<br /> Arti�le 1 — Grants of Security
<br /> SeCtion 1.1. Pro�ertY Mart�ged. Borrov�rer d�es hereby irrev�ca�ly grant, bargain,
<br /> sell� a.551�I1s warrant, transfer, conve� to Trustee, in trust, �WITH A P�WER �F SALE and
<br /> p�edge, grant a security �nterest to Lender, its success�rs and as�zgns, for the benefrt af Lender
<br /> an.d its successors and assi�ns in and to the follo�vxng prope�t�, rights, interests and estates no�v
<br /> owned7 �r hereafter acauired by Borr�wer�collective�y,the "Property"}:
<br /> �a) Land. The r�al proper�y described in E�hibit � attached hereto and made a part
<br /> hereof(co�lectively,the "Land"};
<br /> �b� Additi�nal Land. A11 additional lands, estates and de�reloprnent rights hereaft�r
<br /> acquired by Bvrra�ver for use in car�nection vvi�:h i.h� Land and the develapment of the Land and
<br /> aIl addxtional lands and estates therein whi�h rnay, from time to time, b� supplemental rn�rtgage
<br /> ar otherwise�e e�pressly made subject to the lien af this Security Instrument;
<br /> (c� Intentionall� �mi.tted.
<br /> �d} Intentionally�mitted.
<br /> �e� Im�r�vements. The buildings, each port�an of the Praper�t� constxtut�ng a base or
<br /> foundation f�r mab�le home structures and any additi�nal partion �f the Prop�rty leased in
<br /> c�nnection therev�ith (each, a "Pad Site" and �ollectively, the "Pad Sites"� structures, fi�tures,
<br /> additi�ns, enlargements, extensians, mQdificatians, repairs, replacements and improvements nov�
<br /> or hereafter erected or Iacated an the Land�collectively,the"ImpravQments");
<br /> �f} Easem�nts. All easements, rights-af-way or use, rights, strips and gores of land,
<br /> streets, ways, alleys, passages, sewer rights, vr►�ater, water c�urses, Vvater rights and powers, air
<br /> rights and development rights, and a11 estates, rights, t�t�es, lrlt�Y'�StSa privileges, �I�7e�1�S,
<br /> servitude�, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances of any nature whatsoever, in an� way
<br /> nov�r or hereafter belanging, relating or perta�ning ta the Land and the Improvements�and the
<br /> reversions and remainders, and all. I.and lying in the bed of any street, road or avenue, apened ar
<br /> praposed, in front of�r adj�ining the Lan�, io i.he cent�r ��ne thereof and all th� estates, rights,
<br /> titles, interests, rights af dov�er, rights af curtesy, property, possessian, cla.�m and d�rnand
<br /> W�l�.tS��VeTy bath at�aw and �n equ.ity, af Borra�ver of, in and ta the Land and the Improvements�
<br /> and every part and parcel there�f,vvith the appurtenances thereto;
<br /> �g} Fi�tures and Persanal Prop��rt,y_. All machinery, ��uipment, rnobile home units �r
<br /> manufactured hous�ng 1�11t5 (each a "Mobile H�m�" and collectiv�ly, "Mabile H�mes"�,
<br /> fx�tures �including, but not limited to, a�l heating, air conditianing, plumbing, 1 i ght�r�g,
<br /> c�mrnunications and �1e�atar fi�tures�, furniture, softv�are used in or to o�erate any of the
<br /> foregaing and other praper�y of every l�ind and nature v�hats�ever �wn�d by Borr�wer, or in
<br /> which Borrower has or sha�� have an interest, now or hereaft�r located upon the Land and the
<br /> Impravements, or ap�urtenant thereto, and us�.ble in connection Vvith the present or future
<br /> �peration and �ccupancy of the Land and the Improvements and all building equipment,
<br /> materials and suppli�s af any nature �vhatsoev�r ovvned by Borr�wer, ar in which Barr�wer has
<br /> or shall have ar� interest, now ar hereafter �acated upan the Land and the Improvements, or
<br /> appurtenant thereto, ar usab�e in �onnectinn with the present or future aperati�n and oc�upancy
<br /> z
<br /> 79582.UOOfl66 EMF US 56287948v 1
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