<br /> DEED �F TRLJS�"
<br /> t�ontinu�d� Page �
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whe�her vr not any court acti�n is in�olwed, and to th� extent ncat prohibited by law, ail
<br /> reasvnable expenses Lender inGurs tha� in Lender's apinion are necessary a� any time far the pro�ectian of its
<br /> int�res�ar th��n�orcement vf its rights shall becvme a part af�he lndeb�edness payable on demand and sha�l bear
<br /> interes�at the No�e rate f�am the date of the expendi�u�-e un�31 repaid_ Expenses cove�-ed hy this paragraph include,
<br /> withaut I�rn itation, however subject to any lim its undec applEcabi� law, Lender'�atto�ney�' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> �xpenses, whether vr not there is a fawsuf�, including attvrneys' fes� and �xpense� for bankrup�cy proceedings
<br /> �inciuding e#fo�ts ��mod��y or�acate any au�omatic stay or in�unGtion}, appeals,and any anticipated post-judgment
<br /> collection services,the cost of searching records, obta�n�ng titie rep�rts �including foreclosure reports�, surveyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisa[ fe�s, title insurance, and �ees for the Trustee, to the �xten� permitted by appliGable law.
<br /> Trustor also will pay any�ourt�osts, in ad�iition�o a!I other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trust�e. Trustee shall haWe all of the rights and duties of Lender as set forth in�his sectian.
<br /> PC31NER5 AN� �6LIGATIDNS DF TRl]STEE. The folfowing provisions rela�ing to the powers and obligati�ns of Trustee
<br /> a re part❑f th is ❑eed a�Tru st:
<br /> Powers af Trustee. 1n addition to all powers nf Trustee arising as a matter o�F law,Trustee shall have the pvwer tv
<br /> �ake the foll�wing activns with respect fo �he Pr�per�y upon the wri�ten reques�nf Lender and Trustor: �a)jain in
<br /> pr�paring and filing a map or plat Qf the R�al Prvperty, inc�uding �he ded��atian �f streets or ❑�her rights tv the
<br /> public; �b) joir� in granting any easement ar c�ea�ing any res�riction on the R�ai �rope�#y; and �c} jain in any
<br /> su�ordinativn ar vther a�reement affecting this De�d o�Trust❑r the interest❑f Lender under this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shal! m�et all quafifica#ions required for Trustee under appliGable iaw. ln addi�ion ta the righ#s
<br /> and remedies set forth ab��e, with respe��to al� o�any part vf the Property, �he Trustee shall ha�e the right ta
<br /> foreclos� by notice and sale, and Lender shaI1 ha�e the right#o fvrecivse by judicial f�recfosure, in eifher�ase in
<br /> a�cvrdance with and to the full exten�pro�id�d by applicable law.
<br /> 5u�cessnr Trus�ee. Lender,at Lender's optian, may frorn tim�to time appoin#a su�cessor Trustee tv any Trus�ee
<br /> appoin�ed un�er this Deed of Trust by an instrument execu�ed and acknawledged by L�nder and recorded in �he
<br /> ❑f�ice a�the r�cvrder a� Hall �oun�y, State of Nebraska. Th� ins�rument shall cantain, in addi�ian to all ather
<br /> rnatters required �y state law, the names of�he �riginal Lender, Tr�ustee, and Trustor, the baok and page �or
<br /> computer syst�m reference} where �his D�ed vf Trus� is recarded, and the name and addr�ss ��the successor
<br /> �rustee,and the instrumen�shall be execut�d and aGknawledg�d by all�he benefciaries under this�eed of Trust ar
<br /> their suc�essors in infierest. The suc�essvr trustee, v+r�thvu�conveyance of the Prape�y,sha�l �uc�eed to all the
<br /> title, power,and du�ies conf�rred upon the Trustee�n�his Deed of Trus#and by applicable law. This pro�edure�ar
<br /> substitu�ion of Trustee sf�al�go�ern tv the exclusion of a�l afiher pra��stons fc�r subst�tution_
<br /> N�TtGES. Any no#ic� requ�red to b�given under this �eed a�F Trust, including withouf limitati�n any noti�e vf default
<br /> and any n����e vf sale shal� be gi��n in writing, and sha�� be efFective when actual�y deliversd, when ac�ualfy reGei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile(unless❑�he�-wise required by law�,wh�n depasited with a natianally recogni�ed v�ernight courier,ar, if
<br /> maiied,when depasited in the Llnited Sta�es rnail,as�irst class, �ertified❑r registered maii posta�e pr�paid,directed ta
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning o�this f�eed�f Tru�t. Ail Gopies nf no�ices❑f foreclosure f�vm the hQider of
<br /> any lien which has priari�y ov�r this Deed o�'Trus�shall be sent�o Lende�'s address, as shvwn near the beg�nning of
<br /> this Deed af Trust. Any pa�k� may change i�s address fv� nv�i�es under this C3eed of Trust by giving�vrmal written
<br /> nvtice ta �he �ther parties, specifying tha� �he pu�pose o� the no�ice is �� change the party's address. Far no�ice
<br /> purposes,Trusfor agre�s to ke�p Lender in�arm�d at al[tfines v€Trustnr's cu�rent address. Un#ess vtherw�se prouided
<br /> vr required by�aW, i�there is mare than vn�Trust�r, any na�ice given by Lender t❑ any Trustvr�s d�emed to be no#�c�
<br /> given�o ail T�-ustvrs,
<br /> ELECTRQNlC CDPIES. L�nder rnay GQpy, electranically vr otherw�se, and ther�after destray, the ariginais af this
<br /> Agr�sment andlor Rsfated Dvcuments in the regular course ❑f Lender's busines�. A�� such cop�es prvduced from an
<br /> electronic form or by any ather reliable means �i.�., photographic �rnage or facsimiie) shall in alE respects be considered
<br /> equivalent to an original,and Borrower hereby waives any rights ar objections ta th� use of such �Qpies.
<br /> N[15CELLANEC]US PROV151DNS. The follvwing mis�ellanevus provisions are a part o�this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed o�Trust,togethe�with any Rela�ed Documents, �ons��tutes the entire unders�anding and
<br /> agreernent of the parties as tv the ma�te�s set fnrth in �his Deed ❑f T�ust. N�alteration af or amendrnent t❑this
<br /> Deed of Trust shall be eff�cti�e untess given in writing and signed by the party or parties svught t� be�harg�d vr
<br /> baund by the aiteration or am�ndment.
<br /> Annual Repvrts� If th� Property is used for purposes other than Trustor's residence, Trustar shall furnish to
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified s�atement af net operating incarne reoei�ed frorn the Property during Trustv�'s
<br /> pre�ivus fiscal year in such�orm and detail as Lender shafl require. "Net aperating incpme" sha�l mean afl cash
<br /> receip#s from the Prope�-ty less al�cash expenditures rr�ade in connection with the�pera�ion vf the Prop�rty.
<br /> Gaption Headings. Caption headings in �his De�d of Trust are fvr can��nienc� purposes anly and are nvt�o be
<br /> used#o interpret or define the pro�isions of this Deed af Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall be no rnerger o�the interest o�-esfiate created by this De�d of TruSt with any vther interest or
<br /> estate in the Property a#any time he�d hy ar for the benefit❑f L�nder in any�apacity, without the written consent
<br /> �f Lender.
<br /> Go�erning Law. This Deed v�Trust wi�� be governed hy federal law appli�abl� to Lender and, to the �xten# not
<br /> preernpted by fed�ral law,the lav�►�s of the State of Nehraska wi�hvut regard fa its canfliG�s v�faw pro�isivns. This
<br /> Deed o�Trust has been accepted by Lender in the 5�a�e af Nehraska.
<br /> Ch�ice qf Venue. [f there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upan Lender�s request to submi�ta the}urisdict�on of the
<br /> caurts of Hall Cvunty,Stat�af Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and Se�eral L�abiiitjr. All o�ligations vf Borrawer and Trus�vr under�his Deed of Trusl sha11 �e joint and
<br /> se�era�, and a�l referenGes tv Trus�or shall rnean each and every Trustor, and a�l refe�ences ta Borrower shall mean
<br /> �ach and e�e�-y Borrower. This means that each Trustv�signing below is respansible fvr alE�b�igations in�his Deed
<br /> of Trus�.
<br /> Na Waiver by Lender. Lender shall not be deemed ta ha�e v+raived any righfs under this Deed of Trust unless such
<br /> waiv��-�s gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. IVo detay or ornission on�he part of Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shall operate as a wai�er afi such right vr any ather right. A waiver by Lender o�a provision of#hi� Deed of Trus#
<br /> shall not prejudiGe vr ��nstitute a waiver of Lender's right atherwise to demand s�rict c�mpliance with that
<br /> pravision or any ather prQ�ision af this Deed of Trust: Na priar waiver by Lender, nor any co�rse of dea(�ng
<br /> be�ween Lend�r and Trust4r, sha�l canstitute a wai�er of any of Lender's rights or v�any of Trustor's obligations
<br /> as ta any�uture transa�tions. When�ver the Gonsent of Lender is required under�his Deed a�Trust,the granting
<br /> af su�h consent by Lender in any instance sha�l nQt c�ns#i�ute continuing cansent tv subsaquenf instances where
<br /> s�ch �ons�n�is�equired and in all cases such consent may be granted vr withheld in the svle discretivn of L�nder.
<br /> 5everabili�Iy. if a court of campefient jurisdiction finds any pro�isivn af this Deed of Trust to be illegal, in�aIid, or
<br /> un�nfvrceable as to any persan or cir�umstance,#hat finding shall no�rnal�e the affendin�pro�ision i[legai, in�a�id,
<br /> c�r unenforceable as�a any o�her persan or circumstance. If�easible, the o�fending pr4vision shall be conside�-ed
<br /> modifed sv that it becomes legal,�alid and enforceable. lf the o�Fending pra�ision cannot�sa modifed,i�shal]
<br />