<br /> Property Condition, A�terat�ons and Inspe�t�an. Trus�or will I�eep the Property in good condition and
<br /> make aII repairs that are reasonab�y necessary. Trus�or shai.l not commi�or a11ow any waste, impairment, or
<br /> deteriorativn of th� Property. Trustor agrees that the nature of the o�cupancy and use wxl� nat subs�ant�ally
<br /> change with�ut Bene��iar�'s pr�or written c�ns�nt. Trustar will not permYt any change in an� licens�,
<br /> restrictive ���renant or easement wzthnut Beneficiary's pr�or wri�ten cansent. Trustor,will no�ify Benefxciary
<br /> of all demands, proceedings, claims, and aGtions against Trustor, and af any loss or damage t�the Praperry.
<br /> Benefi�iary or Beneficza.z�'s agents may, at Beneficiary's aption, �nter th�Praperty at any reas�nable time for
<br /> the purpose of inspecting the Pr�pert�. Senefx�iary shali give Trustor notice at �he time of or before an
<br /> inspection specxfying a reasanable purpose for th�inspectian. Any inspection af the Property shall be entirely
<br /> for Lenef�ciary's benefit and Trustar will in no way rely vn�3ene�c�ary's inspection.
<br /> Auth�rfty to Perfvrm. If Trustor fai�s to perform any duty❑r any of the cavenants cantained in thzs Security
<br /> Yns�rum�nt, Beneficiary may, wi�hou� notice, perfo�zn ar cause them to be perfarmed. Trustar appaints
<br /> Bene�cYary as attorney in fact to s�gn Trustar'� name or pay any amount necessary for perf�rmance.
<br /> Bene��iary's right to perfarm for Trustar shall nat create an abl�gatiQn ta gerform, and Benefc�ary's fa.�lure
<br /> to perform will nat preclude Beneficiary from exercising any of Ben�ficiary's v�her rights under the law or
<br /> �his Security Instrument.
<br /> L�as�holds; Candominxums; Planned Unit Developments. Trustar agrees to comply with�he pro�isions of
<br /> any lease if this Secur�ty �nstrument is an a Ieasehold. If the Properry includes a unit in a condominium ar a
<br /> planned unit develflpment, Trustor will perform aII of Trus�or's dut�es under the covenants, by-laws, or
<br /> regulatz�ns af the condomin�um or plann�d unit developm�nt.
<br /> Condemnation. Trustor wi1X gxve Beneficiary prompt natice of any pend�ng or threatened a�tion, by privat�
<br /> ar public entities to purchase or take any or a11 of the Praper�y thr�ugh cand�mnation, eminent domain, or
<br /> any �ther means. Trustar autharizes B�neficiary to inter�rene in Trustor's nam�in any of the al�ove des�rib�d
<br /> actions �r claims. Trus�or assigns to Ben�fzc�ary the praceeds af any award or cla�m for damages connected
<br /> with a condemnatron or a�her tak�ng of all or an� part flf the Property. Such prace�ds sha�l be considered
<br /> payments and w���.be applied as pravided in this Security �nstrument. This assYgnm�nt of proceeds is subject
<br /> to th�t�rms �f any przor mar�gage, deed of trust, secur�ty agreement or other Iien dacument.
<br /> Insuran�e. Trustor shall keep Pr�perty insured against loss by f�re, f���d, theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> reasonab�y assoc�a�ed with the Property due�o it�type and location. Th�s insurance shall be maintained in.the
<br /> am�un�s and far the periods that Bene�ciary r��u�res. What Be�efzczary requxres pursuant to the preceding
<br /> two sen�ences can change during the term of the Secured Debt, �he Ynsurance carrier providing the in�urance
<br /> shal.� be cho�en by Tru�tor subject �o Benefic�ary's approval, which sha11 nat be unreasonab�y withheld. If
<br /> Trustar fails to maintain th� co�erage descri��d abo�e, Benefi�iary may, at Beneficiary's option, �b�aua
<br /> cov�rage t�protect Beneficiary's rxghts in the Property acC�rding t�the terms�f this S�curity Instrum�n�.
<br /> Al� �nsurance palrcies and ren�wals sha11�e acceptabie �a Bene���ary and shall in�lude a s�andard "mortgage
<br /> ciause" and, where applicab�e, "loss payee clause." Trustar sha1l imxn�diately no��f� Seneficiary of
<br /> canc�11at7on or �ermination of the insurance. Beneficiary shall ha�e the z�.ght t� hold the policies and
<br /> renewals. Yf B�neficia.ry requires, Trustor shall immed�ateiy gi�e to Beneficiary alx receipts of pa�d premiums
<br /> and renewal n�txces. Upon Io�s, Trustar shall give unmediate notice ta �he insurance�arrier and Benef�exary_
<br /> Beneficiary may make praaf of l�ss Yf nat made�rnmediate�y by Trust�r.
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing, al.� znsurance proceeds shall be a�p���d to the r�staratxan or repa�.r of the
<br /> Property ar to the Se�ured Debt, whether ar not then due, at B��ef�c�ary's op�ion. Any application af
<br /> pr�ceeds ta principal shali nat ext�nd Qr p�stpone the due date of�t�ie schedu�.ed payment nor change the
<br /> amount af any pa�ment. Any excess w�l� be pard to �h.e Trust�r. If�he Property is acquired by Beneficiary,
<br /> Trus�or's right to any insuranc� pol��ies and prace�ds resulting from damage to �h.e Properry before the
<br /> acquisition sha11 pass to Beneficiary to the extent of the 5e�ured Del�t immed�ately��fore the acquisi�ian.
<br /> Financial R���rts and Additional Dacum�nts. Trustor wixX pr�v7de tfl Beneficiary upon requ�st, any
<br /> financ�al stat�ment or informa�ion BeneficYary may deem reasonably n��c�ssary. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br /> deliver, and frle any add�tional documents or certi�catians that Benef�czary may consider nece�sary to perfect,
<br /> r,nntinue, and presex-�ve Trustar's obligations under this SeGurity Instrume�t a.n.d Beneficiary's Iien status an
<br /> the Prop erty. .
<br /> G. W Y�F TITLE. Trus�ar warrants that Trustor is or will b�Xawfully seized of the estate conveyed
<br /> by this Secu�i.ty Instrument and has the right to irre�o�a.bly gran�, CQnvey, aTnd seii the Property to Trustee, xn
<br /> trust, with power of sale. Trustar a.�so warrants that the Property is unencumbered, ���ept far encurnbrances
<br /> of record.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Beneficiary may, at its opt�on, declare the �entire balance of th� S�cured Debt to be
<br /> 7mme�Iiately due and payable upan the creatzon af, or contrac� for�.he cr�ation of, a tran.sfer ar sale of all or
<br /> any p art of the Property. This right i s subj ect to the restr��tions �mp o�ed b� federal 1 aw (3.2 C.F.R. �91}, as
<br /> applicable.
<br /> Security Instr�ment-Open-End-Cansumer-NE OCP-R��T-N� 71�l2�7�
<br /> VMPn Bankers Systems� VMF'-C465{N�� (9 1�7}.pp
<br /> Wolter�}�luwer Financia[5er�i�es p'i 994,2D1'i � Fage 3 of 6
<br />