<br /> e�ther d�rectZy or through hislher agents or attarneys, �iii� i� se�ect and emp��y, in and abaut the
<br /> executian of hislher duties hereunder, suitable aceountants, engi neers and �ther e�per�s, agents
<br /> and attorneys-in-fa�t, either carp�rate or indi�iduai, n�t regu�arly in the employ �f Trustee, and
<br /> Trustee shall nat be answerable for a.ny act, default, negligence, �r misconduct of any such
<br /> accauntant, engineer or a�her exper�, agent or attorney-in-fact, �f selected �ith reasonable care,
<br /> �r for any error af judgment or a�t done by Trustee in good faith, ar be othervvise responsib�e or
<br /> acc�untable under any circumstances �vvhatsoever, except for Trustee's grass neg��genc� or bad
<br /> faith, and �iv) any and all �ther lawfu� action as Lender may instruct Trustee t� tal�e t�pr�tect or
<br /> enforc� Lender's rights hereunder. Trustee sha11 not be persanally liab�e in case of entr� by
<br /> Trustee, or anyone enter�ng by virtue �f the powers herein granted to Trustee, upon the Property
<br /> for debts contract�d f�r or liabilit� ar �amages incurred in the management ar op�rati�n �f the
<br /> Property. Trustee sha�l have the r�ght tfl r�ly on any instrument, d�cument, �r szgnature
<br /> authari2ing or supparting an a�tion taken ar proposed t�be taken b�Trustee hereunder, believed
<br /> by Trustee in good faith ta be genu�n�. Trustee shall be entitled to reirnbursement for actua�
<br /> e�penses xn�urred by Trustee �n the performance �f Trustee's dut�es h�reunder and to reasanab�e
<br /> c�mpensation for su�h of Trustee's ser�ices her�under as shall be rendered.
<br /> Section 1�.4. RETENTIQN aF M�NEY. A�1 mone�s recerved by Trustee sha�l, unt�l used
<br /> or app�ied as herein pra�ided, be he�d in trust for the puxpos�s for which the��ver� received, but
<br /> need r�ot be se�regated in any manner f`rom any other maneys �except ta the extent required by
<br /> ap�Iicabl� lavv) and Trustee shall be under no liabilit� far interest on any moneys received l�y
<br /> Trustee hereunder.
<br /> Section 1�.5. PERFECTIaN oF APPOINT�v�.E1�T. Should any de�d, conve�ance, or
<br /> instrumen�: of any nature be requ�red from Borrawer by any Trustee or �ubstitute trustee ta more
<br /> fully asld certainZy vest in and canfirm t� Trustee or substitute trustee such estates rights, po�vers,
<br /> and duties, then, upon request by Trustee ar Sl��J5tltLlt� trustee, any and al� such d�eds,
<br /> conveyances and instruments shall be made, executed, a�know��d�ed, and delivered and sha11 be
<br /> caused to b�recarded andlor f�led by Borrawer.
<br /> Sectian 16.�. SUCCESSIDN INSTRUMENTS. Any substitute trustee appointed pursuant to
<br /> any of the pra�isions hereaf sha11, without any further act, deed, �r conveyance, become vested
<br /> with al�the estates,praperties,r�ghts,pow�rs, and trusts�f it� ar hislher prede�essor in the rights
<br /> hereunder vvith like effect as if origina�ly nam�d as T`ruste� herein; but ne�ertheless, upan the
<br /> written request of Lender or �f the subst�tute trustee, Trustee ceasing to act shall ex�cut� and
<br /> de�iver any instrurnent transferr�ng to such substitute trustee,upon the trusts herein e�pressed, all
<br /> the estates, proper�ies, rights, pa�vers, and trusts of Trustee so ceasing t� act, and sha1� duly
<br /> assign, transfer and deliver any af the�roperty and moneys held by such Trustee to the substitute
<br /> trustee so appainted in Trustee's place.
<br /> Arti�le 17-CR�SS-��LLATERAL�,�AT��N
<br /> Secti�on 17.1. CRo�s-��LLATERALI�ATi�N. Borra�ver acknow�edges that the Debt is
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument tagether with those additi�nal Securit� Instrum�nts given b�
<br /> Barrower a.r�dlar cer�a�n Affiliates of Borrawer to Lender, tagether with ather Laan I]acuments
<br /> securing or e�idencing the Debt, and encumbering the other Individual Praperties, all as more
<br /> spec�f cally set forth�n th�Laan Agreement. U�an the occurrence and durxng the contznuance of
<br /> ��
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