<br /> an Event of I�efault, Lender shall have the right to �nstitute a proceeding or proceedir��s for the
<br /> total or partial foreclosure of this Security Instrument and any ar all af the other Security
<br /> Instruments whether by court acti�n, power of sale ar otherwise, under any applicabl�pravision
<br /> �f �aw, for aI� of the Debt �r the portion of the I]ebt al�ocated t� the Prapertiy i n the Loan
<br /> Agreement, and the Ii�n and the security interest created by the other Secur�ty Instruments shall
<br /> continue in full force and effect vv�thout lass �f pri�rity as a lien and securit� interest securing
<br /> th� payment of that portian of the Debt then due and payab�e but still outstanding. Borrower
<br /> acknov�ledges and agrees that th�Property and the other Individual Properti�s are �ocated in one
<br /> �r more States and counties, and theref�re Lender shall be permitted to enforce payment of the
<br /> Debt and the perfarman�e of any term, cavenant �r condztion of the l�ote, this Security
<br /> Instrument,the Loan I]acurnents or the ather Securrty Instruments and exer�ise any and a�.l rights
<br /> and remedies under the l�Tote, this Security Instr�men�, the other Loan Documents ar the �ther
<br /> S ecurity Instrurnents, or as provided by �aw ar at equity, by ane ar more pro�eedings, whether
<br /> contemporane�us, consecut�ve or bath, ta be determined by Lender, in its sole discretian, in an�
<br /> �n� or more of the States ar counties in which the Praperty or any �ther Indi�idual Propert� is
<br /> �ocated. Neither the acceptance af th2s Security Instrument, the other Loan I3ocuments or the
<br /> �ther Security Instruments nor the enfarc�ment thereof in any ane State or county, whether by
<br /> �ourt a�tion, fareclosure, paWer of sale or �ther�vise, sha11 prejudice or in any way Iimit ar
<br /> pr�clude enfor�ement by court actiany f�recl.osure, pov�rer of sale ❑r otherwise, af the Not�, this
<br /> Security Instrument, the ather Loan Documents, or any other Security Instruments 1:.hrough one
<br /> or mare adclitional proceedings in that State or c�unty ar in any other State or caunty. Any and
<br /> a11 sums received by Lender under the Not�, this Secur�ty Instrument, and the other Loan
<br /> Docum�nts shal� be applied to the I]ebt in such order and pri�rity as Lender shal� deterrnine, in
<br /> its so�e discretion, withaut regard to the Allocated Loaxl Amount far the Pr�perty or any other
<br /> Individual Pr�perty or the apprazsed value�f the Property or any Indiv�dual Praper�y.
<br /> Artic�e 1$ �- STATE-SPE�IFIC PRUVISIUNS
<br /> Se�tion 15.1. PRII��IFLES �F ��NSTRUCT��I�. In the even�. af any incons�stencie�
<br /> betwe�n the terms and conditians of this Article 18 and the other terms and condi�ian� of this
<br /> Security Instrument,the terrns and conditions�f this A.rtic�e 18 shall contro�and be binding.
<br /> Sectian 18.2, Th� words "Borrower herel�� absolutely and unconditionally assi�ns to
<br /> Lender and Trustee" ar� hereby del�t�d frorn Section 1.� �f this Se�urity Instrument �ntit�ed
<br /> "Assignrn�nt of Leases and Rents" and the v�ords "Borrov�er hereb� a�solutely and
<br /> uncondxtianal�y assigns to Lender and Trustee, and grants ta Lender and Trustee a security
<br /> rnterest �pursuant to Secti�n 52-17a1 et. seq. �f the R�v�sed Statutes �f the State of l�ebrasl�a�
<br /> in," are hereby su�stituted therefar.
<br /> Section 15.3. P�VVER �F SALE�R FaRECL05URE. At any time f��Iowing the occurrence
<br /> and during the continuance of any Event af Defau�t, Trustee may, and upan written request of
<br /> Lender sha�l, by such agents as it may appaint, vvith ar without entry, sell a�l the Proper�y as an
<br /> entirety nr in parcels as Lender sha�l request in writing, or, in the absence of such request, as
<br /> Truste� rnay deterrnine, at public auction at the Prnperty ar at the �aurthause in the �ounty in
<br /> which the Proper��is lacated, at such time, in such mann�r and upon such terms as Trustee may
<br /> fi� and�riefly spec�fied in the n�ti ce �f sale and as may be required by la�v, which notice of sale
<br /> sha11 state the time when, and th�place where,the sa1� �s ta be h�ld, shal�contain a br�ef general
<br /> rg
<br /> 79582.Q��U6�EMF U5 56287948v1
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