwise required by law, �he illegali�y, in�alid�ty, or <br /> unen�orceahisity af any prvvision af�his Deed of Trust shall not a�fec��he legality, validi�y or enfo�-ceabili�y Qfi any <br /> ❑ther proW�sion af this Deed o�T�ust. <br /> SuGc�s�v�s and Assigns. 5ubjec�to any limitations �tated in this Deed of T�ust❑n trans�er Qf Trustor's interest, <br /> this ❑eed of Trus�shall be binding upvn and inure t❑ the benefrt of�he parties, th�ir successors and assigns. lf <br /> flwnership a�the Property be�omes�ested in a pers�n ather than Trus�or, Lender, w�thout notice to Trus�vr, rnay <br /> deal with Trustar's successors with re�erence ta�his deed af Trust and the Indebtedness by way o�forbearance or <br /> extension vsri�hvut re[easing Trus�vr�rom the abiigations of�his Deed vf Trust or liabiii�y under the[ndeb#edness. <br /> Time is vf'the Essence, Time is❑fi the essence in th�pertarmance��this Deed of Trust. <br /> Vllai�e Jury. Al[ parties tv�his Deed af Trust hereby wai►re fhe r�gh#tv any jury trial in any a�fian,prviceeding, �r <br /> counterclaim b�ought by any par�y against any oth�r par�y. <br /> Wai've�' of Hamestead Exemp�ion. Trustor hereby releases and wa�veS al[ righ�� and benefits of the hornestead <br /> exemptiQn laws af the SfaEe of Nebraska as tv all lndebtedness secured by th�s Deed❑f Trust_ <br /> �EFINITI�N5. The fvlfow�ng capitalized words and terms sha)! have�he following meanings when used in �his Deed of <br /> Tru�t. Unless specif�caily stated to fhe con�rary, a�l re�erences to doilar amvunts shall mean amvunfs ir� lawfiul money <br /> of the United 5ta#es of America. V�lords and ��rms used in �he singular shail include the p�ural, and the plura! sha�l <br /> in�lude the singufar, as the con#ext may require. Vllards and terms not ❑therwise defined in this ❑eed o�Trust sha�i <br /> have�he rneanings attributed to such terms in the Unif�rm Cvmmerc�al�ode: <br /> Senefciary. The word"Beneficiary"means First Natiorral Bank o�Qmaha,and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrovver. The w�rd "garrower" means F��nald B Bafdwin and inc�udes all ca-s�gners and co-makers signing the <br /> Nate and all their su�cessor�and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this De�d ❑�Trust amvng Trus�or, Lende€�, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without [im�ta�ion a�l assignment and s�curity interes� provisions re[a�ing tfl the Personal Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> flefault. The word "�efault"means the Default set forth in this Deed o�Trus�in tha section titfed "De�ault". <br /> Environmental Laws. The wards "'EnWirvnmen#al Laws" mean any and a�l state, federal and �acal statutes, <br /> regulatians and vrdinances relating to the pratectian ❑f human health ar the en�ironmen�, Encluding withput <br /> limitation �he �omprehensi�e Enviranmental Response, Comp�nsatian, and Liabi�ity Acfi vf '�98Q, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Section 9G��, et seq. �'"�ERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reautharization Act of 1986, Pub. L. <br /> Nv.99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardvus Materials Transparfatian Act, 49 U.S.�.Sec�ion �5��, et seq_,the Resource <br /> �anservativn and Reco�ery A�t, 4� Ll.S.C. Section �9Q1, ��seq., ar other app�icable state or federa� Iaws, ru#�s, <br /> or r�gulations adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> Event of Defaurt. The wards"Event of❑efault'"mean any of�he events of defau��set forth in this C�eed af Trust in <br /> the events of de�Fault se�tian of�his Deed❑�Trust. <br /> �uaranty. The word "Guaranty"means the guaranty�rom gu�rantvr, endorser,surety, or accommadati�n par�y to <br /> Lender, inc�uding wi�haut[irni�ation a guaran�y v€afl or part of the Nafe. <br /> Haza�daus Subs�ances. The words "Ha�a�-daus �ubstances" mean materials that, because o� th�ir quantity, <br /> concentra�ivn ❑r physiGal, chemi�a[ or infect�ous character�st�cs, may cause or pas� a present vr po��ntia� ha�ard <br /> ta human health or�he en�ironment when impraperly used, trea�ed,stored, disposed of, genera�ed,manufiactured, <br /> �ransported ar o�henrv�sa handled. The�nrards '"Hazardaus Substances" are used in their v�ry brvadest sense and <br /> inc�ude withvut limitativn any and all hazardaus ar#oxic substances, materials vr wast� as defined by Dr listed <br /> under the En�ironmen�a�Laws_ The�erm '"Ha�arda�s Substances"also inGludes,without limitation,petrvleum and <br /> pe#�vleum by-pr�ducts or any�raction thereof and asbestas. <br /> fmprorremen�s, The word "Imp�o�ernenfs" means all existing and future imp�ovements, buildings, structur�s, <br /> mobi�� hames af�ixed on the Real Prvperty, faciCities, additions, replacements and ather cons�ruction ❑n the Real <br /> Praperty. <br /> lndebtedness. The wo�d "lndebtedness" means a�l principal, interes�, and othe� amounts, casts and expens�s <br /> payah�e under the Note or Related Do�um�nts, �ogether with a�l renewaf� vf, exter�s3�ns of, modifi�at�ans of, <br /> ��nsalidatior�s of and subs���utivns for the No#e or Refated Dv�um�nts and any amounts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trust��'� obiiga�ions or expenses incur�ed by Trustee or Lender to enforce Trustor's <br /> obligations under�his Deed of Trust,together with inter�st on such amounts as p�-o�ided in this D�ed of Trust. . <br /> Lender. The wvrd �rLsnder"means First Nati�nal Bank af�R7a��a,its suc�essvrs and ass�gns. <br /> N4te. The ward "N ote" means any and alI of Borrower's liab3lities, ob�igation� and debts to Lender, naw existing <br /> or h�reina�ter incu�red or�reated, including,withaut�imita#ion, all loans, ad�ances, interest, cos�s deb�s, overdra�# <br /> indebtedness, credit card '€ndebtednesS, lease obligatians, liah��ities and ❑biigations under interest ra�e protection <br /> agreements or fareign currency�xchang�agreements or cammodity price protectivn agr�ements,other o��igations, <br /> and liabili�€es of Borrower together with all modifica�ians, �n�reases, renewals, ar�d extensions of the <br /> aforementi�ned_ Additionally, hereby incvrporated as if fully s�t fiorkh herein are the terms and conditions of any <br /> promissary nvte, agr�ement or o�her d�cum�n� ex�cuted by gorrawer andlor Lender indicating this s�curity <br /> instrumenf or the praperty described her�in shaff be Gansidered "Collateral" securing such promissvry no#e, <br /> agreement,or ather instrument,or any similar refe�'ence. <br /> Persona� Prvper�y. The words "Persanal Prope�ty" mean all equipment, fixtures, and Qther arkic�es of persvnal <br /> prop�rty now o� herea�ter owned by Trustor, and now or h�reaf�er a�tached or affixed to #he Reaf Property; <br /> together v+rith all accessions, parts, and additions to, all replacemen�s of, and all substitutions for, any af such <br /> property; and together with alf proceeds ��ncluding wi�haut limitation alf insurance proceeds and refunds of <br /> pr�mium�}from any safe or ather disposition o�the Property. <br /> Proper�y, The ward"Property"means callecti�ely the Real Property and the Persvnal Praperty. <br /> Real Property. The wards "Real Prope�ty"rnean the�eal property, fnferests and rights, as further described ir��his <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> Re�ated documents. The words "Related Documents" mean a�l prom�ssary n4tes, credit agreements, laan <br /> agreement�, er�vironmental agreem�nts, guaran�ies, se�urity agreements, mortgages; deeds of trust, secur�ty <br /> deeds, collatera� mortgages, and ail ❑the� �nstruments, agreements and do�uments, whether n�vu vr hereafter <br /> �xisting,executed in connection wi�h the Indebtedness. <br /> R�nts. The word "Rents'" means all pressn� and fu�ure rents, �-e�enues, in�ome, issues, royalties, prof�ts, an� <br /> ather benefits deri�ed fram the Pr�perty. <br /> Trustee. The wo�d "Trus#ee"means First Na�ional Bank of Omaha,whose add�es�is 81 a AIIen Dr., Grand Isfand <br /> , NE 5 S 8Q� and any subs#itute or successor trustees. <br /> Trustor. The word "Trustor"means Ranafd B Baldwin and Rh�nda J Baldwin. <br />