<br /> of the Land and the Improvements �col�ectively, the "P�r�vna� Praperty"�, and th� right, title
<br /> and intere�t of Borrawer in and to an� of the Personal Property and al� other Propert�in which a
<br /> se�urity interest can be perfected under Art�cle 9 af the LTniform �ommercial Code (as defined
<br /> be�ow} which may be subj ect to any security interests, as deFxned in th� Unxforrn �ommercial
<br /> �ode, as ad�pted and enacted by the state �r states where an� of the Property is locate�l �the
<br /> "Uniform�ommercial Cade"�, and all proceeds and praducts of the abave;
<br /> (h� Leases and Rents. Al� leases, sub�eases, subsubleases, lettings, licenses,
<br /> concessions or other agreernents [vvhether wr�tten ar aral} pursuant ta �vhich any Pers�n i.s
<br /> granted a possessary ir�ter�st in, �r right t� use �r �c�upy all �r any p�rtion of the Land and the
<br /> Improvements, ar�d e�ery mo�ification, amendment ar ather agreement relating to such leases,
<br /> subleases, subsubl�ases, or ather agreements entered inta in cannection with such leases,
<br /> subleases, subsubleases, or other agreements and every guarantee af the performan�e and
<br /> �bser�rance of th� co�enants, conditions and agreements to be performed and observed by the
<br /> �th�r party thereto, heretofare ar hereafter entered into, whether befare or after the filing b� or
<br /> again�t Borrower of any petition for relief under any �reditars Rights Lavvs (co��ectzve�y, th�
<br /> "Leases"� and all r�ght, title and interest of Borro�er, its successors and ass�gns therein and
<br /> thereunder, includxng, vvithout �irnitati�r�, cash or securit�es depasxted thereund�r to secure the
<br /> perfarmance �a� the lessees af their obligations thereunder a.nd all rents, addit�onal rents, r�nt
<br /> equivalents, moneys payable as damages ar tn lieu of rent or rent equ�va�ents, royalties
<br /> �includin�, without limitation, a�� oil and gas or other mineral roya�ties and bonuses�, income,
<br /> receivables, receipts, revenues, deposits �includxng, �v�thaut lzmitati�n, security, utility and other
<br /> deposits}, ac�ounts, cash, issues, prafits, charges for ser�ices r�ndered, and other consideration
<br /> af v�rhatever form ar nature receiv�d by ar paid ta or far the account of ar ben�fit of Barrower or
<br /> its agents or emplaye�s from an� and all sources arising frorn �r attributable to the Pr�perty,
<br /> including, aIl r�ceivables, customer abl�gatio�s, �nstallment payment obligations and other
<br /> obligations na�v existing or hereafter arising ar created out af the sa�e, �ease, sublease, license,
<br /> concession or other grant of the right af �he use and occupancy af property or rendering of
<br /> serviccs by Borrower or Manager and proceeds, if any, fr�m business interruption or other loss
<br /> of inc�me insurance whether paid or accruing before�r after the �iling by vr against B�rrov�er�f
<br /> a.n� petxtian for relief under any �reditors Rights Lav�s �c�llectively, the "Rents"� and all
<br /> praceeds from the sale or other �.ispasition of the Leases and the right to r�cexve and ap�ly the
<br /> R�nts ta the paym�nt�f th�I3ebt;
<br /> �i� Insurance Praceeds. All insu�ance pro�eeds in respect af th� Property under any
<br /> insurance po��cxes cavering the Pr�perty, �ncluding, with�ut �imitation, the right to receive and
<br /> apply the proceeds �f any insurance,j udgments, ar settlements made in lieu thereof, for darnage
<br /> to the Praper�y�co�lectively,the "Insuran�e Pr�ceeds"};
<br /> �j� Condemnation Av�rards. A��. c�ndernnation avvards, including interest therean,
<br /> which may heretofore and hereafter be made�vith respect t�the Property by reas�n of ar�y ta�ing
<br /> �r candemnation, wheth�r from the e�ercise of the right of�minen� doma�n ��ncluding, bu� not
<br /> I�mited tQ, any transfer made in lieu of or in ant�cxpation of the e�ercise of the right}, or for a
<br /> chang� of grad�, ar for any ather xnj ury t� ar decrease in th� value af the Praperty (ca�lecti��ly,
<br /> the "Award�"};
<br /> 3
<br /> 79582.aU��66�MF' US 56287948v1
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