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Z�15��719 <br /> The property is locat�d in ...Hal l..........................,....................... at ..................................... <br /> �County} <br /> ..1147..S..�herry,St,.--•---•.............. ..Grand.Island.--.............. I�ehraska..588D1.......... <br /> ..... . .. ....... ..,. .y .......... ........... .� ......... <br /> (Address} (City3 �ZIP Cod�} <br /> T�gether�vith a11 rightis, eas�ments, appurt�nances, royalties, minera� rights, orl and gas rights, aI1 wa��r and <br /> riparzan rxgh�s, ditches, and water stocl� and alX exxs��ng and future improv�ments, stru�tures, fixtu.res, and <br /> repla�e�nents that may nov�, or at any t�me i.n th.e future, be part�f the real.estat�described abave�aII referred <br /> to as rr Pr�p�rty"}. <br /> 3. �SLIGATI�N LIMIT, The total principa� amount secur�d by this Securzty Znstrument at any <br /> ane tune shall not exc�ed $ 10 0,�o 0 0;.o o................................. . Thzs l.imztatian of amaunt daes not <br /> inc�ude interest and other fees and charges validly made pur�uant to this Security Instru�aent. A�so, thzs <br /> lunitatian does not apply to advan�es made under the terms �f this Security Lnstrument ta pr�tect <br /> B�nefx�iary's secur�ty and ta perform any❑f the�avenants c�ntained in this Security In.strument. <br /> 4. SECLTRED DEB�AND FLJ�rLTRE ADVAN�ES. The�erm "Secured De�t" is defined as foi�ows: <br /> A.Debt incurrec�under the terms of aII pramissory n�te�s}, contract(s}, guaranty��es} or other eviden�e af <br /> deb� described bel.ow and al� thezr extens�ans, renewals, modifications or subs�itu��ons. (You rnust <br /> specif�carly ident�;�the debt{,r} secured and y�u shauld include t�he�nar mQturity da�e o�'such debt{s}.} <br /> Not� Dated June 23, 2015 In Th� Amount Qf $10����n.�� <br /> Accruing At A Variabl� Rate With A Maturity Date �f June 25, 2n�� <br /> Said Loan In The Narne�s} �f Darin n Ehlers <br /> And Erin J Ehlers <br /> B.AIl future ad�ances from Benef c�ary �� Trustor or other future obligations of Trustar to B�neficiary <br /> under any pramissory note, contract, guaran�y, ar other evid�nc,�of debt execut�d by Trustor in fa�ror <br /> of Benef��iary after this Se�urity Instrum�nt v�rhether or not �h�s Security Instrument is specifically <br /> r�ferenced_ �f more than one person sign� this Security Instrument, each Trustflr agrees that this <br /> Security Instrumen�will se�ure aIl future advances and future obl�gatzans that are given tv or in�urred <br /> by any one or more Trustar, or any one or mare Trus�or and athers. AII future acivances and ather <br /> future o�aligatYons are secured by this S�curity Instrument even though a11 or part may not yet b� <br /> advanced. A11 future advances and other future obligatians are secured as zf made on �h� date of this <br /> Securi.ty Lnstrument. in. th�s Securi.ty �nstnxment sha11 constztute a �ammitment to make <br /> additinnal or future Ioans or advan.ces in, any am.ount. An� such commztment mus� be agreed to �n a <br /> s�parat�v�riting- <br /> �..A.II ather obligations Trustor�wes ta Benefi�iary, which may Iat�r arise, to the�xtent not prohibited�y <br /> �aw, xn��uding, bu� n�t lirnited to, liabilities �or nverdrafts relating t� any deposit account agreement <br /> �etween Trustar and Sene�ciary. <br /> D.All addi�ional sums advanced and ��genses incurred by Benef���.ary far i�nsurxng, preserving or <br /> vth�rw�s�protecting the Properry and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incurred by <br /> Benefici�ry under the term.s of thxs Securxty�nstrument. <br /> �n the event that Beneficiary fails ta pra�zde any required nntzce of the r�ght of rescission, Benefzcaary waives <br /> any subsequ�nt securi.ty interest in�he Trustar's prin�ipal dwell�ng that rs creat�d b�this S��urity Instrument. <br /> 5. DEED QF TRTJ�T��VEI�IANTrS. Trustor agrees that the co�enants in thx� sectxon are material obligatians <br /> under the Secured Deb� and this Securi.ry �nstrum�nt. If Trustor breaches any covenant in thzs sectzon, <br /> B�n�ficiary may refuse t�make additional extensions af credzt an.d reduce the credit l�t. By not �x�rcising <br /> ez�her renledy an Trust�r's brea�h, Beneficiary does no�wai►ve�ene�czary's right to�ater�nnsider the e�ent a <br /> breach if z�happens again. <br /> Paymen�s. Trustar agrees that aII payments under the Secured Debt�xr�X�be pazd vvhen due and in accordance <br /> with the t�rms of the Secured I]ebt and this 5ec�rzty Lnstrument. <br /> Frxor Security Interests. With regard to any o�her mortgage, deed of trust, secur�ty agreement or ather li�n <br /> �iocument that Created a prior s�curity interest or �ncumbranc� nn the Praperty, TruStor agrees to malce a1I <br /> payme�.ts when due and to perfar�rn or compiy wi�h a1� �ovenan�s. Trustar also agrees nat ta allow any <br /> modifzca��on�r extens�on of, nor to request any future advances undcr any note ar agreement secured by the <br /> lien document wzthout Bene�ciary's prior writ�en approval. <br /> ��aims Against Titl�. Trust�r wi.�l pay all taxes �in�I.uding any tax assess�d ta thzs I]eed of Tr�xst�, <br /> assessments, Iiens, �n�umbrances, lease payments, ground r�nts, utz�ities, and other charges relating to the <br /> Prflperty v�rhen due. Benefi�iary may r�quire Trustar to provide to B�nefzczary capies of a11 natices that such <br /> amounts are due and �e r�ceip�s evidencing Trustor's payment. Trustar w�11 defend tzt�� ta the Property <br /> agai.ns� any claims that would xmpaiir the �i�n of this Security Ln.strument. Trustor agre�s �o assign to <br /> B�nef�c�ary, as r�quested by Beneficxary, any rights, c�aim� or defenses Trustar may ha��agai.nst par�ies who <br /> supply Iabar or materials ta maintain ar xmprave the Property. <br /> Sect�rity Instrument-Open-Lnd-Consumer-NE OCP-RE�T-NE 7IZ1�Qi 1 <br /> VMPD Banksrs SystemsT� VMP-C465tNE} {1 1 Q7y.00 <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Financia!Services Q9 994,2�1 1 Page 2 af 6 <br />